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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
348. Taking part in riot
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
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348. Taking part in riot
A person who takes part in a riot is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 5 years.
348. Taking part in riot
1. Short title
3. Application of Code
4. General construction of Code
5. Common law procedure to apply where necessary
7. Claim of right
8. Consent by deceit or duress void
9. Consent void by incapacity
10. Consent by mistake of fact
11. Consent by exercise of undue authority
12. Consent by person in authority not given in good faith
13. Exercise of authority
14. Explanation of authority
15. Invalid consent not prejudicial
16. Extent of justification
17. Consent to fight cannot justify harm
18. Consent to killing unjustifiable
19. Consent to harm or wound
20. Medical or surgical treatment must be proper
21. Medical or surgical or other force to minors or others in custody
22. Use of force, where person unable to consent
23. Revocation annuls consent
24. Ignorance or mistake of fact
25. Ignorance of law no excuse
26. Age of criminal responsibility
27. Presumption of mental disorder
28. Intoxication, when an excuse
29. Aider may justify same force as person aided
30. Arrest with or without process for crime
31. Arrest, etc., other than for indictable offence
32. Bona fide assistant and correctional officer
33. Bona fide execution of defective warrant or process
34. Reasonable use of force in self-defence
35. Defence of property, possession of right
36. Force to repel trespasser
37. Force to remove trespasser
38. Force for recovery of possession of goods
39. Defence of right
40. Unlawful fight not justifiable
41. Force against interferer
42. Force in execution of a sentence
43. Force to preserve order
44. Preservation of order on vessel
45. Force within statutory authority justifiable
46. Force against riotous or unlawful assembly
47. Automatism
48. Duress of circumstance
49. Duress by threat
50. Necessity
51. Proof of defence of automatism, duress or necessity
52. Causing event by involuntary agent
53. Several persons causing event
54. Event caused by intervening circumstances
55. Liability for attempts and negligence or recklessness
56. Intent
57. Transferred Intention
58. Definition of negligence
59. Negligence where act likely to cause unjustifiable event
60. Recklessness
61. Definition of threat
62. Aiding and abetting a crime
63. Aiding and abetting crime within, from outside jurisdiction
64. Aiding and abetting crime committed
65. Punishment where crime aided and abetted is not committed
66. Punishment where different crime is committed
67. Aiding and abetting riot, etc.
68. Trial of accomplices
69. Trial of more than one accomplice
70. Exemption, etc. available for any accomplice irrespective of others
71. Punishment for aiding and abetting
72. Punishment for non-prevention of crime
73. Conspiracy to commit crime
74. Conspiracy to aid and abet a crime
75. Person within jurisdiction agreeing with person outside jurisdiction to commit or abet crime
76. Punishment of conspiracy
77. Attempt to commit crime
78. Punishment for attempt to commit crime
79. Application of exemption, justification etc., provisions to attempt
80. Preparation for commission of crime
80A. Participation in an organized criminal group
81. Part 3 of Chapter 1 to apply to causing death
82. Causing death of a child
83. Unlawful command to kill. Special provision as to aiding and abetting
84. Death outside from harm within jurisdiction of Courts
85. Murder
86. Capital murder
87. Non-capital murder
88. Attempt to murder
89. Attempted murder by inmate
90. Diminished responsibility
91. Provocation
92. Death caused by gross negligence or recklessness
93. Penalty for manslaughter
94. Aiding and abetting of suicide, attempt to commit suicide
95. Suicide pact
96. Administering noxious substance
97. Reckless harm
98. Grievous harm
99. Maim or dangerous harm
100. Wounding
101. Using corrosives, explosives, weapons, or dangerous means
102. Harm with aggravation
103. Harm with violence
104. Hindering escape from wreck, or protection from harm
105. Harm by omission explained
106. Duty to prevent harm
107. Duty to supply necessaries of health and life
109. Provisions as to causing event to apply
110. Punishment of careless surgical or medical treatment
111. Negligent harm
112. Negligent grievous harm
113. Negligent harm or negligence endangering life
114. Threat of death
115. Offence of assault
115B. Migrant Smuggling
116. Aggravated assault on male under 12 years or female
117. Acts not constituting assaults
118. Stalking
119. Report of suspected cases of abuse
120. Kidnapping
121. False imprisonment
122. Interpretation
123. Rape
124. Unlawful sexual connection
125. Inducing sexual intercourse or sexual connection by force, duress, etc.
126. Sexual intercourse with a person under 12 years
127. Sexual intercourse with a person between 12 years and 16 years
128. Sexual intercourse with an adopted minor, etc.
129. Sexual intercourse with a minor employee
130. Indecent assault
131. Indecent act
132. Gross Indecency
133. Buggery
135. Unlawful detention of a person with intent to have sexual intercourse
136. Hearings in camera
137. Court may forbid publication of report
138. Anonymity of complainant and accused
139. Soliciting sexual favours in the workplace
140. Transmission of HIV
141. Procuring or aiding and abetting
142. Procuring defilement or abetment of defilement by guardian or parent
143. Keeping brothel
147. Trading in prostitution
148. Spouse competent witness
149. Trading in prostitution by female
150. Soliciting prostitution
151. Living on earnings of prostitution
152. Preventing or delaying police entry into suspected brothel, or gaming-house
153. Conspiracy to defile by false pretence or means
154. Defilement of male or female suffering from mental disorder
155. Defilement of inmate of asylum
156. Permitting or aiding and abetting defilement of male or female
157. Incest
158. Attempt to commit incest
159. Divesting guardian of authority over minor
160. Abduction
161. Special provisions
162. Abduction of unmarried male or female under 16 years
163. Abduction of male or female of any age with intent to marry or defile
164. Medical or surgical treatment
165. Explanation as to termination of pregnancy
166. Termination of pregnancy in certain cases
167. Explanation as to causing harm to child at birth
168. Penalty for causing harm to child at birth
169. Abandoning child under 5 years at hospital, etc.
170. Exposing child under 7 years to grievous harm
172. Stealing child under 12 years
173. Pretending, child legitimate, or substituting one child for another
174. Concealment of body of child
175. Concealment of birth, existence, or death of child
176. Compulsory marriage of person
177. Proof of former marriage
178. Definition of bigamy
179. Plea of divorce
180. Penalty for bigamy
181. Causing marriage by force or duress
182. False declarations or statements for purposes of marriage
183. False impediment to marriage
184. False solemnization of marriage
185. Feigned marriage
186. Marriage by unmarried person with other person known to be married
187. Personating or marrying under false name or description
188. Basic definition of theft
189. Dishonest appropriation
190. Meaning of appropriation
191. Property capable of being stolen
192. Belonging to another
193. With the intention of permanently depriving the other of it
194. Penalty for theft
195. Common stealing
196. Stealing from dwelling, place of business or worship
197. Stealing by employee
198. Stealing from person
199. Stealing telegraph or telephone parts
200. Stealing from vessels
201. Liability of part owner for breach of trust or stealing
202. Proof to rebut proof of lawful appropriation
203. “Fraudulent breach of trust” defined
204. Person undertaking to hold his or her own property as trustee
205. Fraudulent breach of trust
206. Robbery
207. Burglary
208. Aggravated burglary
209. Removal of articles from places open to the public
210. Abstracting of electricity
211. Obtaining property by deception
212. Obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception
213. Obtaining services by deception
214. Evasion of liability by deception
215. Making off without payment
216. Issuing cheque or negotiable instrument with intent to defraud
217. Fraud by pawner of property
218. Fraud by person evading intended execution against his or her property
219. False accounting
220. Liability of company officers for certain offences by company
221. False statements by company directors, etc.
222. Suppression, etc., of documents
223. Blackmail
224. Handling stolen goods
225. Advertising rewards for return of goods stolen or lost
226. Scope of offences relating to stolen goods
227. Going equipped for stealing, etc.
228. Search for stolen goods
229. Orders for restitution
230. Husband and wife
231. Interpretation
232. Definition
233. Counterfeiting of stamp, note, etc. defined
234. Falsification of note, noteage, etc.. defined
235. Forgery of documents defined
236. Possessing or doing act as to note or stamp not genuine defined
237. Possessing or doing act as to document not genuine defined
2. Commencement
238. Completeness of imitation unnecessary
239. Falsification effected within or beyond jurisdiction immaterial
240. Testing suspected tendered note
241. False claims generally
6. Interpretation
242. Common noteing
243. Falsifying note
244. Damaging or destroying note
245. Possessing false note
246. Purchasing or possessing forged bank note
247. Imitation of currency notes
248. Uttering or using false note
249. Forgery of hall-mark or the like
250. Common forgery
251. Forgery, concealment, etc., of accounts
252. Concealing or falsifying affairs of company or trust
253. Concealing, falsifying, etc. certain documents
254. Concealing title on mortgage or sale of land
255. Punishment for forgery by claiming on forged document
256. Punishment for forgery of document by coercion
257. Forgery of document
258. Punishment for forgery of document made or used in name of or for another without authority
259. Forgery of certain documents
260. Forgery of official or judicial document
261. Forgery of stamp
262. Forgery of other documents
27. (Repealed by Act 9 of 2018)
