Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)



    Nothing in the repeals effected by the Civil Code (Amendment) Ordinance, No. 34 of 1956, shall affect the validity, invalidity, effect, or consequences of anything already done or suffered, - or any right, title, obligation or liability, already acquired, accrued, or incurred, or any remedy or proceeding in respect thereof, - or the proof of any past act or thing. (Inserted by Act 34 of 1956).

    The numbers refer to the Articles, not the Pages
    by ascendants, 1197.
    In alienation for rent, 1503.
    of divers things, see Surrender, Stray Property.
    of property in emphyteusis, 525.
    not allowed in Records of Civil Status, 31.
    as regards contingent rights, 70–73.
    as regards marriage, 75–78, 155A.
    defined, 52.
    absolute possession of property of, 64.
    care of minor children of, 79–80.
    contingent rights accruing to, 70–73.
    curator to, when named, 53, 54.
    appointment of, 54.
    duties and powers of, 55–57.
    when his powers cease, 58.
    provisional possession of property of, 59–68.
    when administrator-general administers property of, 53.
    of enjoyment by usufructuary, 430.
    of Community, see Community.
    of Gifts, 728–736.
    right of in general (see Ownership), 363–368.
    as regards immovables, 369–379.
    as regards movables, 380–393.
    over what is produced by a thing, 364–367.
    over what becomes united to a thing, 368.
    between coheirs, 596.
    as regards joint legatees, 804.
    between consorts (fathers and mothers), 570.
    between joint donees, 804.
    in sale, 1409, 1482.
    see Fortuitous event.
    by administrator, 592, 603.
    of community, 1271–1294.
    by tutor, 268 et seq.
    of property bequeathed, 824.
    see Accession.
    of debts, 1165.
    of illegitimate children, 208.
    of community, see Community.
    see Payment.
    when a majority may perform, 1 § 40.
    notarial, 1139–1142.
    Confirming voidable obligations, 1145.
    done abroad, effect of, 6.
    of recognition, 1144.
    under private signature, what proof they make, 1154–1160.
    authentic, how make proof, 1138.
    how construed, 7.
    commercial, 1158.
    of civil status, see Records of Civil Status.
    community, see Community.
    curators, 297.
    successions, 584 et seq.
    tutors, 250 et seq.
    voluntary, see Negotiorum gestio.
    wills, 857, 859, 860.
    Administrator General
    absentees, 53.
    successions, 608.
    trusts, 2173.
    judicial or extra judicial, 1172–1174.
    a cause of separation from bed and board, 157.
    cannot buy litigious rights, 1395.
    duties and rights of, 1632, 1633.
    prescription against, 2121.
    see Witnesses, Wills, Marriages.
    of majority, 213, 284.
    what, requisite for marriage, 81.
    Agency, 1601–1661.
    definition, 1601.
    general or special, 1603.
    gratuitous, 1602.
    married women, 1608.
    minors, 1607.
    powers of agent, 1604–1606.
    presumed, when, 1605.
    revocation of, when affects third parties, 1658.
    Termination of, 1655–1657.
    account of, 1613.
    acts of, after termination, when valid, 1660.
    Liability of principal for, 1627 et seq.
    buying or selling for himself, 1606.
    death of, 1661.
    duty, 1609 et seq.
    exceeding powers, 1604, 1618, 1619.
    Interest, when liable for, 1614.
    joint agents, 1612.
    lien, 1623.
    renunciation, 1659.
    salary and expenses of, 1622.
    substitute, liability for and of, 1611.
    for rent, see Rent.
    may be witnesses to wills, 782.
    may inherit as British subjects, 19, 552.
    status and capacity, 5, 15, 18–20.
    Alimentary allowance
    see Maintenance.
    Alluvion, 375.
    of laws, how dealt with, 9, 10.
    responsibility of owner or user of, 987.
    straying, 537.
    see Dog.
    value of, how determined, 1810.
    their responsibility, 985.
    Responsibility of master of, 986.
    prescription of wages of, 2122, 2123.
    privilege of, 1900.
    succession, expenses not returnable to, 662.
    privilege of claim of, 1905.
    see Lease and hire of Work, Prescription.
    of annual rents prescribed by 5 years, 2111.
    when claim for must be registered, 2004–2006.
    of debtors, see Imprisonment.
    when debtor exempt from, 2139–2140.
    responsible for their apprentices, 986.
    rules applicable to, 1595–1597.
    maintenance, 135–138.
    when and how they inherit, 569–573.
    of debts and rights of action, 1478 et seq.
    of leases, 1542, 1550.
    of litigious rights, 1490 et seq.
    of rights of succession, 1487 et seq.
    for rent, 1529, 1530.
    in revendication, 1892.
    mode of, determined by law of Saint Lucia, 5.
    Auction, sale by, 1474.
    of acts made abroad, 6, 1152.
    of copies of authentic copies, 1147–1151.
    of notarial acts, 1139, 1140.
    of registers of civil status, 27, 34.
    see Falsity.
    definition, 1 § 1.
    parental, see Parental Authority.
    Marital, see Marital Authority.
    of wife, no longer necessary, 147.
    of tutor, 257, 266, 267.
    Bad Faith
    as regards expenditures and improvements, 372.
    must be proved, 2066.
    see Prescription.
    cannot buy certain litigious rights, 1395.
    Banking, by corporations, 327.
    Bank notes
    no prescription of, 2121.
    as regards contracts, 970–972.
    Registration, 1974.
    see also Commercial Code.
    Bank stock
    is movable, 344.
    Banns, 95–104.
    Bet, when binding, 1822–1824.
    Bills of Exchange
    prescription, 2121, 2129.
    see also Commercial Code.
    how established, 196 et seq.
    Records of, 38–40.
    Legitimated persons, 41A.
    Boarding schools, prescription, 2122.
    when immovable by destination, 337.
    obligations of, 1666–1672, 1682–1686.
    settlement of, 454.
    overhanging, when may be cut, 479.
    British subject, 14-16.
    Brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
    marriage between, when permitted, 91A.
    Brothers and sisters
    marriage between prohibited, 91.
    liability, 1584, 1585, 1588.
    prescription as to his warranty, 2120.
    privileges of, 1903, 1905.
    registration of his privilege, 1984.
    work by estimate and contract, 1583 et seq.
    intermediate works, distance, 482.
    rights of owner of soil, 369–372.
    servitudes relating to, 483.
    Burial, record of, 44.
    of contract to build by owner, 1591.
    of real rights, 2028, 2037.
    see Registration.
    contracts, 919–921.
    deposit, 1700, 1701.
    gifts, 700, 702.
    marriage, 81.
    novation, 1101.
    quasi-contracts, 974.
    quasi-delicts, 985.
    sale, 1392.
    tender, 1094.
    traders, 149, 283.
    transaction, 1814.
    wills, 770–777.
    attesting, 1139.
    to wills, 782, 789.
    Capital, of rents, how estimated, 1810.
    Carriers, 1573 et seq., 1702, 1703.
    lease of, on shares, 1598–1600.
    as regards usufruct, 428.
    or consideration in contracts, 918.
    Chief Justice
    meaning of term, 1 § 26.
    correction, 212.
    custody of, 210 et seq.
    absentee parents, 79, 80.
    during separation suit, 168.
    Illegitimate, 205–209, 579.
    incestuous or adulterous, 205, 709.
    legitimacy of, 186 et seq.
    legitimation, 205.
    maintenance, 135.
    meaning of 1 § 2, 915.
    Parents unknown, baptism of, 41.
    separation, effect of, 182–184.
    Subsequent birth of, to donor, 752.
    Chimneys, 482, 1539.
    see Prescription.
    Civil Rights, 14, 23.
    Civil Status, 5.
    records of, 24 et seq.
    of Courts, cannot buy certain litigious rights, 1395.
    of notaries, cannot be witnesses to wills, 782.
    prescription of claims of, 2123
    privilege of claims of, 1900.
    see Obligations.
