729. Particulars of grounds of appeal
The appellant shall set forth, in the notice of the grounds for appeal, the particular matter on which he or she relies, or of which he or she complains, in such manner as to inform the other party and the Court of such matter, if for example—
(a) he or she relies on the ground that the case has already been heard or tried and decided by a competent tribunal, or is the subject of a hearing or trial pending before, any competent tribunal, the name of the tribunal shall be stated, and if a decision is alleged, the approximate date of such decision shall be stated;
(b) he or she relies on the ground that the decision is erroneous on a point of law, the nature of the error shall be stated;
(c) he or she relies on the ground that some other specific illegality, not mentioned in this section, and which substantially affects the merits of the case, has been committed in the course of the proceedings in the case, such illegality shall be clearly specified.