(1) A person who—
(a) unlawfully enters in an insulting, annoying, or threatening manner, upon any land belonging to or in the possession of any other person;
(b) unlawfully enters upon any such land, after having been forbidden so to do;
(c) unlawfully enters and remains on any land after having been required to depart;
(d) having lawfully entered upon any such land, misconducts himself or herself by behaving in an insulting, annoying or threatening manner; or
(e) having lawfully entered any such land, remains on the land after having been lawfully required to depart,
upon the complaint of the proprietor or occupier of such land, is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1,000.
(2) A person who without lawful authority or excuse enters upon—
(a) Crown lands; or
(b) a school land or building;
(c) a health centre, clinic, hospital or other public building; or
(d) a part of a public building to which members of the public are not allowed,
commits an offence and on the complaint of an authorised officer is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000.