Schedule 7
(Section 340(2))
The constitution of every trade union and employers' organization shall include the following information—
(a) the name of the trade union or employers' organization;
(b) the objects of the trade union or employers' organization;
(c) the qualifications for membership;
(d) provision for the office-bearers in the trade union or employers' organization among whom shall be the president or chairperson, a secretary or general secretary and treasurer;
(e) provision for periodic elections to all offices and for the appointment of a temporary replacement if an office-holder becomes disqualified or incapacitated from holding office;
(f) provision for a general meeting open to all members, at least once every 2 years;
(g) a provision that any member or delegate may propose a resolution at a general meeting;
(h) the fees and other subscriptions payable, and the maximum period of arrears permitted before a member loses his or her good standing;
(i) the grounds on which an officer or member may be disciplined, fined, suspended or expelled from office or from membership, each ground being specified;
(j) the procedure for suspension or expulsion from office or from membership, including a provision that the affected officer or member be fully informed in writing of the allegations against him or her, that he or she shall have a reasonable opportunity challenge the allegations and shall have the right of appeal;
(k) provision for the keeping of full and accurate records by the treasurer or other appropriate officer, for the annual audit of those accounts by an auditor appointed by the trade union or employers' organization who shall not be a member of that trade union or organization, and for the availability to all members on request of full, audited annual statements of account;
(l) provision for the banking and investment of the trade unions or employers' organizations funds;
(m) provision for the paying out of the trade unions or employers' organizations funds, including the authority to sign cheques;
(n) the conditions under which a member may become entitled to any financial benefit provided by the trade union or employers' organization;
(o) provision for amendment of the constitution;
(p) the duration of its financial year;
(q) the inspection of the register of members and other books of the trade union or employers' organization by its members;
(r) the manner of amalgamating with other trade unions or employers' organizations;
(s) the manner of dissolving the trade union or employers' organization.