    Codicil, 778.
    effect of, in marriage, 124.
    see Successions.
    definition, 1 § 3.
    of life rents, 1809.
    see Privileges, Hypothecs.
    Commencement of proof
    definition, 1 § 45.
    in writing, as regards filiation. 200, 201.
    admits oral evidence, 1163 § 7.
    Commercial matters
    evidence in, 1136, 1137, 1163.
    Commercial writings, their date, 1158.
    Common property between neighbours.
    ditches, 473–476.
    hedges, 477–479.
    trees, 478–481.
    walls, 460 et seq., 483.
    Community of Property
    acceptance or renunciation, 1256 et seq.
    inventory, 1259–1263.
    renunciation, by heirs of wife, 1270.
    wife under age, 1258.
    administration, and effect of acts of either consort upon, 1211 et seq.
    assets, 1192 et seq.
    bequests by consort, 1212.
    commences from day of marriage, 1189.
    conventional, abolished, 1182.
    covenants excluding, effects of, 1300.
    Definition, 1 § 4, 1190.
    dissolution, 1228 et seq.
    See Separation of property.
    cannot be re-established, 1238.
    Rights of survivorship, 1240.
    Liabilities, 1200 et seq.
    partition, 1271.
    partition of assets, 1272–1284.
    partition of liabilities, 1285–1294.
    renunciation, effect of, 1295 et seq.
    how designated, 1 § 41.
    Compensation (community).
    for benefit derived, 1221 et seq.
    Compensation (set off)
    See Set off.
    gifts between, 709.
    Contracts, 918, 1010 et seq.
    contrary to law or good morals or impossible, 701, 1011.
    gifts, 751, 756, 763.
    of title, a mode of extinguishing hypothecs, 1966.
    when it takes place, 1044, 1069, 1128.
    when it avails the sureties, 1129.
    when it ceases in matters of hypothecs, 1966.
    in contracts, 922.
    in contracts, 917A, 918, 923, 924.
    Contempt of Court, 2134 § 13.
    see Work, lease and hire of.
    Contracts and Agreements, 918
    definition, 1 § 6.
    when onerous or gratuitous, 1 § 8.
    Contravening public order or morality void, 924.
    essentials of, 918.
    English law applicable, 917A.
    “consideration” defined, 917A.
    capacities of persons to enter into, 919–921.
    cause of, 923.
    nullities in, 925–944.
    see Error, Fraud, Violence, Fear, Lesion.
    interpretation of, 945–953, see Interpretation of contracts.
    effect of, 954–960.
    effect of as regards third parties, 961–964.
    Contrainte par corps, 2133–2140.
    Co-partitioners, 690, 1906, 1935.
    when authentic, 1147–1151.
    when prima facie proof, 1152.
    when may serve instead of originals, 1149–1151.
    how designated, 1 § 41.
    are ideal persons, 312.
    when deemed legally constituted, 313.
    kinds of, 314–316.
    have a corporate name, 317.
    rights of, 318–321.
    may make by-laws, 321.
    privileges of, 322.
    responsibility of members of, 323.
    disabilities of, 324, 844.
    prohibitions effecting, 325–327, 774.
    when cannot issue promissory notes, 327.
    how dissolved, 328, 329.
    liquidation of affairs of, 330.
    curators to dissolved, 331.
    duties of curators to dissolved, 332.
    property belonging to, 354, 359.
    of children, 212.
    Corrosive Substances
    near neighbour's property, 482 § 2.
    their privilege, 1889, 1890, 1903, 1910.
    see Expenses.
    see Suretyship.
    Co-Tutors or Joint-Tutors, 218 et seq.
    defintion, 1 § 30.
    effect, 1143.
    between neighbours, thickness of, 482 § 1.
    meaning of term, 1 § 9.
    see Contracts; Marriage Covenants.
    meaning of term, 1 § 10.
    contracts in fraud of, 965, et seq.
    subsequent, when may demand nullity, 971.
    Crop Privilege, 1904.
    questions as to rights of, governed by law of Saint Lucia, 5.
    succession falling to, 579, 607.
    privilege of claims of, 1889, § 9.
    legal hypothec of, 1922.
    hypothecs in favour of, exempt from registration, 1969.
    when subject to the rule concerning prescription, 2075–2079.
    what things belong to, 530, 535.
    provisions re trustees bind, 2202.
    to whom given, 291, 298.
    formalities of appointment of, 299, 301.
    to interdicted persons, 291–296, 298, 301 et seq. 986.
    to child not yet born, 305.
    ad hoc, in what cases, 306.
    to property
    in what cases, 307, 308.
    of absentees, 53–58, 307, 308.
    of dissolved corporation, 307, 308, 331, 332.
    Customs Duties
    privileges of the Crown for, 1884.
    in negotiorum gestio, 977.
    for reception of a thing not due, 981–984.
    for non-performance of obligations, 996, 1001–1008.
    stipulated, can be reduced by the Court, 1007.
    for delay in payment of money, 1008.
    in case of a suspensive condition, 1018.
    in case of a resolutive condition, 1019.
    as regards joint and several debtors, 1040.
    for non-performance of indivisible obligations, 1059.
    incurred by agent, 1609, 1610.
    by lender, 1676.
    by pledgee, 1869.
    by hypothecary debtor, 1940.
    of private writings, 1157.
    of commercial documents and writings, 1158.
    how reckoned for prescription, 2101.
    Deaf mutes
    how may make a will, 785, 788, 790.
    causes of action survive on, 609.
    of spouse, presumption of, 155A.
    of testator, effect of complicity in, 829.
    Records of, see Records of Civil Status.
    how transferred, 1481.
    definition, 1 § 12.
    joint and several, see Joint and several liability.
    Declaration of transmission of ownership, 1980.
    made out of Saint Lucia when valid, 6.
    how construed, 7.
    see Acts, Writings.
    Putting in, how done, 999, 1000.
    to comply with law as to marriage, penalties, 127, 128.
    in, meaning of, 1 § 13.
    Defamation, 985, 989F et seq.
    of relationship how computed in succession, 559–561.
    heritable, 578.
    definition, 1 § 14.
    see Term.
    by debtor, 1104–1106, 1111.
    definition, 1 § 15.
    produces obligations, 985 et seq.
    common employment not a defence, 989B.
    prescription relating to, 2122, 2123.
    joint liability, 989C.
    judicial, interrupts prescription, 2085.
    action for benefit of, 988.
    two kinds of, 1694.
    simple, 1695–1698.
    voluntary, 1699–1701.
    obligations of depositary, 1702–1711.
    representatives of depositary, 1706.
    depositary cannot demand proof of ownership of depositor, 1708.
    when they cease, 1711.
    obligations of the depositor, 1712.
    necessary, 1713–1716.
    see Sequestration.
    of Wills
    holograph, 795
    made in English form, 795.
    into Court, see Tender.
    of earth, see Alluvion.
    lands, are left to the Crown, 356.
    things, when may be reclaimed by owner, 536, 537.
    see Successions.
    property may be immovable by reason of, 337, 338.
    of property under lease, 1533–1540.
    of property, subject to privilege or hypothec, 1939, 1940.
    during emphyteutic lease, 524.
    of property to be returned into a succession, 671, 672.
    of thing due, 995.
    Devolution of successions, 543 et seq.
    of a person, when a ground for obtaining provisional possession of his property, 59.
    of paternity, 187–194.
    see Release, Cancelling.
    of suit, as to prescription, 2087.
    benefit of, when may be set up, by purchasers, 1464.
    by holder of hypothecated property, 1951, 1952.
    right of, meaning of term, 1 § 16.
    See Suretyship.
    Disinheritance, how effected, 835.
    of community, how it takes place, 1228.
    effect on rights of survivorship, 1240.
    of marriage, when it takes place, 155, 155A
    of sale, may be demanded for latent defects, 1435.