263. Uttering or using false document
264. Possessing false document
265. Fraud as to boundary mark
266. Fraud as to insurance
267. Computer fraud
268. Definition
269. Non-disclosure of property
270. Concealment of property
271. Concealment of books and papers; falsification
272. False statements
273. Fraudulent disposal of property
274. Absconding
275. Fraudulent dealing with property obtained on credit
276. Obtaining credit falsely
277. False claims or proofs in bankruptcy
278. Obtaining credit; engaging in business
279. Failure to keep proper accounts of business
280. Gambling
281. Defence of innocent intention
282. Penalty
283. Criminal liability of debtor despite composition or discharge
284. Extortion by accusation of infamous offence
286. Definitions
287. Arson by fire of building, mine or adjacent thing or of thing near a vessel
288. Arson by fire of dwelling or vessel
289. Arson by fire of crop, forest or plantation
290. Arson by explosion to building, machine, road or other property; and possession of explosives
291. Arson by fire not otherwise expressly provided for
292. Explanation of unlawful damage and amount of damage
293. Destroying bankers' books
294. Damage to building, bridge, mine, vessel or other work on land, in water or machinery or tools
295. Damage to document
296. Damage to lighthouse or other safety signal
297. Damage to thing manufactured
298. Compensation for damage to property
299. Abetting assault on superior officer, or desertion, by soldier or sailor
300. Abetting insubordination by soldier or sailor
301. Abetting mutiny by soldier or sailor
302. Intentionally aiding escape of inmate of war
303. Evading military or naval service
304. Definitions
305. Seditious libel or party to seditious assembly
306. Penalty for piracy
307. Treason
308. Concealment of treason
309. Prosecution for treason
310. Definition of overt act
311. Causing disaffection in Police Force
312. Unauthorised use of police uniforms
313. Libel
314. Defamatory matter defined
315. Publication of defamatory matter
316. Defamatory publication unlawful unless privileged
317. Absolute privilege good defence
318. Conditional privilege on publication in good faith
319. Absence of good faith
320. Circumstances showing good faith
321 Newspaper proprietor presumed responsible
322. Newspaper proprietor's general authority to manage, when negligence
323. Protection of innocent seller of newspaper
324. Protection of the innocent seller of book or periodical
325. Sale by employee
326. Plea of justification of libel
327. Penalty for intentional libel
328. Penalty for negligent libel
329. Defaming or insulting the Crown
330. Sale of pornographic material
331. Public benefit good defence
332. Public election
333. Intimidation
334. Irregularity no defence
335. Corruption, intimidation, personation as to election
336. False declaration or the like for voting at election
337. Falsifying, damaging or destroying voting paper or thing used at election
338. False count or return of votes as to election
339. Preventing or disturbing election by force, threats, crime
340. Voting or offering to vote unlawfully
341. Definition of rioting
342. Order for rioters to disperse
343. Dispersing rioters after order made
344. Assaulting person suppressing or dispersing riot
345. Assembling to commit riot
346. Preventing making of order
347. Provoking riot
349. Commission of other offence in course of rioting
350. Rioting after order
351. Rioting with weapons
352. Carrying arms unlawfully to cause terror
353. Affray
354. Violent disorder
355. Fear of provocation of violence
356. Harassment, alarm or distress
357. Definitions
358. Advocating genocide
359. Public incitement of hatred
360. Warrant of seizure
361. Forfeiture and surrender
363. Obstructing, etc, lawful assembly with violence
364. Forcible occupation or possession of building or land
365. Forcible entry into building or land
366. Correctional officer torturing etc. inmate
367. Introducing prohibited thing into correctional facility
368. Disturbing market or exchange by publication of false news or telegrams
369. Unlawful oath
370. Definition of compounding crime
371. Compounding crime
372. Compounding indictable offence on summary offence
373. Compounding any offence involving child
374. Causing person to refrain from giving evidence at criminal trial
375. Causing witness to disobey summons or not to produce evidence
376. Perverting the course of justice
377. Violence to intimidate judicial officers, etc.
378. Delaying or preventing inquest by burial, or other disposal of body
379. Failure by coroner or others liable, to take steps to hold inquest
380. Contempt of Court
381. Falsifying, destroying, etc. register of record
382. Destroying, damaging, etc. will or land title
383. Removing, damaging, etc. document
384. Fabricating false evidence
385. Fabricating false evidence punishable like perjury
386. Bringing fictitious action
387. Acknowledging or consenting to judgment, deed or recognizance on another's name without consent
388. Deceiving Court or judicial officer by impersonation, false document, seal or signature
389. False interpretation
390. Interpreter liable for perjury
391. Making false sentence under oath
392. Aiding and abetting perjury
393. Perjury on capital crime
394. Perjury on trial for crime not capital
395. Perjury to defraud by personation
396. Escaping, or permitting rescue or rescuing
397. Rescue for cause not crime. rescuing thing in legal custody
398. Preventing execution of death sentence
399. Refusing or neglecting to aid in arrest or to prevent crime rescue or escape
400. Resisting lawful arrest for crime
401. Resisting or preventing arrest for cause not crime
402. Harbouring or aiding criminal
403. Definitions and special provisions
404. Breach of trust by public officer
405. Failure or refusal to deliver money or other property
406. Failure by public officer to pay or account for or produce money or property
407. False attestation or certificate by public officer
408. Falsifying, etc., document by public officer
409. Furnishing false statement or return of money or property
410. Corruption of or by voter, or juror
411. Presumption of corruption of or by juror or voter
412. Accepting agreement or offering to accept bribe as to juror or voter
