–––––––– |
–––––––– |
The numbers refer to the Articles, not the Pages |
A |
Abandonment |
by ascendants, 1197. |
In alienation for rent, 1503. |
of divers things, see Surrender, Stray Property. |
of property in emphyteusis, 525. |
Abbreviations |
not allowed in Records of Civil Status, 31. |
Absence |
as regards contingent rights, 70–73. |
as regards marriage, 75–78, 155A. |
defined, 52. |
Absentee |
absolute possession of property of, 64. |
care of minor children of, 79–80. |
contingent rights accruing to, 70–73. |
curator to, when named, 53, 54. |
appointment of, 54. |
duties and powers of, 55–57. |
when his powers cease, 58. |
provisional possession of property of, 59–68. |
when administrator-general administers property of, 53. |
Abuse |
of enjoyment by usufructuary, 430. |
Acceptance |
of Community, see Community. |
of Gifts, 728–736. |
Accession |
right of in general (see Ownership), 363–368. |
as regards immovables, 369–379. |
as regards movables, 380–393. |
over what is produced by a thing, 364–367. |
over what becomes united to a thing, 368. |
between coheirs, 596. |
as regards joint legatees, 804. |
between consorts (fathers and mothers), 570. |
between joint donees, 804. |
Accessories |
in sale, 1409, 1482. |
Accident |
see Fortuitous event. |
Account |
by administrator, 592, 603. |
of community, 1271–1294. |
by tutor, 268 et seq. |
Accretion |
of property bequeathed, 824. |
see Accession. |
Acknowledgment |
of debts, 1165. |
of illegitimate children, 208. |
Acquests |
of community, see Community. |
Acquittance |
see Payment. |
Act |
when a majority may perform, 1 § 40. |
Acts |
notarial, 1139–1142. |
Confirming voidable obligations, 1145. |
done abroad, effect of, 6. |
of recognition, 1144. |
under private signature, what proof they make, 1154–1160. |
authentic, how make proof, 1138. |
how construed, 7. |
commercial, 1158. |
of civil status, see Records of Civil Status. |
Administration |
community, see Community. |
curators, 297. |
successions, 584 et seq. |
tutors, 250 et seq. |
voluntary, see Negotiorum gestio. |
wills, 857, 859, 860. |
Administrator General |
absentees, 53. |
successions, 608. |
trusts, 2173. |
Admissions |
judicial or extra judicial, 1172–1174. |
Adultery |
a cause of separation from bed and board, 157. |
Advocates |
cannot buy litigious rights, 1395. |
duties and rights of, 1632, 1633. |
prescription against, 2121. |
Affinity |
see Witnesses, Wills, Marriages. |
Age |
of majority, 213, 284. |
what, requisite for marriage, 81. |
Agency, 1601–1661. |
definition, 1601. |
general or special, 1603. |
gratuitous, 1602. |
married women, 1608. |
minors, 1607. |
powers of agent, 1604–1606. |
presumed, when, 1605. |
revocation of, when affects third parties, 1658. |
Termination of, 1655–1657. |
Agent |
account of, 1613. |
acts of, after termination, when valid, 1660. |
Liability of principal for, 1627 et seq. |
buying or selling for himself, 1606. |
death of, 1661. |
duty, 1609 et seq. |
exceeding powers, 1604, 1618, 1619. |
Interest, when liable for, 1614. |
joint agents, 1612. |
lien, 1623. |
renunciation, 1659. |
salary and expenses of, 1622. |
substitute, liability for and of, 1611. |
Alienation |
for rent, see Rent. |
Aliens |
may be witnesses to wills, 782. |
may inherit as British subjects, 19, 552. |
status and capacity, 5, 15, 18–20. |
Alimentary allowance |
see Maintenance. |
Alluvion, 375. |
Ambiguity |
of laws, how dealt with, 9, 10. |
