Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

482.   Nuisance from noxious or offensive business or matter


    (1)   A person who, without lawful authority or excuse, the proof of which lies on him or her, commits any of the following nuisances, namely—


      (a)     so carries on any noxious, offensive, or noisy business at any place, or causes or permits any noxious or offensive matter to be collected or to remain at any place—


        (i)     as to impair or endanger the health of the public residing or using the neighbourhood of such place,


        (ii)     as to cause material damage to the lands, crops, animals, or goods of such public,


        (iii)     as to cause material interruption to such public in their lawful business or occupations,


        (iv)     as to materially affect the value of their property;


      (b)     so makes, keeps, or uses any explosive matter or any collection of water, or any other dangerous or destructive thing, or any building, excavation, open pit, or other structure, work, or place, or permits it to be at large, as to cause danger of harm or damage to the persons or property of the public,


    is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for 12 months or to a fine not exceeding $1,000.


    (2)   No such nuisance is excused on the ground that it causes some convenience or advantage.


    (3)   For the purposes of this section “business” includes not only any trade, manufacture, work, business, or occupation carried on for gain, but also any continued or frequent repetition of any act or series of acts of any kind.