    For non-payment, 1446–1453.
    of gifts, 756.
    prescription of right of, 2109.
    between neighbours, see Common Wall, Servitudes.
    kept at common expense, 476.
    of obligations, 1052–1054.
    of obligation to pay damages, 1059.
    of debt, with regard to one of co-debtors, 1038, 1045–1047.
    of joint and several debt, 1038, 1048–1051.
    see Acts, Writings.
    court may order production of, 1176.
    liability for injury by, 989A.
    public, see Crown.
    dependencies of Crown, 355–358.
    land reclaimed from sea, 376.
    see Servants.
    as regards civil rights, 5, 48.
    married women, minors and interdicted persons, 50.
    person holding temporary office, 49.
    servants and other employees, 51.
    see Gifts.
    effect of prior registration, 1980.
    liability of, for donor's debts, 738–742, 764–767.
    returns to succession, 654.
    Dower, abolished, 1183.
    Dowry, 176, 889.
    Drunkenness, 920.
    Duel, death in, 988.
    See Promise of Sale.
    duty of neighbour heaping, 482 § 2.
    of roof, how regulated, 485.
    Edicts and Ordinances
    copies of, are authentic, 1138.
    of lessee, granted in certain cases, 1530.
    see Lease and Hire, Lessee.
    Emphyteusis, 513 et seq.
    lessor, obligation, 519.
    lessee, obligations, 520–524.
    prescription, 2110, 2111.
    Termination, 525.
    Emphyteutic Rent
    is immovable, 345
    see Emphyteusis.
    Enclosed property.
    right of way to, 486.
    laws of, govern in commercial matters, 1137.
    contracts, quasi-contracts and delicts, 917A, 920
    trusts, 916A
    tutorship, 216.
    in records of Civil Status, 31.
    a cause of nullity in contracts, 925, 926.
    judicial admissions, 1174
    marriages, 123, 124
    payment of a thing not due, 979–984, 1076.
    registers of Civil Status, 45–47.
    transaction, 1816, 1821.
    Estimate and Contract
    work by, 1583 et seq.
    fortuitous, definition, 1 § 18.
    see Fortuitous event.
    Exceptions pleadable
    joint and several debtors, 1043–1051
    holder of property sued hypothecarily, 1950–1958.
    contract of, 1504–1507.
    property acquired during marriage, 1198.
    of community.
    effect of, 1300, 1301.
    from tutorship, who are subject to, 242–245.
    Execution, 5
    acceptance, 846
    action to test validity of will, 603
    conservatory acts before probate, 851
    does not transmit executorship to heirs, 856, 859
    expenses of, 850
    how replaced, 859–860.
    inventory, 855
    is personal representative, 585
    removal of, when, 853
    renunciation, when, 847
    responsibility of, cannot be limited, 852
    several, how should act, 848, 849.
    who may be, 841–845.
    see Personal Representative.
    Expropriation, 1497, 1498, 1966 § 6
    when authentic, 34, 1148.
    of authentic acts, 1142.
    definition, 914.
    Family Papers
    for establishing filiation, 201
    for establishing maternity, or paternity, 209
    what they prove, 1152.
    lease of, 1550 et seq.
    see Lease and Hire.
    authority of, 210 et seq.
    Liability for damages, 986.
    cause of nullity in contracts, 925, 928 et seq.
    between neighbours, see Servitudes.
    Filiation, 186 et seq.
    evidence, 196 et seq.
    of illegitimate children, 205 et seq.
    possession of status, 197 et seq.
    Final judgment (res judicata).
    is an absolute presumption, 1171
    when lessee responsible for loss by, 1535.
    Fishing, right of, 533.
    Flock or Herd, 428.
    Foot-road, 457.
    Force, “fortuitous event”, 1 § 18.
    form part of Crown property, 357, 358.
    Fortuitous event
    definition, 1 § 18
    does not give rise to damages, 1003, 1130
    leases of farms, 1554, 1555
    obligations, 1003, 1130–1132.
    reception of thing not due, 982.
    authentic acts may be attacked on ground of, 1142.
    cause of nullity in contracts, 925, 927, 966–972.
    never presumed, must be proved, 927, 2066
    as regards third parties, see Third Parties.
    Fruits, 364–366, 399–402.
    Funeral expenses
    privilege, 1889, 1896, 1903
    registration, 1988.
    Furniture, what is, 352.
    Gaming contracts, 1822–824.
    Gazette, proves its contents, 1138.
    of house with contents, 353
    onerous or gratuitous, 1 § 20
    when void, 699
    to be valid, must be inter vivos or by will, 695.
    inter vivos.
    acceptance, 728 et seq.
    between consorts, 1185
    by contract of marriage, 698, 722, 757 et seq.
    capacity to give and to receive, 700, 702 et seq.
    conditional, 701, 720, 723, 724.
    definition, 696.
    effects, 736 et seq.
    rights of creditors, 741, 743, 744
    form, notarial, 717 et seq.
    minors, 704, 733, 750.
    Registration, 745 et seq.
    revocation, 751 et seq.
    causa mortis.
    by contract of marriage, 698, 722, 757 et seq.
    how expressed, 769
    testamentary nature, 540.
    Giving in Payment, 1500.
    Good Faith, 933, 1005, 1426, 1974, 2103, 2112, 2114
    always presumed, 2066
    expenditures and improvements, 367, 372.
    Grandchildren, 915.
    see Sequestrator, Tutor, Curator.
    Habitation, right of, 339, 437 et seq.
    Harbours, 355.
    loss, 1554, 1555
    privilege for advances, 1904.
    Hearths, 482, 1539.
    definition, 540
    rights and liabilities of, 13
    seizin, 549, 550
    contribution to payment of debts, 677–681.
    appointment of, by marriage contract, 769.
    ostensible, payment to, 806
    only excluded by will, 835
    of wife in community, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1279.
    see Partition, Prescription.
    Herd or Flock
    as regards usufruct, 428.
    see Lease of Cattle on shares
    Crown domain, 355
    things found on public, 536.
    of real property may be sued hypothecarily, 1941, 1943, 1946 et seq.
    if not personally liable, may plead exceptions;
    Discussion, 1950–1952.
    Warranty, 1950, 1953, 1954.
    Subrogation, 1950, 1955, 1956
    Resulting from improvements, 1950, 1957.
    Resulting from a prior claim, 1950, 1958.
    see Hypothec.
    Holograph (will), 1 § 22, 780, 788.
    Hotel Keepers, 1714, 1715, 2123.
    Hunting, 533.
    Husband and Wife
    marriage, 81 et seq.
    rights and duties, 135 et seq., 143 et seq.
    when may remarry, 84, 155A, 155B
    may oppose marriage of spouse, 113
    capacity of wife, 146 et seq., 1300
    separation from bed and board, 156 et seq.
    effects of, 180, 181
    parental authority and custody of children, 182, 183, 210
    tutorship to children, rights as to, 217 et seq., 242, 243.
    duty to retain curatorship of spouse, 304
    succession to each other, 557, 567A
    action on death of spouse by delict, 983
    evidence, 1162
    marriage covenants, 1177 et seq.
    registration of, 1996, 1997
    dower abolished, 1183
    property of,
    community and separate, 1188 et seq.
    defined, 1192
    administration of community, 1211 et seq.
    alienation, 1211, 1212
    may contract with or for each other, 1220, 1304
    judicial separation, effects of, 1230, 1235–1240.
    Effects of marriage in separation of property, 1300 et seq.
    non-responsibility for wife's contracts, delicts, etc., 1302
    civil remedies for protection of wife's property, 1303
    Judge's orders on marital questions, 1305.
    minor or otherwise incapable, representation of, 1306
    prescription of rights of, 2094–2096.
    see Marriage, Community of Property, Marriage Covenants, Separation, Registration.
    Liability in general, 594, 1875
    expropriated property, 1498
    legal cause of preference, 1877
    definition, 1 § 23, 1908.