Animals |
responsibility of owner or user of, 987. |
straying, 537. |
see Dog. |
Annuities |
value of, how determined, 1810. |
Apprentices |
their responsibility, 985. |
Responsibility of master of, 986. |
prescription of wages of, 2122, 2123. |
privilege of, 1900. |
succession, expenses not returnable to, 662. |
Architects |
privilege of claim of, 1905. |
see Lease and hire of Work, Prescription. |
Arrears |
of annual rents prescribed by 5 years, 2111. |
when claim for must be registered, 2004–2006. |
Arrest |
of debtors, see Imprisonment. |
when debtor exempt from, 2139–2140. |
Artisans |
responsible for their apprentices, 986. |
rules applicable to, 1595–1597. |
Ascendants |
maintenance, 135–138. |
when and how they inherit, 569–573. |
Assignment |
of debts and rights of action, 1478 et seq. |
of leases, 1542, 1550. |
of litigious rights, 1490 et seq. |
of rights of succession, 1487 et seq. |
Attachment |
for rent, 1529, 1530. |
in revendication, 1892. |
mode of, determined by law of Saint Lucia, 5. |
Auction, sale by, 1474. |
Authenticity |
of acts made abroad, 6, 1152. |
of copies of authentic copies, 1147–1151. |
of notarial acts, 1139, 1140. |
of registers of civil status, 27, 34. |
see Falsity. |
Author |
definition, 1 § 1. |
Authority |
parental, see Parental Authority. |
Marital, see Marital Authority. |
Authorisation |
of wife, no longer necessary, 147. |
of tutor, 257, 266, 267. |
B |
Bad Faith |
as regards expenditures and improvements, 372. |
must be proved, 2066. |
see Prescription. |
Bailiffs |
cannot buy certain litigious rights, 1395. |
Banking, by corporations, 327. |
Bank notes |
no prescription of, 2121. |
Bankruptcy |
as regards contracts, 970–972. |
Registration, 1974. |
see also Commercial Code. |
Bank stock |
is movable, 344. |
Banns, 95–104. |
Bet, when binding, 1822–1824. |
Bills of Exchange |
prescription, 2121, 2129. |
see also Commercial Code. |
Birth |
how established, 196 et seq. |
Records of, 38–40. |
Legitimated persons, 41A. |
Boarding schools, prescription, 2122. |
Boilers |
when immovable by destination, 337. |
Borrower |
obligations of, 1666–1672, 1682–1686. |
Boundaries |
settlement of, 454. |
Branches |
overhanging, when may be cut, 479. |
British subject, 14-16. |
Brother-in-law and sister-in-law. |
marriage between, when permitted, 91A. |
Brothers and sisters |
marriage between prohibited, 91. |
Builder |
liability, 1584, 1585, 1588. |
prescription as to his warranty, 2120. |
privileges of, 1903, 1905. |
registration of his privilege, 1984. |
work by estimate and contract, 1583 et seq. |
Buildings |
intermediate works, distance, 482. |
rights of owner of soil, 369–372. |
servitudes relating to, 483. |
Burial, record of, 44. |
C |
Cancelling |
of contract to build by owner, 1591. |
of real rights, 2028, 2037. |
see Registration. |
Capacity |
contracts, 919–921. |
deposit, 1700, 1701. |
gifts, 700, 702. |
marriage, 81. |
novation, 1101. |
quasi-contracts, 974. |
quasi-delicts, 985. |
sale, 1392. |
tender, 1094. |
traders, 149, 283. |
transaction, 1814. |
wills, 770–777. |
witnesses, |
attesting, 1139. |
to wills, 782, 789. |
Capital, of rents, how estimated, 1810. |
Carriers, 1573 et seq., 1702, 1703. |
Cattle |
lease of, on shares, 1598–1600. |
as regards usufruct, 428. |
Cause |
or consideration in contracts, 918. |
Chief Justice |
meaning of term, 1 § 26. |
Child |
correction, 212. |
custody of, 210 et seq. |
