Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

943.   Order to summon tales on exhaustion of panel


    (1)   When from any cause the panel has been exhausted, and a complete jury cannot be constituted, the Court may order, either verbally or in writing, the sheriff or his or her officer forthwith, to summon such number of persons, whether qualified jurors or not, as the Court deems necessary in order to make a full jury.


    (2)   Such persons may be summoned by word of mouth, and shall serve under the same penalty and receive the same fees as if they were duly qualified and regularly summoned to serve as jurors.


    (3)   The names of the persons so summoned shall be added to the general panel for the purposes of the trial, and the same proceedings shall be taken as to calling and challenging the persons as are provided for in this Sub-Part with respect to the persons named in the original panel, except that persons summoned under this section shall not be challenged merely on the ground that they are not qualified jurors.