413. Corrupting or attempt to corrupt juror or voter
414. Corrupt agreement or offer by judicial officer or juror
415. Corrupt selecting of juror
416. Corruption by juror or voter
417. Extortion by public officials or jurors
418. Penalty for extortion by public officer or juror
419. Violence to deter official or for recourse to public officer
420. Violence or deceit to hinder or obstruct public officer
421. Oppression by public officer or juror
422. Pretending to be public officer or juror
423. Refusal to serve in public office, if no punishment otherwise
424. Selling or trafficking in offices
425. False statements or oaths for obtaining or acting in office
426. Assault on summary convictions
427. Assault by disguised person
428. Carrying cutlass, sword or machete otherwise than in a sheath
429. False claims generally
430. Punishment for false claims
431. Other false claims
432. Mutilating currency note
433. Possession of 5 or more false foreign notes
434. Unlawful possession of cattle or part thereof
435. Unlawful possession of fence, etc.
436. Unlawful possession of plant or plant product
438. Unlawful possession of property of persons in vessels in distress or wrecked
439. Offering or exposing for sale property from vessels wrecked or in distress
440. Unlawful possession of property stolen elsewhere
441. Unlawful possession of property suspected to have been stolen
442. Stealing animal not cattle
443. Stealing cattle or part thereof
444. Meaning of threat
445. Demand with threats intending to steal
446. Demand with threat of making complaint for summary offence
447. Stealing thing not exceeding $500 in value
448. Bonfire or fireworks in public place
449. Burning land
450. Burning land within 2 miles of town or settlement without notice or permission
451. Entering plantation with light, without consent, to hunt or for other purposes
452. Fires in city, town or vicinity
453. Interfering with public lamp
454. Giving, selling, or offering for sale poisonous grain or seed except for agriculture
455. Detention of animal or vehicle. Veterinary treatment
108. Duty constituted by office, undertaking or conduct
456. Damage to fence, post, rail, wire, gate or the like
457. Damage to cultivated plant in garden, building or elsewhere
458. Damage to tree in park, garden or elsewhere
459. Damage to plant product
460. Damage to public way, water or work
461. Damage to statue, monument or work of art
462. Damage to telecommunication
463. Damage to toll-bar
464. Damage of no pecuniary value
465. Damage to land, animal or thing, not specially provided for
466. Conviction for trespass on charge of stealing or other dishonest appropriation
467. Detention of goods or documents to property not over $500 value
468. Detention or disposal of goods by employees
469. Taking or attempting to take cattle to ride, drive or otherwise use without consent
470. Taking on person or load by driver or conductor of vehicle without consent
471. Using or interfering with animal, boat, vehicle, etc. without authority
472. Posting bills, defacing buildings without consent, etc,
473. Soliciting alms in premises
474. Throwing things from premises into other premises
475. Trespassing and squatting
476. Annoying insulting or threatening entry
477. Summons to squatter
478. Trespassing on plantation
479. Right of way along customary path to village or settlement unaffected
480. Notice to abate nuisance due to animal, plant or thing
481. Proceedings and order and penalty
482. Nuisance from noxious or offensive business or matter
134. Bestiality
483. Throwing stone or other missile
484. Fouling public water
485. Non-construction, maintenance or obstruction, of public way
486. Animal treating, cleaning, feeding, etc., car washing and repairing in public places
487. Prohibition of articles and advertisements on and defacement of certain structures, etc.
488. Materials, not enclosed building materials or rubbish, in public place
489. Offensive, annoying or injurious deposit in town
490. Offensive matter running into street or public place
491. Rubbish or other offensive matter put in public place
492. Shade or other projection on footway
144. Power of lessor to require assignment of lease on conviction of lessee or occupier
493. Things for sale projecting into or over footway in city or town
145. Liability of landlord on failure to determine lease after notice
494. Occupier to clean footway and watercourse adjoining his or her premises in city or town or vicinity
495. Nuisance to public work
146. Liability of landlord leasing again to same person after determination of former lease
496. Selling, preparing or offering for sale unwholesome food or drink
497. Burial liability. Failure to bury corpse
498. Hindering burial of corpse
499. Mock burial
500. Disinterring, dissecting or tampering with corpse
501. Indecent gesture, act or nuisance
502. Naked or indecently clothed in public
503. Indecent exposure in public
504. Indecent books, pictures, shows, etc., in public
505. Obscene or profane writing on walls or the like open to public view
506. Sending or delivering obscene writing or print
507. Singing obscenely or profanely in public place
508. Swearing or using abusive or indecent language in public place
509. Molesting magistrate or justice or person employed by such
510. Complainant compounding, delaying or withdrawing summary charge without leave
511. Wasting of Police time
512. Accosting or following persons
513. Arrest of mentally disturbed persons
514. Following etc., vehicle without due consent
515. False advertisement of birth, marriage, divorce or death
516. False signature to petition, prospectus, testimonial
517. Disturbing peace by fighting
518. Fighting in public place
519. Loitering or the like in or about shop and not leaving quietly on request
520. Habitual loiterer
171. “Child stealing” defined and explained
521. Mask wearing in public
522. Drunk and disorderly in public
285. Extortion or attempted extortion by threats
523. Arrest of drunken person in public place, etc.
524. Habitual drunkenness
525. Permitting drunkenness, etc., or bad characters in place of public resort
526. Drunk or disorderly in liquor shop or place of public resort and not leaving on request
527. Definition of “drunk”
