402. Harbouring or aiding criminal
A person who knowing or having reason to believe that another person has committed or has been convicted of any crime, aids, conceals, or harbours that person, with the intention of enabling him or her to avoid lawful arrest or the execution of his or her sentence, or to escape punishment, is liable—
(a) if the crime is punishable with death or with imprisonment for 14 years or more, to imprisonment for 7 years, on conviction on indictment;
(b) if the crime is an indictable offence other than that referred to in paragraph (a), to imprisonment for 5 years, on conviction on indictment;
(c) if the crime is a summary offence, to a fine of $1,000 on summary conviction unless the Court is of opinion that in the circumstances there should be no conviction or punishment owing to the trivial nature of the offence or other sufficient reason.
Bribing Public Officials