Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section I   Forced Sales


    1493.   The creditor who has a judgment against his or her debtor may take in execution and cause to be sold, in satisfaction of such judgment, the property of his or her debtor, movable and immovable, except only the articles specially exempted by law; subject to the rules and formalities provided in the Code of Civil Procedure.


    1494.   In judicial sales, the buyer, in case of eviction, may recover from the debtor the price paid with interest and the incidental expenses connected with the conveyance, or he may recover the price and interest from the creditors who received it, with deduction however of the profits accrued since the sale. But the latter have a right of discussion of the debtor's property.


    1495.   The provision of the last preceding article does not prejudice the buyer's recourse against the prosecuting creditor for informalities in the proceedings, or for the seizure of property not ostensibly belonging to the debtor.


    1496.   The general rules concerning the effect of judicial sales in the extinction of hypothecs and of other rights and incumbrances, are stated in the Book respecting Privileges and Hypothecs, and in the Code of Civil Procedure.


    1497.   In cases in which immovable property is required for purposes of public utility, the owner may be forced to sell it or be expropriated by the authority of law in the manner and according to the rules prescribed by special laws.


    1498.   In the case of sales and expropriations for purposes of public utility, the party acquiring the property cannot be evicted. The hypothecs and other charges are extinguished, the creditors having their recourse in the manner specially provided by law.


    1499.   The rules concerning the formalities and proceedings in judicial and other forced sales and expropriations are contained in the Code of Civil Procedure. Such sales and expropriations are subject to the rules generally applicable to the contract of sale, when these are not inconsistent with special laws or any article of this Code.