(1) When any issue is to be tried by a jury, the Registrar shall, in open Court, draw out of the box provided for that purpose, cards with the names of the jurors one by one to the number required to constitute a jury, with each name corresponding to the number on the list of the panel.
(2) If any of the persons whose names are so drawn do not appear or are challenged and set aside, then such further number as may be required shall be drawn, until the required number of persons are drawn who appear, and, after all just causes of challenge allowed, remain as fair and neutral.
(3) The names of the requisite number of persons drawn under subsection (2) and approved as fair and neutral shall be marked in the panel and, on being sworn, they shall constitute the jury to try the issue.
(4) The cards corresponding with the numbers of the persons so drawn and sworn, shall be kept apart by themselves until the jury have delivered their verdict and their verdict has been recorded, or until the jury have otherwise been discharged, and the cards shall then be returned to the box and mixed with the other numbers then remaining undrawn, and shall be redrawn as often as and as long as any issue remains to be tried.
(5) If any issue is brought up to be tried before the jury in any other issue on which the jury have brought in their verdict or have been discharged, the Registrar shall draw the requisite number of the jury from the remainder of the cards in the manner prescribed in this section for the trial of the issue which is brought to be tried.