    Indivisibility and extent, 1909–1911.
    kinds of, 1912, 1913
    upon undivided portion, 1914
    in returns to successions, 673
    property of insolvent, 1915
    legal, 1913, 1916–1922.
    of minors and interdicted persons, 1920, 1921, 2001
    of the Crown, 1922
    judicial, 1923
    Conventional, 1924 et seq.
    rank, 1932–1937.
    effect, 1938–1942.
    hypothecary action, 1941 et seq.
    definition, 1 § 24
    alienation of immovable void, 1959
    Rules as to surrender, 1960–1965.
    see Prescription, time required for extinction, 1966.
    preservation of, see Registration.
    Immovables, 1 § 46, 5, 333 et seq.
    Imperial Act proves its contents, 1138
    conditions in contracts, 701, 1011.
    performing obligations, 1130–1132B.
    Impotency (marriage), 83.
    in civil cases, 2133 et seq.
    not to exceed two years, 2140
    of authentic acts, 1142.
    to property of others, 372 et seq.
    upon immovables, by purchaser evicted, 1957.
    by lessee, 1544.
    by usufructuary, 412.
    belonging to one consort, 1222, 1272.
    Imprudence, 985
    see Capacity.
    Court, (prescription), 2086
    witness, 1162.
    Incorporeal rights
    see Rights Incorporeal.
    of animals (usufruct), 428.
    admissions, 1172.
    obligations, 1052–1061.
    must be viable to inherit, 551.
    conceived, but not born, curator to, 298, 305.
    Inhabitants of Saint Lucia, 5, 21.
    Inheritance, 542.
    prescription, 2123.
    responsibility, 1714, 1715.
    see Persons of unsound mind.
    Insane persons
    see Persons of unsound mind.
    see Obligations, Hypothecs.
    see Substitution.
    how designated, 1 § 41.
    effect of, as regards interpretation of deeds, 945.
    see Persons of unsound mind.
    arrears, 2006, 2026.
    civil fruits, 400.
    co-debtors, 1042.
    compound interest, 1009.
    consorts, 1282.
    due on debts, 996, 1008.
    pledge, 1870.
    legacies, 807.
    loans, 1685, 1686.
    prescription, 2111.
    price of sale, 1444.
    principal and agent, 1624.
    rate, 1685, 2020 (5).
    tender, none after, 1093.
    tutor's accounts, 273.
    Persons, in matters of gift, 715.
    Interpretation, 1.
    contracts, 945 et seq.
    laws, 10.
    wills, 808.
    Interrogatories, 286, 288, 1175.
    creditors in separation action, 1234.
    vendor to warrant buyer, 1947.
    Interversion of title.
    hypothec, 1933.
    prescription, 2069.
    in matters of succession, see Succession.
    in community, 1259 et seq.
    formed in rivers, 377, 378.
    Joint Acquest
    of community, what property deemed to be, 1193.
    Joint and several
    interest among creditors, 1031–1033.
    interruption of prescription, 2091.
    liability, 1034 et seq.
    interruption of prescription, 2092.
    demand of interest from, 1042.
    what exceptions may be pleaded, 1043.
    confusion as to one debtor, 1044.
    Effect of dealing with one debtor, 1045–1048, 1114, 1115.
    as between debtors, 1048–1051.
    privilege of, 1900.
    registration, 2002.
    res judicata, 1171.
    rescinding lease, 1531.
    carries hypothec, 1923, 2002.
    Judge, 1 § 25, 9, 1146.
    Judicial demand,
    interrupts prescription, 2085.
    Judicial sale, effect of, 1966 § 6.
    of courts, 5.
    want of, as regards prescription, 2086.
    Justice of the Peace, 98, 789, 1904.
    Lease and Hire, 1508 et seq.
    to what it relates, 1508–1510.
    of things, 1512–1518.
    by sufferance, 1515.
    tacit renewal, 1516–1518.
    lessor, obligations of, 1519–1524, 1548.
    rights and privilege of, 1525 et seq.
    lessee, obligations and rights of, 1532 et seq.
    repairs, 1538–1540.
    sub-lease, 1542, 1543.
    houses, 1514, 1546–1549.
    furniture, 1547.
    farms and estates, 1514, 1550–1557.
    termination, 1546, 1558–1567.
    notice of, 1560.
    death does not terminate, 1564.
    work, 1568 et seq.
    personal service, 1569–1572.
    carriers, 1573–1582.
    estimate and contract, 1583–1597.
    cattle on shares, 1598–1600.
    prescription of rent, 2111.
    Vesting assent, 595 et seq.
    nature and kind of, 799.
    lapse, 801, 804, 836 et seq.
    acceptance and repudiation, 802, 803.
    right of accretion applicable to, when, 804.
    interpretation of, 808.
    of things not belonging to the testator, 817–819.
    when particular legacy liable for debt, 820.
    how paid, 595, 821.
    reduction of, 821–823.
    right of accession applicable to, 824.
    of a thing hypothecated, 825.
    of usufruct and servitudes, 825.
    in favour of a creditor or servant, 826.
    revocation, 828 et seq.
    universal, 809.
    by general title, 809.
    particular, 816.
    registration when necessary, 1930.
    give right to separation of property, 1885.
    definition, 1 § 28.
    who may be, 774, 776.
    may be trustee, 805.
    fruits and interest, 807.
    under suspensive condition, 838.
    discharges by, 806, 1076.
    liability for debts, 594, 677 et seq. 811–815, 820–825.
    Legitimation, 205–207.
    re-registration of births, 41A.
    obligations of, 1673–1676, 1681.
    as regards partition of successions, see Partition.
    as regards sale, 1470.
    definition, 1 § 29.
    may cause nullity in contracts, 925, 934 et seq.
    Letters Patent
    need not be proved, 1138.
    Libel, 985, 989F et seq.
    prescription, 2123.
    marriage, 95, 96, 104.
    definition, 1 § 31.
    effect of, on co-owner purchaser, 688.
    how effected, 651, 1473.
    when it takes place, 640, 653A et seq., 884, 1472.
    right of, governed by law of Saint Lucia, 5.
    see Retention.
    rules concerning, 1693, 1798 et seq.
    effect, 1803 et seq.
    for what term may be created, 347.
    when redeemable, 247, 348–350.
    are movable, 345.
    see Registration.
    Lights, servitude of view, 494.
    Loan, 1662 et seq.
    for use, 1663 et seq.
    obligations of the borrower, 1666–1672.
    obligations of the lender, 1673–1676.
    for consumption, 1677 et seq.
    obligations of the lender, 1681.
    obligations of the borrower, 1679, 1680, 1682–1684.
    upon interest, 1685, 1686.
    when extinguishes an obligation, 1130–1132.
    of civil rights, 23.
    Lost things
    belong to the Crown, 356.
    definition, 1 § 32.
    ascendants and descendants, 135–142.
    spouse, 143, 181.
    illegitimate children, 208, 709.
    gift to concubine, 709.
    donor, 753.
    of persons may perform act, 1 § 40.
    at what age attained, 213, 284.
    Manure, 337, 1557.
    Marginal Notes, 31.
    civil, 24.
    effect of absence, 75–78.
    who can solemnize, 94.
    at what age may be contracted, 81.
    consent necessary, 82.
    impotency, 83.
    second, 84.
    of minors, 85, 89.
    judge may in certain cases give consent, 89.
    prohibited degrees. 90–93.
    with deceased wife's sister, 91A.
    dispensation from impediments, 94.
    by licence, 95, 96.
    after banns, 97–99.
    publication of notice, 100.
    publication of banns, see Banns.
    oppositions to, see Oppositions to Marriage, 113 et seq.
    when celebrated, 106.
    formalities of celebration, 107 et seq.
    validity of, celebrated out of Saint Lucia, 111.
    in extremis, 112.
    of British subjects (facilities) 112A.
    under Foreign Marriage Act, 112B.
    nullity of, 82, 83, 93, 123–126
    possession of status, 130–132.
    civil effects, 129, 133, 134, 134A.
    only dissolved by death, 155.
    or presumption of death, 155A, 155B.
    obligations resulting from, 135–142.
    contract, 1177–1179.
    covenants, 1180 et. seq., 1300 et seq.