absentee parents, 79, 80. |
during separation suit, 168. |
Illegitimate, 205–209, 579. |
incestuous or adulterous, 205, 709. |
legitimacy of, 186 et seq. |
legitimation, 205. |
maintenance, 135. |
meaning of 1 § 2, 915. |
Parents unknown, baptism of, 41. |
separation, effect of, 182–184. |
Subsequent birth of, to donor, 752. |
Chimneys, 482, 1539. |
Church |
see Prescription. |
Civil Rights, 14, 23. |
Civil Status, 5. |
records of, 24 et seq. |
Clerks |
of Courts, cannot buy certain litigious rights, 1395. |
of notaries, cannot be witnesses to wills, 782. |
prescription of claims of, 2123 |
privilege of claims of, 1900. |
Co-debtors |
see Obligations. |
Codicil, 778. |
Co-habitation |
effect of, in marriage, 124. |
Collaterals |
see Successions. |
Collocation |
definition, 1 § 3. |
of life rents, 1809. |
see Privileges, Hypothecs. |
Commencement of proof |
definition, 1 § 45. |
in writing, as regards filiation. 200, 201. |
admits oral evidence, 1163 § 7. |
Commercial matters |
evidence in, 1136, 1137, 1163. |
Commercial writings, their date, 1158. |
Common property between neighbours. |
ditches, 473–476. |
hedges, 477–479. |
trees, 478–481. |
walls, 460 et seq., 483. |
Community of Property |
acceptance or renunciation, 1256 et seq. |
inventory, 1259–1263. |
renunciation, by heirs of wife, 1270. |
wife under age, 1258. |
administration, and effect of acts of either consort upon, 1211 et seq. |
assets, 1192 et seq. |
bequests by consort, 1212. |
commences from day of marriage, 1189. |
conventional, abolished, 1182. |
covenants excluding, effects of, 1300. |
Definition, 1 § 4, 1190. |
dissolution, 1228 et seq. |
See Separation of property. |
cannot be re-established, 1238. |
Rights of survivorship, 1240. |
Liabilities, 1200 et seq. |
partition, 1271. |
partition of assets, 1272–1284. |
partition of liabilities, 1285–1294. |
renunciation, effect of, 1295 et seq. |
Company |
how designated, 1 § 41. |
Compensation (community). |
for benefit derived, 1221 et seq. |
Compensation (set off) |
See Set off. |
Concubinaries |
gifts between, 709. |
Conditions |
Contracts, 918, 1010 et seq. |
contrary to law or good morals or impossible, 701, 1011. |
gifts, 751, 756, 763. |
Confirmation |
of title, a mode of extinguishing hypothecs, 1966. |
Confusion |
when it takes place, 1044, 1069, 1128. |
when it avails the sureties, 1129. |
when it ceases in matters of hypothecs, 1966. |
Consent |
in contracts, 922. |
Consideration |
in contracts, 917A, 918, 923, 924. |
Contempt of Court, 2134 § 13. |
Contractors |
see Work, lease and hire of. |
Contracts and Agreements, 918 |
definition, 1 § 6. |
when onerous or gratuitous, 1 § 8. |
Contravening public order or morality void, 924. |
essentials of, 918. |
English law applicable, 917A. |
“consideration” defined, 917A. |
capacities of persons to enter into, 919–921. |
cause of, 923. |
nullities in, 925–944. |
see Error, Fraud, Violence, Fear, Lesion. |
interpretation of, 945–953, see Interpretation of contracts. |
effect of, 954–960. |
effect of as regards third parties, 961–964. |
Contrainte par corps, 2133–2140. |
Co-partitioners, 690, 1906, 1935. |
Copies |
when authentic, 1147–1151. |
when prima facie proof, 1152. |
when may serve instead of originals, 1149–1151. |
Corporations |
how designated, 1 § 41. |
are ideal persons, 312. |
when deemed legally constituted, 313. |
kinds of, 314–316. |
have a corporate name, 317. |
rights of, 318–321. |
