Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section VI   The Termination of the Lease or Hire of Things


    1558.   The contract of lease or hire of things is terminated in the manner common to other obligations, as set forth in the Eighth Chapter of the Book respecting Obligations, in so far as the rules therein contained can be applied, such rules however being qualified by the special rules contained in this Book.


    1559.   It is also terminated by rescission in the manner and for the causes declared in articles 1530 and 1545.


    1560.   When the term of a lease is uncertain, or the lease is verbal, or presumed as provided in article 1515, neither of the parties can terminate it without giving notice to the other, with a delay of 3 months, if the rent be payable at terms of 3 months or more; if the rent be payable at terms of less than 3 months, the delay is determined according to article 1546.


    The whole nevertheless subject to that article and to articles 1515 and 1556.


    1561.   The lease, if written, terminates of course, and without notice, at the expiration of the term agreed upon.


    1562.   The contract of lease or hire is terminated by the loss of the property leased.


    1563.   If, during the lease, the thing be wholly destroyed by a fortuitous event, or taken for purposes of public utility, the lease is dissolved of course. If the property be destroyed or taken in part only, the lessee may, according to circumstances, obtain a reduction of the rent or the rescission of the lease; but in neither case has he any claim for damages against the lessor.


    1564.   The contract of lease or hire is not terminated by the death of the lessor or lessee.


    1565.   The lessor cannot put an end to the lease, for the purpose of occupying himself the premises leased, unless the right to do so has been expressly stipulated, and in such case the lessor must give notice to the lessee according to the rules contained in article 1560 and the articles therein referred to; unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.


    1566.   The lessee cannot, by reason of the alienation of the property leased, be expelled before the expiration of the lease, by a person who becomes owner of the property under a title derived from the lessor; unless the lease contains a special stipulation to that effect and be registered.


    In such case, and in the absence of stipulation to the contrary, notice must be given to the lessee according to the rules contained in article 1560 and the articles therein referred to.


    1567.   When property sold subject to the right of redemption is taken back by the seller in the exercise of such right, the lease made by the buyer is terminated and the lessee has recourse for damages against the buyer only.