    Masculine gender
    includes feminine, 1 § 19.
    Mass of Succession &c.,
    definition, 1 § 60.
    belonging to another, 380 et seq. 371.
    proof of, 209.
    May (interpretation), 1 § 53.
    Merchant Shipping Acts,
    application of, 1477, 1901.
    sublease by, 1550.
    contracts and privilege, 1903, 1904.
    Military Places, 357, 358.
    Mills, 335.
    Mines (usufruct), 410.
    Actions belonging to, 264.
    agents, 1607.
    gifts to, 263.
    hypothecs, 1920, 1921, 2001, 2014.
    incapacity, 919–921, 934, 941.
    Interest on balance of tutor's account, 273.
    Married, capacity of, 279.
    registration, 2001, 2014.
    sale of property of, 257–260, 941.
    testamentary executors, 591, 843.
    traders, 283.
    when minority ceases, 213.
    Mortgages, see Hypothecs.
    Mother, 210 et seq.
    Mourning (widow's), 1284.
    property, 341–345.
    what leases are, 346.
    furniture, 352.
    definition, 1 § 46.
    property, by what laws governed, 5.
    see Corporations.
    Mutual donation
    between consorts, 705, 1185.
    Naturalization, 18.
    Negligence, 985.
    contributory, 989D.
    Negotiorum gestio, 975–978.
    right of way, 486–491.
    servitudes concerning, 451 et seq.
    Notarial instrument, loss of, 1149, 1150.
    authentic writings, 1139 et seq.
    copies, 1147 et seq.
    gifts, 717, 727 et seq.
    inventory, 1259.
    marriage covenants, 1184, 1186.
    obligation to register
    discharges, 2028.
    marriage covenants, 1996.
    tutorships, 2000.
    vesting assents, 597.
    partition, 640 et seq., 1271.
    prescription, 2121, 2129.
    rights and obligations, 1632 et seq.
    effect, 1107–1110.
    when it takes place, 1 § 33, 1100–1105.
    Nullity of contracts, 925, 965 et seq.
    Number, 1 § 19, 31.
    Nurses (privilege), 1897.
    includes affirmation 1 § 34.
    of parties or witnesses, 1175, 1176.
    to witness, see Incompetency.
    definition 1 § 35.
    English law applies to, 917A.
    essentials of, 918.
    what they arise from, 917, 990.
    Subject of, 991–994.
    effects, 995 et seq., 1875, 1876.
    preservation of thing due, 995.
    specific performance, 997.
    defaults, 999 et seq.
    damages for non-fulfilment, 996, 1001, et seq.
    conditional, 1010 et seq.
    illegal or immoral, 994, 1011.
    with a term, 1020 et seq.
    alternative, 1024 et seq.
    joint and several, 1031 et seq.
    See Joint and several liability.
    divisible and indivisible, 1052 et seq.
    with a penal clause, 1062–1068.
    extinction of, 1069.
    Occupancy, 534, 536, 537.
    produce obligations, 985 et seq.
    prescription, 2122, 2123.
    buying litigious rights, 1395.
    how designated, 1 § 41.
    of Civil Status, 1 § 55, 36, 37.
    of Justice, see Prescription.
    prescription, 2124.
    Official documents, 1138.
    in registers of civil status, 46.
    Oppositions to marriage, 105, 113 et seq.
    Order in Council (proof), 1138.
    Ordinances (proof), 1138.
    Oven, 482.
    term convertible with proprietor, 1 § 47.
    definition, 361.
    expropriation, 362.
    how acquired, 529.
    improvements by third parties, 372–374.
    rivers, 375 et seq.
    things found without an owner, 535–537.
    treasure found, 532.
    undivided, partition, 632.
    see Owner, Contracts and Agreements, Accession.
    family, what they prove, 1159.
    filiation, 201.
    paternity, maternity, 209.
    Parental authority, 210 et seq.
    action of, definition, 1 § 36.
    effects of, 688.
    in representation, 566.
    of community, see Community.
    procedure, 632 et seq.
    rescission, 693, 694.
    rights of creditors, 673.
    title deeds to property, 653.
    warranty resulting from, 690–692.
    what acts are reputed to be, 689.
    Pasture, 494.
    see Filiation.
    see Pledge of movables.
    application of, 1089–1092.
    at whose expense, 1084.
    definition, 1 § 37, 1070.
    indication of, 1105.
    of price, 1442 et seq.
    tender and deposit, 1093–1099.
    undue payment, 979, 1071.
    Validity of, 1072 et seq.
    where to be made, 1083.
    with subrogation, see Subrogation, 1085.
    Penal Clause, 1062 et seq.
    Penalties, 37, 127, 128, 2134 § 10.
    of suit, definition, 1 § 38.
    effect on prescription, 2087.
    Perishable things (usufruct), 415.
    Person, 1 § 39, 1 § 41, 5.
    Personal Representative
    action on delict for benefit of dependents, 988.
    administration action, 603.
    administration, grant of, 587 et seq.
    special, 589.
    with will annexed, 590, 591.
    causes of action of deceased survive, 609.
    Conveyances by, 595–601.
    defined, 585.
    judge's orders re succession, 604.
    may be a trustee, 805, 2141, see Trustees.
    property of succession vests in, 586, 605, 609.
    rights and powers of, 595 et seq., 2151 et seq.
    security for administration, 602.
    vesting of legacy or share, 595–597, 599.
    Persons of unsound mind
    capacity to contract, 920.
    as to gifts and wills, 700, 770, 773, 775.
    curatorship of, 291, 298, 301 et seq.
    examination of, 288.
    hypothec for balance of curator's account, 1920.
    registration of, 1998, 2001.
    inquisition as to, 285 et seq.
    jurisdiction of judge in lunacy, 310 et seq.
    prescription, 2093, 2131.
    receivers to property of, 309 et seq.
    bequests, 777.
    gifts, 710.
    privilege, 1889, 1897, 1903.
    prescription, 2121.
    definition, 1862.
    of immovables, 1863.
    of movables, 1864.
    rights resulting from, 1865, 1866.
    how creditors may dispose of, 1867.
    debtor remains owner of, 1868.
    responsibility of creditor and debtor, 1869.
    Interest on debt given in pledge, 1870, 1871.
    indivisibility, 1872.
    rights of third parties, 1873.
    In commercial matters, 1874.
    and tilling, privilege, 1903, 1904.
    Ports, 355.
    disputed, 5.
    of status of marriage, 130–134, 197, 199.
    as regards accession, 366.
    as regards prescription, 2057 et seq., 2130.
    Possessory Action
    definition, 1 § 42.
    Power of Attorney
    see Agency.
    Preamble to ordinance, 10.
    as to servitudes, 508–512.
    definition, 2047.
    renunciation, 2048–2050.
    who may set up, 2051, 2052.
    conflict of laws, 2053–2055.
    possession for, 2056 et seq.
    causes which hinder, 2065 et seq.
    precarious possession, 2059, 2067 et seq.
    substitution, 2071.
    Against title, when permitted, 2072, 2073.
    positive and negative, effect of, 2047, 2074.
    Imprescriptible things. 2075 et seq.
    rights of Crown, 2076–2079.
    causes which interrupt, 2083 et seq.
    as to joint and several debtors, 2092.
    causes which suspend, 2093 et seq.
    rights of persons under disability, 2093, 2131.
    husband and wife, 2094–2096.
    time required to prescribe, 2103 et seq.
    30 years, 2103 et seq.