528. Disorder or causing obstruction or annoyance in public place
529. Disorder in public view or hearing
530. Door knocking, bell pulling, or the like
531. Unseemly noise in public
532. Insult in public likely to provoke assault
533. Insulting gesture
534. Insulting, abusive, or profane language
535. Loud annoying language in public
536. Personalities, jeering, mocking
537. Calling a person names
538. Interference with assembly
539. Unlawful entry into a band
540. Offences relating to designated sporting events
541. Carrying arms unlawfully to cause terror
542. Intent to cause terror whereby harm or likelihood thereof caused
543. Threatening words or gestures
544. Threat of death by writing
545. Threat of harm with intent to put in fear
546. Interference with tools, etc., to coerce
547. Assembling in public place for unlawful purpose and not dispersing on request
548. Disturbance at habitual meeting place
549. Sounding or playing instrument near house after request to stop, or leave
550. Loudspeakers, etc. musical instruments
551. Restriction of operation of loudspeakers
552. Notice to be given
553. Commissioner of Police to issue permit
554. Hours of holding public and political meetings
555. Modulation of loudspeakers
556. Regulations
557. Exemption
558. Proceedings for an offence
559. Definitions
560. Vagrant or idle or disorderly person
562. Not maintaining relative in want
563. Rogue and vagabond
564. Incorrigible rogue
565. Warrant for arrest of vagrant, rogue and vagabond or incorrigible rogue
566. Irreverence near place of worship during service, or cemetery during burial
567. Disturbing person in place of worship
568. Disturbing minister, etc, at celebration in public
569. Annoyance not defined
570A. Rules by Chief Justice
570. Arrest without warrant
571. Use of force in making arrest, etc.
572. Arrest without warrant by any person
573. Person committing indictable offence
574. Person found committing offence against property
575. Person found in possession of property
576. Person offering property for sale, etc.
577. Warrant to arrest
578. Form and requisites of warrant
579. Copy to be kept by issuer
580. Issue and execution on Sunday and public holiday
581. Power to break and enter in execution of warrant
582. Possession of warrant by police officer
583. When justice of the peace may issue warrant
585. Proceedings when person arresting not police officer
586. Persons arrested without warrant to be taken to police station
587. Physical restraints
588. Searching person arrested
589. Intimation to and interview with legal practitioner
590. Savings as to arrest or detention under other laws
591. Definitions
592. Right to bail
593. Circumstances in which bail may be denied
594. Police bail
595. Detention of suspects during police investigations
596. Record of decision as to bail
597. Reasons for denying or refusing bail
598. Right to apply to the High Court for bail
599. Subsequent hearings for bail
600. Powers of the High Court in relation to bail
601. General provisions relating to bail
602. Restrictions on conditions of bail
603. Bail with sureties
604. Forfeiture of security
605. Indemnifying or agreeing to indemnify sureties
606. Absconding
607. Arrest for absconding etc.
608. Prosecution right of appeal
609. Bail after committal for trial
610. Bail during remand
611. Custody during remand
612. Correctional officer to produce accused during remand period
613. Adjournment before plea
614. Remand in absence of accused unable to appear
615. Remand by proper officer when Court unable to sit
616. Execution of warrant of commitment
617. Justice of the peace to issue search warrant
618. Search by direction and in presence of a magistrate
619. Duty to allow search
620. Search for and removal of persons wrongfully confined
621. Search for male or female suspected to be detained for immoral purposes
622. Issue of warrant to search for and seize and remove property
623. Seizure of things not specified
624. Information for search warrant
625. Time for execution of search warrant
626. Detention and disposal of property seized under search warrant
627. Disposal in case of counterfeit note or other thing
628. Disposal of forged bank-note, etc., taken under such warrant
629. Power to seize counterfeit notes
630. Warrant to enter and seize and to arrest in case of suspected brothel, etc.
631. Search, etc., on police report
632. Seizure of goods suspected liable to forfeiture
633. Powers and protection in case of search for explosive or dangerous thing
634. Report by police to Court as to property taken from accused
635. Order to seize property in case of suspected crime
636. Seizure and disposal of things suspected to be provided or prepared for committing crime
637. Search warrant
638. Entering vessel to detect or prevent crime
639. Search of vessel or conveyance for goods suspected to be liable to forfeiture, or smuggled
640. Court to order delivery of property to person apparently entitled
641. Order for delivery in case of pawned property
642. Order on conviction for restoration of property to or for owner
643. Power to order payment out of money taken from accused
644. Power to order restitution of property although no conviction
645. Provisions as to restitution additional to other enactments
646. Order denying access to information used to obtain any warrant
647. Director of Public Prosecutions dealing with indictable case summarily
648. Power to remit case to Magistrate
649. Director of Public Prosecutions to direct committal for trial if accused discharged
650. Director of Public Prosecutions to release accused on non-preferment of indictment
651. Director of Public Prosecutions to stay proceedings
652. Substitution of indictment by Director of Public Prosecutions
653. Conduct of police prosecutions
654. Definition of “Court”
655. Jurisdiction generally
656. Jurisdiction in receiving or unlawful possession
657. Bona fide question of title to land
658. Saving
659. Application of other procedure provisions to complaints
660. Transfer case to district court having jurisdiction
661. Complaint to commence proceedings
662. Complainants and defendants, who may be
663. oral complaint
664. Oath for complaint, when necessary
665. One matter of complaint