may make by-laws, 321. |
privileges of, 322. |
responsibility of members of, 323. |
disabilities of, 324, 844. |
prohibitions effecting, 325–327, 774. |
when cannot issue promissory notes, 327. |
how dissolved, 328, 329. |
liquidation of affairs of, 330. |
curators to dissolved, 331. |
duties of curators to dissolved, 332. |
property belonging to, 354, 359. |
Correction |
of children, 212. |
Corrosive Substances |
near neighbour's property, 482 § 2. |
Costs |
their privilege, 1889, 1890, 1903, 1910. |
see Expenses. |
Co-Sureties |
see Suretyship. |
Co-Tutors or Joint-Tutors, 218 et seq. |
Counter-letters |
defintion, 1 § 30. |
effect, 1143. |
Counter-Walls |
between neighbours, thickness of, 482 § 1. |
Court |
meaning of term, 1 § 9. |
Covenants |
see Contracts; Marriage Covenants. |
Creditors |
meaning of term, 1 § 10. |
contracts in fraud of, 965, et seq. |
subsequent, when may demand nullity, 971. |
Crop Privilege, 1904. |
Crown |
questions as to rights of, governed by law of Saint Lucia, 5. |
succession falling to, 579, 607. |
privilege of claims of, 1889, § 9. |
legal hypothec of, 1922. |
hypothecs in favour of, exempt from registration, 1969. |
when subject to the rule concerning prescription, 2075–2079. |
what things belong to, 530, 535. |
provisions re trustees bind, 2202. |
Curator |
to whom given, 291, 298. |
formalities of appointment of, 299, 301. |
to interdicted persons, 291–296, 298, 301 et seq. 986. |
to child not yet born, 305. |
ad hoc, in what cases, 306. |
to property |
in what cases, 307, 308. |
of absentees, 53–58, 307, 308. |
of dissolved corporation, 307, 308, 331, 332. |
Customs Duties |
privileges of the Crown for, 1884. |
D |
Damages |
in negotiorum gestio, 977. |
for reception of a thing not due, 981–984. |
for non-performance of obligations, 996, 1001–1008. |
stipulated, can be reduced by the Court, 1007. |
for delay in payment of money, 1008. |
in case of a suspensive condition, 1018. |
in case of a resolutive condition, 1019. |
as regards joint and several debtors, 1040. |
for non-performance of indivisible obligations, 1059. |
incurred by agent, 1609, 1610. |
by lender, 1676. |
by pledgee, 1869. |
by hypothecary debtor, 1940. |
Date |
of private writings, 1157. |
of commercial documents and writings, 1158. |
Days |
how reckoned for prescription, 2101. |
Deaf mutes |
how may make a will, 785, 788, 790. |
Death |
causes of action survive on, 609. |
of spouse, presumption of, 155A. |
of testator, effect of complicity in, 829. |
Records of, see Records of Civil Status. |
Debentures |
how transferred, 1481. |
Debtor |
definition, 1 § 12. |
joint and several, see Joint and several liability. |
Declaration of transmission of ownership, 1980. |
Deeds |
made out of Saint Lucia when valid, 6. |
how construed, 7. |
see Acts, Writings. |
Default |
Putting in, how done, 999, 1000. |
to comply with law as to marriage, penalties, 127, 128. |
in, meaning of, 1 § 13. |
Defamation, 985, 989F et seq. |
Degrees |
of relationship how computed in succession, 559–561. |
heritable, 578. |
Delay |
definition, 1 § 14. |
see Term. |
Delegation |
by debtor, 1104–1106, 1111. |
Delict |
definition, 1 § 15. |
produces obligations, 985 et seq. |
common employment not a defence, 989B. |
prescription relating to, 2122, 2123. |
joint liability, 989C. |
Demand |
judicial, interrupts prescription, 2085. |
Dependant |
action for benefit of, 988. |
Deposit |
two kinds of, 1694. |