    10 years, 2112–2120.
    short prescriptions, 609, 988, 2111, 2121–2124, 2130.
    minors and others under disability, 2131.
    of things by debtor, 995.
    by vendor, 1408.
    by lessee, 1532–1537.
    by agent, 1610.
    by borrower, 1666.
    by depositary, 1702.
    by pledgee, 1869.
    privilege for expenses attending, 1891.
    different kinds of, 1168.
    legal, their effect, 1169, 1170.
    resulting from final judgment (res judicata), 1171.
    of survivorship, 546–548.
    by each spouse or his heirs, 1274.
    by heirs, 643, 644.
    obligations towards agent, 1620–1626.
    towards third parties, 1627–1631.
    see Agency.
    Private signature, writings under, 1153 et seq.
    definition, 1 § 43, 1878.
    questions as to, 5.
    legal cause of preference, 1877.
    General provisions, 1878–1887.
    of the Crown, 1884, 1889.
    upon movable property, 1888–1902.
    order of, 1889.
    upon immovable property, 1903–1906.
    order of, 1903.
    preservation of, 1907, see Registration.
    effect of, 1938 et seq.
    extinction of, 1966.
    maritime, upon ships, etc., 1901.
    Privy (distance), 482.
    Probate of Wills, 794–798A.
    Proclamation, 1 § 44, 1138.
    Prohibition to alienate, 903 et seq.
    Promise of Marriage
    no ground of opposition to marriage, 105.
    Promise of Sale, 1386–1388.
    Promissory Notes
    Prescription of, 2121.
    General provisions, 1133 et seq.
    authentic writings, 1138 et seq.
    copies of, 1147–1151.
    Lost 1149, 1150.
    writings executed out of Saint Lucia, 1152–1152B.
    Private writings, 1153–1160.
    oral testimony, 1161 et seq.
    of foreign law, 1146.
    presumptions, 1168–1171.
    extra judicial, 1173.
    judicial, 1174.
    nature of, how determined, 5.
    immovable, 334–340.
    see Immovables.
    movable, 341–346.
    vacant, 356, 530.
    common, 531.
    see Owner.
    by one notary, 1140.
    of banns of marriage, 97 et seq.
    Public Policy, 5.
    right of, to expel lessee, 1566, 1567.
    preference among several, 1970–1975.
    under forced sale for public purposes, 1498.
    at judicial sale, recourse of, 1494, 1495.
    certain persons cannot be, 1392–1395.
    subsequent, see Subsequent purchasers.
    see Buyer, Sale, Agent.
    Quarries, 410.
    a cause of obligations, 917.
    definition, 1 § 7.
    obligations from, how formed, 973–974A.
    see Negotiorum gestio, Undue payment.
    a cause of obligations, 917.
    definition, 1 § 15.
    obligations from, how formed, 985 et seq.
    Queen's Chain
    part of Crown domain, 355.
    not prescriptible, 2077.
    Rain, 485.
    of title, see Confirmation.
    Recaption, definition, 1 § 48.
    Recognition, acts of, 1144, 1145.
    of consorts, effect of, 164, 185.
    copies of official, 1138.
    of births, 38–41.
    prove filiation, 196.
    of burial, 44.
    of civil status, 24 et seq.
    definition, 1 § 49.
    how inscribed, 31.
    how proved when registers lost, 35.
    must be read to parties, 30.
    parties to attorneys for, 29.
    rectification of, 45–47.
    of marriage, 42, 43.
    Redemption, right of
    in sale, 1455 et seq., 1490–1492.
    prescription, 2109.
    in successions, 652.
    Redhibitory action
    definition, 1 § 50.
    authentic, prove their contents, 1138.
    family, how they make proof, 35, 1159.
    lost, 35.
    of civil status, by whom and how kept, 25 et seq.
    duplicate, 27, 32.
    duties of depositary, 30, 33, 34, 36.
    extracts from are authentic, 34.
    of real rights, see Registration, Registry offices.
    renewal of worn out, 47A et seq.
    definition, 1 § 51.
    appointment and duties of, 2039.
    district, 25.
    Registration of Real Rights
    against whom, want of may be invoked, 1971.
    at length, how effected, 2013–2016.
    by memorial, 2017–2027.
    by whom may be demanded, 1972.
    cancelling of, 2028 et seq.
    sheriff's deeds, effect of, 2035–2037.
    does not interrupt prescription, 1978.
    gives effect to them, 1967.
    mode of, and renewal of, 2012.
    of privileged claims, 1977.
    other provisions concerning, 1979.
    priority of, 1968, 1973.
    property of insolvent traders, 1974.
    property seized in execution, 1975.
    ranking of registered rights, 2011.
    rights exempt from, 1969.
    rules particular to different titles, 1980 et seq.
    want of, not cured by notice, 1970.
    what parties it avails, 1976.
    Registry offices and Registers, 2038–2046B.
    proximity of, how established, 558–561.
    Release, 1112–1116
    deed, in rents and emphyteusis, 1946, 2110.
    as regards hypothecs, etc., 1942, 2118.
    of lease, see Tacit renewal, Lease.
    of registration, 2012.
    of worn out registers, 47A.
    civil fruits, 400.
    movable, 345.
    redeemable, 347, 348, 351.
    term, 347.
    paid in anticipation, 2010.
    prescription, 2111.
    alienation for rent, 1501 et seq.
    constituted, 1687–1693.
    for preservation by usufructuary, 418.
    by lessor, 1520, 1538.
    by lessee, 1536, 1537, 1539.
    by borrower, 1666, 1675.
    Greater and lesser, 419.
    of roads or other public works, 457.
    of private property of consorts, 1223, 1224.
    Representation (in successions), 562–567.
    of the wife, 1274–1277.
    contracts in fraud of creditors, 965–972.
    contract to build, 1591.
    gifts, 751–756.
    sale for latent defects, 1435–1441.
    lease, 1530, 1545, 1563.
    Res judicata, 1171.
    Responsibility (delictual), 985 et seq.
    Retention, right of
    in returns of property to succession, 674.
    in matters of substitution, 901.
    of possessor who has made improvements, 374.
    see Pledge.
    to the community.
    when due, 1272, 1273.
    in successions, 654 et seq.
    right of retention, 674.
    by unpaid vendor, 1892–1894.
    of gifts
    at the suit of creditors, 744.
    by donor, 751.
    by subsequent birth of children, 752.
    of wills. 828–834.
    of agency, 1655, 1656.
    of thing sold, see Sale.
    of property leased, 1535.
    of borrower, 1664, 1667–1669.
    of things due, upon whom it falls, 957, 995.
    alluvion caused by, 375.
    islands and islets forming in, 377.
    former bed, 379.
    things found in, 536.
    maintained by the State, 355.
    things found on, 536.
    construction or repair of, 457.
    Sale, 1382 et seq.
    definition, 1382.
    promise of sale, 1386–1388.
    title deed, expense of, 1389.
    registration, 1390, 1980 et seq.
    intoxicating liquors, 1391.
    capacity to buy or sell, 1392 et seq.
    what may be object of sale, 1396.
    thing not belonging to seller, 1397 et seq.
    stolen goods, 1399, 1400.
    See Commerical Code.
    obligations of seller.
    delivery, 1402 et seq.
    deficiency or excess, 1410–1415.
    warranty against eviction, 1416 et seq.
    against latent defects, 1432 et seq.
    none in judicial sales, 1441.
    obligations of buyer, 1442 et seq.
    payment, 1442.
    time and place of payment, 1443.
    interest, 1444.
    buyer disturbed in possession, 1445.
    avoidance for non-payment, 1446–1454.
    avoidance for other causes, 1455 et seq.
    right of redemption, 1456 et seq.
    lesion, 1470.
    by licitation, 1472.
    by auction, 1474.
    of debts and rights of action, 1478–1486.
    of successions, 1487–1489.
    of litigious rights, 1490–1492.
    forced sales, 1493 et seq.
    giving in payment, 1500.
    alienation for rent, 1501–1503.