666. Complaint, how made
667. Description of offence
668. Specifying or negativing exception, etc., unnecessary
669. Value of property
670. Implication of statement that act is done contrary to an enactment
671. Period of limitation
672. Refusal to entertain complaints
673. Bringing up defendant in person
674. Issue and contents of summons
675. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
676. Warrant instead of summons in first instance
677. Proof of previous conviction
678. Recording of evidence
679. Bringing up inmate to testify
680. Issue of summons to witness
681. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
682. Warrant for witness disobeying summons or avoiding service
683. Warrant for witness in first instance, when
684. Bringing up arrested witness
685. Liability of witness to attend adjourned sitting
686. Power to adjourn in general
687. Power to amend a charge
688. Order if neither party appears
689. Powers of Court on non-appearance of complainant
690. Proceedings on non-appearance of defendant
691. Court, if parties appear, to hear complaint
692. Appearance in person or by counsel
693. Hearing of cross complaints or similar complaints together
694. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
695. Objection to jurisdiction
696. Objection as to informality in summons or service
697. Objection as to mode of stating charge
698. Objection to defect of substance, or form, or variance
699. Variance as to time or place
700. Omissions and mis-statements
701. Powers of Magistrate as to defects or irregularities
702. Order against defendant admitting charge
703. Proceedings if “not guilty” Plea pleaded or partial plea not accepted
704. Notice of defence to complainant
705. Case and evidence for complainant
706. Caution to undefended defendant
707. Case and evidence for defendant
708. Evidence in reply
709. Placing witnesses out of Court
362. Bombs, hoaxes, sending messages or articles to alarm or injure other persons
710. Dismissal or order against defendant
712. Formal order of dismissal
713. Effect of conviction in part
714. Entry of minute of order against defendant
715. Offence charged — conviction for attempt
716. Attempt charged and offence proved — conviction
717. Complaint divisible
718. Fraudulent breach of trust and stealing
720. Right to appeal
721. Appeal against summary conviction of indictable offence
722. Right after notice of appeal to copies of proceedings
723. Suspension of execution during appeal
724. Notice of appeal
725. Notice of appeal by appellant in custody
726. Notice by clerk to respondent
727. Notice of grounds for appeal
728. Appellant or practitioner to sign notice of grounds of appeal
729. Particulars of grounds of appeal
730. Notice of special grounds
731. Entry of notice of reasons for appeal
732. Statutory grounds of appeal
733. Recognizance or other security by appellant
734. Transmission of appeal proceedings to Registrar
735. Sittings of Court of Appeal
736. Notice of appeal sitting to parties
737. No appeal to be heard within 21 days of order but by consent
738. Appearance in person or by counsel
739. Striking out appeal on non-appearance of appellant
740. Adjournment and terms thereof
741. General provisions as to hearing
742. Appellant bound by grounds in notice
743. Objections to grounds for appeal
744. Defects, variances, etc., when immaterial
745. Amendment of recognizance
746. Production of documents, exhibits, or other things
747. Appeal to be determined on record
748. Notice of application to adduce evidence at hearing
749. Evidence by affidavit
750. Examination of witness in appeal
751. Proceedings as to evidence on appeal
752. Inadmissible grounds of appeal
753. Appeals to be decided on merits
754. Powers of Court on appeal
755. Judgment on appeal final
756. Power of Court as to costs
757. Costs where appeal abandoned or withdrawn
758. Execution for appeal costs
759. Default of appearance by appellant
760. Transmission of appeal judgment to District Court
761. Power of magistrate to enforce appeal judgment
762. Publication of judgment reasons
763. Power of Magistrate to state case
764. Recognizance by applicant
765. Release of appellant
766. Transmission of case and notice of hearing
767. Saving as to right of appeal
768. Power of Director of Public Prosecutions to require case to be stated
769. Remission of case stated to magistrate. hearing and procedure
770. Review of sentencing
771. Definition of “Court”
772. Summary trials generally. Power to adjourn and remand
773. Procedure
774. Complaint for offence triable either on indictment or summarily
775. Summary trial of complaint against adult for certain indictable offences
776. Reduction of charge from indictable to summary offence
777. Summary trial of child other than for murder
778. Summary trial of young person with his or her consent
779A. Pocedure
779. Proceedings in case of suspected offence
780. Proceedings in case of absconding accused
781. District in which to hold initial hearing
782. Power to transfer inquiry as to offence committed out of limit of jurisdiction
783. Order to bring up inmate for trial or inquiry
784. Warrant Instead of Summons
437. Person taking possession of lost thing to deliver it to owner or to lawful authority
785. Issue and contents of summons
786. Service of summons generally
787. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
788. Proof of service generally
789. Issue of warrant
790. Proceedings on arrest
791. Order to bring up inmate as witness
792. Issue and contents of summons to witness
793. Service and proof of service of, summons on witness
794. Warrant for witness disobeying summons or avoiding service
795. Warrant for witness in first instance
796. Witness arrested; How dealt with
797. Initial and Sufficiency Hearing
798. Sufficiency Hearing
799. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
800. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
801. Committal of Defendant
802. Discharge of Defendant
803. Bail or committal to correctional facility of accused
804. Transmission of documents to Registrar
805. NOTICE to Director of Public ProSecutions
806. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
807. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
808. (Repealed by Act 11 of 2008)
