Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section II   The Liquidation of Dissolved Corporations


    330.   A dissolved corporation is, for the liquidation of its affairs, in the same position as a vacant succession. The creditors and others interested have the same recourse against the property which belonged to it, as may be exercised against vacant successions and the property belonging to them.


    331.   In order to facilitate such recourse, the Administrator General represents such corporation as curator, and is seized of the property which belonged to it. A curator may be appointed by the Judge, in the place of the Administrator General, on the petition of an interested party after public notice to other parties interested as to the hearing of such petition.


    332.   The curator must make an inventory. He or she obtains the sale of the property by the sheriff, and such sale, whether of movables or immovables, is subject to the same conditions and formalities and has the same effect as a judicial sale.