    Salvage, 535.
    responsibility for scholars, 986.
    prescription, 2122.
    things taken from the, 534, 535.
    “The Great Seal”, definition, 1 § 44.
    Seamen, (wills), 787.
    part of Crown domain, 355.
    Seduction (prescription), 2122.
    of heirs, 549, 550, 588.
    of donees, 736.
    of personal representative, 592, 593.
    immovables under, cannot be hypothecated, 1924.
    before judgment, see Attachment.
    his obligations, 1401–1441.
    his privilege upon movables, 1892–1894.
    immovables, 1903, 1906.
    registration of, 1981, 1983.
    Separate Property
    what is, 1192.
    Separation of Property
    in successions, 685–687, 1885, 1987.
    in gifts, 743, 1885, 1987.
    in legacies, 815, 1885, 1987.
    in substitutions, 901, 1885, 1987.
    between consorts.
    judicial, dissolves community, 1228.
    how effected, 1229–1233.
    rights of creditors, 1234.
    effect of, 1235–1240.
    by contract of marriage, effects of, 1300, 1301.
    Separation from bed and board
    grounds of, 157–160A.
    cannot be based on consent, 156.
    when Court must, and when may, dismiss action, 160B.
    review of order, 160C.
    formalities of action, 160–167.
    provisional measures, 168 et seq.
    children, 168.
    rights of wife, 169–172.
    husband's contracts, when void, 173.
    effects of, 174 et seq.
    as between spouses, 175–181.
    as to children, 182–184.
    reconciliation, effects of, 164 et seq., 185.
    is either conventional or judicial, 1717.
    conventional, 1718–1721.
    judicial, 1723–1729.
    their domicile, 51.
    rights and obligations of, see Lease and Hire of work, Privileges, Prescription.
    of notaries, cannot be witnesses to a will, 782, see Witnesses
    common employment not a defence to action in delict, 989B.
    personal, hire of, is subject to tacit renewal, 1569.
    how contract for, terminates, 1570.
    rights and obligations resulting from contract for, 1571, 1572.
    of judicial demand, interrupts prescription, 2085.
    definition, 1 § 52, 449.
    divisions of, 450.
    legacy of, chargeable to particular legatee, 825.
    Arising from the situation of property.
    flow of water, 451.
    springs, 452.
    running water, 453.
    boundaries between neighbours, 454.
    fences, &c., 455.
    legal, 456 et seq.
    construction or repair of roads, &c., 457.
    certain obligations to which law subjects proprietors, 458, 459.
    division walls, 460–472.
    ditches, presumption of ownership of, 473–475.
    common, kept at common expense, 476.
    hedges, trees,, 477–480.
    clearance, 481
    certain structures, 482.
    view upon adjoining property, 483, 484, see Neighbours.
    roofs, 485.
    right of way, when may be demanded, 486.
    when and how given, 487, 488.
    who bound to give it in certain cases, 489.
    when it ceases, 490.
    acquired by 30 years prescription, 491.
    private, how established, 492, 496, 497.
    classes of, 493–495.
    comprise all necessary for exercise, 498.
    rights and obligations
    right of the creditor to make all necessary work, 499.
    at whose expense, 500.
    debtor charged with making works, may free himself by giving up the land, 501.
    continue notwithstanding the division of the servient land, 502.
    obligations of the proprietor of the servient land, 503.
    how creditor must use them, 504.
    termination of
    by impossibility of using them, 505.
    but may revive if impossibility ceases, 506.
    by non-user during 30 years, 508–512.
    by confusion, 507.
    as regards usufruct, see Usufruct, Emphyteusis.
    Set Off, 1117–1127A.
    how construed, 1 § 53.
    in the partition of successions, 641, 644–648.
    see Partition.
    in financial companies, &c., are movable, 344.
    Who is the, 1 § 54.
    cannot buy certain litigious rights, 1395.
    when liable to imprisonment, 2134.
    British, sale of, governed by English law, 1477.
    how may be denied, 1155, 1156.
    broadcasting or publication, 989F.
    when special damage not required, 989G, 989H.
    See Defamation, Prescription.
    Slander of Title
    when special damage not required, 989 (1).
    how designated, 1 § 41.
    Soldiers' wills, 787.
    Spiritual Adviser
    of donor, may receive by gift from him, 710.
    Spring, 452.
    Stable (distance), 482.
    repairs and rebuilding, 471.
    right of child to establish, 203.
    See Records of Civil Status.
    officer, definition, 1 § 55.
    for salt or corrosive substances, 482.
    Stray Property, 530–537.
    Streams, 453.
    Sub-Lease, 1542, 1543, 1550.
    definition, 1 § 56.
    legal or conventional, 1085–1087.
    takes effect against sureties, 1088.
    Does not prejudice part paid creditor, 1081, 1088.
    of heir who pays more than his share, 682.
    of particular legatee, 683.
    in favour of surety, 1846, 1847.
    order of collocation, 1881–1883.
    Subsequent Purchasers
    prescription by, 2112–2118.
    definition, 861.
    children, 866, 871, 872, 874, 902
    coming into operation of, 896 et seq.
    creation of, 865 et seq.
    institutes, who may be, 870
    rights and duties, 880 et seq.
    nature of, 861–864.
    prohibition to alienate, may be, 903
    registration, 874 et seq.
    revocation, 866
    substitute, rights, etc., of, 891 et seq.
    seizin of, 897.
    definition of term “succession”, 1 § 57, 539
    “intestate” and “testamentary” defined, 1 § 58, 1 § 59, 540, 800
    Intestate are either legitimate or irregular, 541
    devolution of, 557, 586.
    to surviving spouse and descendants, 567A–568
    to ascendants, 569–572
    to collaterals, 574–577
    place and time of, 543, 544
    by what law governed, 545
    presumption of survivorship, 546–548
    seizin of heirs, 549, 550
    qualities requisite to inherit, 551–556
    degrees of relationship, 558–561
    representation in, 562–567
    relations beyond 12th degree do not inherit, 578
    illegitimate children, 579
    to the Crown, 579 (3), 582, 583
    administration of, 584 et seq.
    See Personal Representative
    without a representative
    vests in Administrator General, 608
    partition of, see Partition
    licitation and sale, of property of, 636–652
    titles, to whom delivered after partition, 653
    Returns in, 654 et seq.
    debts of
    how and by whom are paid, 592–594, 677–681
    recourse of heirs and legatees against each other, 682–684
    separation of property of, 685–688, 815, 816, 822, 823.
    acts of, cannot found prescription, 2060
    lessee by, 1515, 1530.
    upon common wall, 465.
    discharged by release, 1116
    confusion, 1129
    see Suretyship.
    its nature, 1825
    kinds of, 1826
    can only be based upon a valid obligation, 1828
    effects and extent, 1827–1832
    obligations of, extend to heirs of surety, 1833
    requisites of sureties, 1834
    how solvency is estimated, 1835
    when fresh surety required, 1836
    effect of, between creditor and surety, 1837 et seq., 1854, 1857
    benefit of discussion, 1837–1840
    responsibility of co-sureties, 1841
    benefit of division, 1842, 1843
    recourse of surety, against principal debtor, 1844 et seq.
    against co-surety, 1851
    subrogation of sureties, 1846
    how extinguished, 1852 et seq.
    Legal and judicial, 1858–1861.
    rights of, claim during husband's lifetime, 176
    presumption of, 546–548.
    Tacit Renewal (of lease), 1515 et seq.
    None in emphyteusis, 525.
    borne by usufructuary, 421.
    answerable for their pupils, 986
    see Prescription.
    Tender, 1093–1098
    in obligation, its effect, 1020–1023.
    Testamentary Executors
    see Executor; Personal Representatives.
    Testimony Oral
    of one witness sufficient, 1161
    when may require corroboration, 1162
    who are competent to give, 1162
    when admissible, 1163–1167
    see Acts authentic.
    cannot acquire prescription, 2062, 2130.
    how designated, 1 § 41
    found, 529–537
    not claimed, 536
    distinction of, see Movables, Immovables, Property.