809. Mistake in caption
810. Sufficiency of statement of offence in count
811. Counts to be numbered
812. Unnecessary averments as to offence by bankrupt
813. Statement of intent to defraud, deceive or injure
814. Allegations for pretending as to enclosures in postal packets
815. Negativing exceptions or exemptions
816. Statement of means or instrument
817. Statement not needing proof
818. Qualifying allegations unnecessary
819. Statement of value
820. Inadmissible objection
821. Statements in alternative as in enactment lawful
822. Sufficiency of averment as to bank-note or note described as money
823. Sufficiency of averments charging fraud without details
824. Count for libel or selling or exhibiting publications
825. Count for perjury, etc. not invalid etc.
826. Exception
827. Description of accused
828. Description of document or thing
829. Statement of act, omission, place, thing, time
830. Description of property
831. Description of trade or other mark
832. Joining of counts, but murder alone to be charged
833. Charging any or all of several offences
834. Indictment for stealing
835. Election by prosecutor etc.
836. Joinder of persons
837. Power to order particulars and adjourn for purpose
838. Consideration of written statements or depositions on application
839. Charging previous convictions
840. Unnecessary to charge previous conviction. Competence to prove previous conviction
841. Indictments to be generally preferred by Director of Public Prosecutions
842. Charging offence disclosed by depositions
843. Signing of indictments
844. Filing of indictments
845. Service of copy of indictment
846. Statement and proof of overt acts
847. Documents to be served
848. Crown Book to be a record
849. Ordinary sittings
850. Special sitting
851. Proceedings on Sunday and other holiday
852. Procedure in indictable cases generally
853. Service of documents
854. Sheriff to aid Registrar as to service
855. Notice of objection or special plea and grounds
856. Objection and plea
857. Demurrer not allowed
858. Amendment of name of accused
859. Application to quash count not founded on depositions before Magistrate
860. Objection for formal defect
861. Objection that indictment is likely to prejudice or embarrass
862. Objection of substance or to jurisdiction
863. Objection without plea
864. Special defence
865. Special pleas
866. Autrefois acquit or convict and pardon pleaded together
867. Discharge of accused on plea of autrefois convict
868. Previous acquittal or conviction, a bar to charge with additions tending to increase punishment
870. Use of deposition and Judge's notes to try plea of autrefois acquit or convict
871. Proceeding on pleas other than plea of guilty
872. Trial of fresh issues on pleas other than plea of not guilty
873. Trial to be on indictment
874. Trial to be by Judge and jury
875. Same procedure for all offences except treason
876. Non-appearance of accused
877. Forfeiture of recognizance of accused and sureties
878. Power to adjourn and directions to jury
879. Formal adjournment not necessary
880. Bail of accused or witnesses on adjournment
881. Defects, omissions, variances
882. Insertion, or change of count to meet plea
883. Terms and conditions of amendments
884. Correction of errors
885. Order to bring up inmate in custody for the other cause
886. Right of accused to have indictment read
887. Accused to appear and plead
888. Accused committed for sentence to plead
889. No pleading to previous conviction count. Exception
890. No plea in abatement
891. Competent pleas
892. Jury to find if accused capable to plead and take his or her trial
893. Giving accused in charge to jury
894. Deposition signed by magistrate to be evidence
895. Evidence at former trial similarly admissible
896. Evidence of possession of stolen property and of previous convictions
897. Jury to determine issues as to previous conviction
898. Previous conviction, how proved
899. Judge to take notes of evidence
900. Order to bring up inmate witness
901. Summons to witness
902. Service of summons to witness
903. Court to order prosecution to call witness
904. Court to dispense with production of medical or other witness
905. Witness for prosecution not previously examined
906. Witnesses to be outside Courtroom
907. Refractory witness
561. Annoyance in a public place
908. Disclosure by the prosecutor
909. Voluntary Disclosure by accused
910. Application by accused for disclosure
911. Continuing duty of prosecutor to disclose
912. Faults of disclosure by accused
913. Opening case and evidence for prosecution
914. Powers of Court at close of prosecution
915. Defence Counsel to declare intentions
916. Defence by counsel and caution to undefended accused
917. Opening of case and examining witnesses for defence
918. Reply for prosecution
919. Judge's duties and powers
920. Summing up by Judge
921. Jury's duties and powers
922. Consideration of verdict
923. Verdicts
924. Precautions against undue communication with jury during retirement
925. Qualification
926. Disqualification
927. Exemption from service
928. Disqualification or exemption when to be claimed
929. Judge may direct sheriff to strike name
930. Aliens as jurors
931. Preliminary List
932. Publication of list
584. Bringing person arrested before Court
933. Revision of list
934. Magistrate to certify and transmit to Registrar copy of list
935. Appeal
936. The Juror's Book
937. Summoning of jurors
938. Only one person to be summoned from each place of business
939. Omission of juror believed absent or dead
940. Presumption of regularity and lawfulness of panel
941. Copy of panel to be delivered to Registrar
942. Service of summons to juror
943. Order to summon tales on exhaustion of panel
944. Summoning of jury for adjourned sitting on discharge of jury for non-agreement
945. Calling jurors to empanel a jury
946. Drawing a jury
947. Trial of successive issues by same jury
948. Number of jury
949. Counting and swearing of jury
950. Swearing of jury collectively
951. Jury to be sworn to give true verdict
952. Election of foreperson
953. Alternate jurors
954. Challenge to the panel, when to be made
955. Grounds, etc. of challenge to the panel
956. Challenge to the polls
719. Court to be open and public generally
957. Grounds and mode of challenge for cause
958. Trial of challenge for cause
959. Peremptory challenges
960. Joining or severing challenges on trial of several persons
961. Tales
962. Power of Court to discharge jury without verdict
963. Procedure where juror dies, becomes incapable or is absent
964. Power of Court to discharge non-neutral juror, sworn or not
965. Right of summoned jurors to fees on attendance
966. Registrar's discretion as to fees
967. Limitation of juror's claim for payment
968. Return by Registrar of payments
969. Fine on juror for non-attendance, etc.
970. Fine on juror refusing to serve, etc.
971. Power of Judge to reduce or remit fine