    Third Parties
    effect of contracts with regard to, 961, 962, 964
    acts in fraud of, 965–971
    set-off, 1126, 1127
    see Return in successions, Partitions.
    expenses of, privileged, 1904.
    computation of for prescription, 2101.
    definition, 1 § 61
    to whom delivered in partitions of successions, 653
    renewal, see Renewal deed
    primordial, see Primordial title.
    Transaction, 1813 et seq.
    minor, 267.
    definition, 532
    found, to whom it belongs, 411, 532.
    on neighbouring properties, 478–481
    right of usufructuary to, 406, 407.
    how created, 916A, 805
    see Trustees.
    Trustees, 2141 et seq.
    agents, power to employ, 2163
    appointment and discharge, 2171 et seq.
    limitation on number of, 2171
    new or additional, 2172, 2178
    powers of, 2172
    Trustees of property of persons out of Saint Lucia, 2173
    breach of trust
    liability of beneficiary to indemnify for, 2198
    loans and investments not chargeable as, 2147
    relief of trustee, 2197
    cannot purchase trust property, 1394
    definitions, 2141
    general powers
    concur with others, 2164
    compound liabilities, 2154
    delegate trusts during absence abroad, 2165
    deposit of documents for safe custody, 2160
    devolution of, 2157
    employ agents, 2163
    insurance, 2158, 2159
    postpone sale, 2162
    protection of persons dealing with, 2156
    raise money, 2155, 2156
    receipts, 2153
    reversionary interests, valuations and audit 2161
    sale, 2151, 2152
    increase in number of, 2174
    acts done under order of court, 2200
    by beneficiary on order of court, 2198
    implied, 2170
    in respect of powers of attorney, 2169
    liability only for own acts, 2170
    protection by means of advertisement, 2167
    protection in regard to notice, 2168
    rents and covenants in leases after conveyance or distribution, 2166
    investments by, 2143 et seq.
    authorised, 2143.
    bank deposits and calls, 2150
    bearer securities, 2146
    discretion as to, 2144
    improper, liability for loss, 2148
    not chargeable as breaches of trust, 2147
    power to retain, 2145
    supplementary powers, 2149
    personal representatives may be, 805, 2141, 2142
    powers of Court
    appointment of new trustees, 2178–2180.
    authorise dealings with property, 2193.
    charge costs on trust property, 2196.
    judgment in absence of trustee, 2195.
    order beneficiary to indemnify for breach of trust, 2198.
    payment into Court, 2199.
    relieve trustee from personal liability, 2197.
    rules of Court, 2201.
    vesting orders
    are conclusive of certain allegations, 2190.
    as to stock and things in action, 2187.
    contingent rights of unborn persons, 2182.
    effect of, 2185.
    land, 2181.
    of charity property, 2188.
    of minor's beneficial property, 2189.
    on judgment for specific performance, 2184.
    on sale or mortgage of land, 2183.
    power to appoint person to convey, 2186.
    registration of, 2191, 2192.
    who may apply for orders, 2194.
    retirement of, without new appointment, 2176.
    separate, for part of trust property, 2174.
    sole trustee, 2174.
    vacancy in trust, evidence of, 2175.
    Vesting of trust property in new or continuing, 2177.
    Tutorship, 216 et seq.
    account of tutor, 268 et seq., 604, 1009.
    Actions of minor, 264.
    appeals, 266.
    administration of tutors, 250 et seq.
    appointment of tutors
    by Court, 217.
    by father or mother, 219.
    when it takes effect, 226.
    does not pass to personal representatives, 227.
    effect of marriage of tutrix, 243.
    exclusion from, 244, 245.
    gifts to minors, how accepted, 263.
    how many tutors may be appointed, 225.
    immovables, alienation and hypothecation of, 257, 258.
    incapacity for, 242.
    inventory, 252.
    investment of money, 254–256.
    joint tutors, differences between,
    power of Court to make orders, 220–222.
    kinds of, 217.
    law of England applies, 216.
    no one bound to accept, 223.
    oath of tutor, 251.
    partition, 265, 653A, 653J.
    prescription of action for account, 2119.
    responsibility for delicts of minor, 986.
    surviving father or mother, tutorship of, 218.
    tutor ad hoc, 224.
    removal from, 244, 246–249.
    Undivided ownership, 632, 1914.
    Undue influence.
    in gifts to advisers, 710.
    payment entitles to restitution, 979–984.
    United Kingdom.
    meaning of term, 1§27.
    in matters of succession, 553, 555.
    in matters of gifts, 751, 753.
    in matters of wills, 829.
    Usage, 948, 949.
    Use and Habitation, 437 et seq.
    nature of, 394.
    how established, 395 et seq.
    termination of, 429 et seq.
    sale of property, effect on, 433, 434.
    destruction of property, 435, 436.
    rights of usufructuary, 398 et seq.
    obligations of usufructuary, 413 et seq.
    of legacy, 825.
    Vacant Estates
    Escheat to the Crown, 356, 579.
    Viable infants, 1§62, 551.
    View, 483, 484
    cause of nullity in contracts, 928–933.
    see Fear, Prescription.
    Vis Major
    causes fortuitous event, 1 § 18.
    when binding, 1822–1824.
    their privilege, 1889, 1900, 1903.
    of seamen, 1572.
    of minors, action for, 264.
    to whom they belong, 530–537.
    see Common property, Servitudes.
    in gifts, 737.
    between coheirs, 690–692, 1054.
    in sales, 1416 et seq., 1484 et seq.
    in leases, 1521 et seq.
    in hypothecary actions, 1953, 1954.
    see Deterioration.
    Water, 451 et seq.
    Way, right of, 486 et seq.
    Wells, 482
    community, 1256 et seq.
    mourning, 1284.
    tutorship, 218, 242, 243.
    residence and domicile of, 50, 162, 163, 169. 175.
    duty to husband, 144, 145.
    testamentary executorship, 842.
    may make a will, 154.
    registration of rights, of, 1971, 1972, 1994–1997.
    see Husband and Wife, Community, Separation.
    by two or more persons jointly, 779.
    capacity to give and receive by, 700, 770 et seq.
    married women, 154, 771.
    minors, 772, 773, 775.
    interdicted persons, 773, 775.
    corporations, 774.
    time relatively to which it is considered, 776.
    religious and other advisers, 777.
    definition, 1 § 63, 697.
    effect of impossible or immoral conditions in, 701.
    who may be, 841–845.
    see Testamentary executors, Personal Representatives.
    forms of, 780, et seq.
    notarial, 781, et seq.
    deaf mutes cannot make, 786.
    soldiers or sailors, 787.
    holograph, formalities of, 788, 792, 793.
    English, formalities of, 789, 792, 793.
    how deaf mutes may make, 790.
    effect of legacies in favour of witnesses, 791.
    interpretation of, 808.
    invalidity of, 793.
    Probate of, 794–798A.
    lost will, 797, 798.
    registration of, 1980, 1991–1993.
    revocation of 828 et seq.
    witnesses to, 781 et seq., 788, 789, 791.
    to notarial wills, 781–784.
    to wills in English form, 789, 791.
    to notarial instruments generally, 1139.
    to give testimony, 1162.
    called by Court, 1176.
    Work and Workmen, 1583 et seq.
    what, are authentic, 1138.
    executed out of Saint Lucia, when not to be proved, 1152.
    when necessary for proof, 1163–1167.
    private, 1553 et seq.
    how denied, 1155, 1156.
    how proved, 1156.
    what date they have against third parties, 1157, 1158.
    on the back or other part of document, 1160.



List of Subsidiary Legislation

1.Re-Registration of Births of Legitimated Persons Regulations – Article 41A
2.Civil Code (Marriage Licence Fees) (No. 2) Order – Section 96(2A)