972. Levy by distress and sale on non-payment of fine
973. Accommodation, custody and refreshment of jury
974. Power of Court to discharge or release juror
975. View by jury
976. Directions to prevent undue communication with jurors
977. Irregularity as to jury not to invalidate
978. Delivery and recording of verdict
979. Verdict on each count generally. Questions to jury
980. Rectifying verdict
981. Discharge of accused on acquittal
982. Verdict on charge of attempt
983. Offence charged — conviction for another
984. Offence charged — conviction for attempt
985. Count divisible
986. Verdict where offence causing specific result charged
987. Conviction for offence charged although proved to be included in another offence
988. Verdict on charge of murder or manslaughter
989. Verdict on charge of assault to murder or with intent
990. Verdict where procuring offence charged
991. Verdict on charge of rape, etc.
992. Verdict on charge of robbery
993. Verdict on charge of stealing, etc.
994. Verdict on joint charges of stealing or handling
995. Verdict on charge against 2 or more persons for handling
996. Power to direct return of special verdict
997. General verdict of guilty or not guilty in libel
998. Inspection of depositions and exhibits by accused
999. Alloctus
1000. Motion in arrest of judgment
1001. Sentence at same or future sitting
1002. Power to reserve decision on questions raised at trial
1003. Validity of proceedings
1004. Sentence by any Judge
1005. Evidence as to proper sentence
1006. Sentence on verdict of guilty on several counts
1007. Sentence of death not to be passed on pregnant women
1008. No jury de ventre inspiciendo
1009. Error not allowed
1010. Reserve of question of law
1011. Warrant for execution of sentence
1012. Presence of accused at trial
1013. Power to clear Court
1014. Proceedings in camera
1015. Directions as to separate trials
1016. Motion by accused for discharge on failure to prosecute
1017. Withdrawal of counts after conviction on one or more
1018. Issue of mentally abnormal on or before arraignment
1019. Special verdict if jury finds that accused was mentally ill at time of offence
1020. Person found mentally ill may be detained at Governor General's pleasure
1021. Court to remit summary case to Magistrate or to try it
1022. High Court to release person in illegal custody
1023. High Court on application by way of habeas corpus or the like
1024. Order appealed from not to be removed
1025. Want of form not to nullify order. Warrant of commitment not void for defect
1026. Validity of proceeding in summary trials of indictable offences
1027. Validity of proceeding despite defects
1028. Matters within section 1027
1029. High Court to quash conviction, order, etc.
1030. Objection as to no evidence of notice, proclamation etc. inadmissible
1031. Validity of proceedings tried and decided on the merits
1032. Improper admission or rejection of evidence
1033. Warrants of commitment valid if order good
1034. Qualification of accused, when presumed
1035. Age from appearance, presumption
1036. Proof of conviction
1037. Mode of proving note false
1038. Difference as to date, year or legend on note immaterial
1039. Court to cut in pieces and dispose of false note
1040. Defamation presumption of publication
1041. Presumption of validity of deposition
1042. Proof of intent to deceive or defraud
1044. Presumption of use of place as betting-house
1045. Proof of play for money, wager, or stake unnecessary
1046. Comparison of disputed handwriting
1047. Presumption as to identity
1048. Evidence of relationship on trial of incest
1049. Presumption in prosecutions for offences respecting liquor
1050. Presumption of nationality or race from appearance
1051. Presumption of nationality of ships
1052. Proof of false testimony by certificate
1053. Mode of proof of seal or stamp used for public revenue or post office
1054. Presumption from entries of receipt of money by public officer or clerk or servant
1055. Proof of service or execution
1056. Proof of statutes, records, documents or other writings
1057. Proof of document not disputed unnecessary
1058. Admissibility of unstamped documents
711. Remand for medical examination
1059. No proof of unnecessary averment
1060. Power of Court to order prosecution for perjury in proceeding before it
1061. Duty of magistrate
1062. Service of charge on accused
1063. Proceedings against associations, companies, etc.
1064. Testamentary instrument
1065. Document of title to land
1066. Property of a successor
1067. Property leased
1068. Property for religious worship
1069. Uncertainty of ownership of property belonging to several persons
1070. Property of several persons
1071. Property belonging to corporate body
1072. Sufficiency of statement of name or title of company or partnership
1073. Use of collective name sufficient
1074. Property as owned by inhabitants of State, district, town or village
1075. Property in public places need not belong to any person
1076. Description of property in charge against public servants
1077. Description of property belonging to Government
1078. Description of property as belonging to public officer or commissioner
1079. Power to enlarge time
1080. Conditions of adjournment or amendment
1081. Mode of trial when none prescribed
1082. Trial of aliens
1083. Procedures in cases not provided for
1084. Forms
1085. Tariffs of fees
1086. Extent of jurisdiction
1087.Liability for act done partly beyond jurisdiction
1088. Act when punishable
1089. Conviction essential before punishment
1090. Punishment not to be double
1091. Prosecution and punishment under one or more enactments
1092. Several acts respecting one person or thing, each of which is a crime
1093. Liability to increased punishment on subsequent conviction
1094. Indictable offence
1095. Summary offence
1096. Restrictions on the imposition of custodial sentences
1097. Length of custodial sentences
1098. Procedural requirements for custodial sentences
1099. Additional requirements in the case of mentally disordered offenders
1100. Saving for mitigation and mentally disordered offenders
1101. Effect of previous convictions etc.
1102. General judicial guidelines
1103. Sentencing Guidelines
1104. Punishment may not be less than minimum
1105. Pronouncement of sentence
1106. Modification of sentence
1107. Running of sentences
1108. Orders of Court in cases other than for payment of money where no mode of enforcement prescribed
1109. Terms of orders in usual cases
1110. Conviction on verdict, confession or plea
1111. Terms of death sentence
1112. Statement of time or place of execution in sentence immaterial
1113. Court not to fix date for execution. Judge's report to Governor General
1114. Place and time of execution
1115. The Minister to appoint burial place
1116. Officers to direct and be present at execution
1117. Presence of justice and relatives of inmate
1118. Proceedings after execution of death sentence
1119. Inquest and duties of the coroner
1120. Documents to be forwarded to Minister
1121. False certificate or declaration
1122. Omissions not to invalidate execution
1123. Imprisonment not to be less than minimum
1125. Commencement of imprisonment on summary conviction
1126. Computation of imprisonment
1127. Computation of imprisonment in case of escape
1128. Reduction of imprisonment on part payment
1129. Termination of imprisonment on payment or levy
1130. Commitment implied on pronouncement of sentence
1131. Order or extract thereof sufficient warrant
1132. Power to issue warrant of commitment on default of payment
1133. Delivery of warrant and person named therein to correctional officer
1134. Detention in approved places
1135. Consequences on sentence for 3 years or more
1136. Definition
1137. Establishment of Parole Board
1138. Functions of the Board
1139. Parole Committee
1140. Eligibility of parole
1142. Parole order
1143. Suspension of Parole
1144. Revocation of Parole
1145. Effect of suspension or revocation of parole
1146. Chairman to issue warrant recalling parolee, in the public interest
1147. Forfeiture of parole
1148. Certificate to be sent to Board
1149. Re-application
1150. Parole and remission of sentence
1151. Computation of sentence
1152. Termination of parole
1153. Assignment of parole officers
1154. Offences
1155. Regulations
1156. Definition
1157. Probation Orders
1158. Duration and requirement of probation order
1159. Damages and compensation
1160. Security for good behaviour
1161. Breach of requirement of probation order
1162. Commission of further offence
1163. Effects of probation
1164. Amendment of probation order
1165. Review of probation order
1166. Discharge of probation order
1167. When probationer must appear
1168. Copies of amending and discharging orders
1169. Supervising probation officer
1171. Contributions towards institutions
1172. Appointments
1173. Rules
1175. Extra mural sentence to be served during working hours under control of Director of Correctional Services
1176. Director of Correctional Services to report defaulters to the Court
1177. Curfew orders
1178. Electronic monitoring of curfew orders
1179. Orders combining probation with extra mural order, or probation with curfew
1180. Application of relevant law to constituent parts of combination orders
1181. Dismissal with reprimand
1182. Absolute and conditional discharge
1183. Commission of further offence by person conditionally discharged
1184. Suspended sentences
1185. Subsequent offence during operational period
1186. Discovery of further offence
1187. Appropriation of fines and other money to use of State
1188. Power to sell or dispose of non-pecuniary forfeitures
1189. Levy as in civil actions on conviction for defamation
1190. Alternative powers in general
1191. Extension of time for payment of adjudged sum
1192. Periodical payments through office of Court or specified person
1193. Postponement of issue of warrant of commitment for non-payment
1194. Searching person ordered to pay money
1195. Fine or penalty may not be less than minimum
1196. Additional fines in indictable cases
1197. Substitutional fines in indictable cases
1198. High Court to fine or commit for contempt
1199. Imprisonment for non-payment of fine, etc.
1200. Fixing amount of fine
1201. Restrictions on power to impose imprisonment on conviction
1202. Scale of imprisonment for non-payment of sums adjudged
1203. Warrant to arrest person etc. about to leave State
1204. Procedure to determine compensation or liability
1205. Compensation and costs where several persons are convicted
1206. Recovery of amount of costs or compensation
1207. Effect of satisfaction or compensation
1208. Saving of right of civil action
1209. Referring claimant to civil remedy
1210. Order for compensation on conviction for indictable offence
1211. Order for costs on conviction for indictable offence
1212. Order of costs against private prosecutor on charge of defamation
1213. Order against complainant to pay costs or compensation
1214. Imprisonment of complainant in default of payment of compensation or costs
1215. Order against defendant to pay compensation
1216. Order for costs against defendant
1217. Imprisonment of defendant for non-payment of costs
1218. Remission of fees
869. Acquittal or conviction for murder a bar to second charge of manslaughter and vice versa
1219. Costs on application for order for periodical payment of money
1220. Return of costs from Treasury in certain cases
1221. Cases in which distress leviable
1222. Issue and formalities of warrant of distress
1223. Cases in which distress may be refused
1224. Detention or release of offender during distress proceedings
1225. Persons authorised to execute distress
1226. Power of entry to execute distress
1227. Property available for distress
1228. Property exempted from distress
1229. Sale of distress
1230. Time within which distress to be sold
1231. Duties of person executing warrant
1232. Account of costs and charges of distress
1233. Penalty
1234. Opposition to levy or on proceeds of sale
1235. Ranking and distribution of claims
1236. Satisfaction of distress
1237. Decision of disputes respecting distress or sale
1238. Power to order imprisonment if distress insufficient
1239. Powers of district court to bind persons for good behaviour
1240. Binding parties to be of good behaviour
1241. Power of Court to order person convicted to enter into recognizance to keep the peace
1242. Imprisonment in default
1243. Deposit in lieu of surety
1244. Forfeiture and enforcement of recognizance in the District Court
1245. Registrar's duty as to recognizance on default
1246. Sheriff to summon defaulters
1248. Writ of execution and proceedings thereon
1251. Revision of orders in cases of committal for want of sureties
1252. Remission by Governor General
1253. Remission by High Court
1254. Remission by Cabinet
1255. Discharge of person imprisoned on payment of fine
1256. Release from further criminal proceedings on payment, discharge or satisfaction otherwise
1257. Protection of certain persons from damages for acts done or other proceedings under Code
1258. Power of Cabinet to award part of fine
1259. Order against parent or guardian on conviction of child
1260. Saving of certain laws and powers
1261. Punishment not to be double
1262. Saving of Royal Prerogatives
1263.Saving of civil remedies
1264. Repeals
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 6
Schedule 7
Schedule 8
1043. Presumption from things found in betting-house
1124. Commencement of imprisonment on conviction before High Court
1141. Grant of parole
Schedule 5
1170. Duties of probation officers
1174. Persons eligible to serve extra mural sentence
1247. Hearing and power to remit or enforce
1249. Custody of person arrested
1250. Execution against surety of person bailed and failing to appear
Schedule 3
Schedule 4