simple, 1695–1698. |
voluntary, 1699–1701. |
obligations of depositary, 1702–1711. |
representatives of depositary, 1706. |
depositary cannot demand proof of ownership of depositor, 1708. |
when they cease, 1711. |
obligations of the depositor, 1712. |
necessary, 1713–1716. |
see Sequestration. |
of Wills |
holograph, 795 |
made in English form, 795. |
into Court, see Tender. |
of earth, see Alluvion. |
Derelict |
lands, are left to the Crown, 356. |
things, when may be reclaimed by owner, 536, 537. |
Descendants |
see Successions. |
Destination |
property may be immovable by reason of, 337, 338. |
Deterioration |
of property under lease, 1533–1540. |
of property, subject to privilege or hypothec, 1939, 1940. |
during emphyteutic lease, 524. |
of property to be returned into a succession, 671, 672. |
of thing due, 995. |
Devolution of successions, 543 et seq. |
Disappearance |
of a person, when a ground for obtaining provisional possession of his property, 59. |
Disavowal |
of paternity, 187–194. |
Discharge |
see Release, Cancelling. |
Discontinuance |
of suit, as to prescription, 2087. |
Discussion |
benefit of, when may be set up, by purchasers, 1464. |
by holder of hypothecated property, 1951, 1952. |
right of, meaning of term, 1 § 16. |
See Suretyship. |
Disinheritance, how effected, 835. |
Dissolution |
of community, how it takes place, 1228. |
effect on rights of survivorship, 1240. |
of marriage, when it takes place, 155, 155A |
of sale, may be demanded for latent defects, 1435. |
For non-payment, 1446–1453. |
of gifts, 756. |
prescription of right of, 2109. |
Ditches |
between neighbours, see Common Wall, Servitudes. |
kept at common expense, 476. |
Divisibility |
of obligations, 1052–1054. |
of obligation to pay damages, 1059. |
Division |
of debt, with regard to one of co-debtors, 1038, 1045–1047. |
of joint and several debt, 1038, 1048–1051. |
Documents |
see Acts, Writings. |
court may order production of, 1176. |
Dog |
liability for injury by, 989A. |
Domain |
public, see Crown. |
dependencies of Crown, 355–358. |
land reclaimed from sea, 376. |
Domestics |
see Servants. |
Domicile |
as regards civil rights, 5, 48. |
married women, minors and interdicted persons, 50. |
person holding temporary office, 49. |
servants and other employees, 51. |
Donations |
see Gifts. |
Donee |
effect of prior registration, 1980. |
liability of, for donor's debts, 738–742, 764–767. |
returns to succession, 654. |
Dower, abolished, 1183. |
Dowry, 176, 889. |
Drunkenness, 920. |
Duel, death in, 988. |
E |
Earnest |
See Promise of Sale. |
Earth |
duty of neighbour heaping, 482 § 2. |
Eaves |
of roof, how regulated, 485. |
Edicts and Ordinances |
copies of, are authentic, 1138. |
Ejectment |
of lessee, granted in certain cases, 1530. |
see Lease and Hire, Lessee. |
Emphyteusis, 513 et seq. |
lessor, obligation, 519. |
lessee, obligations, 520–524. |
prescription, 2110, 2111. |
Termination, 525. |
Emphyteutic Rent |
is immovable, 345 |
see Emphyteusis. |
Enclosed property. |
right of way to, 486. |
England |
laws of, govern in commercial matters, 1137. |
contracts, quasi-contracts and delicts, 917A, 920 |
trusts, 916A |
tutorship, 216. |
Erasures |
in records of Civil Status, 31. |
Error |
a cause of nullity in contracts, 925, 926. |
judicial admissions, 1174 |
marriages, 123, 124 |
payment of a thing not due, 979–984, 1076. |
registers of Civil Status, 45–47. |
transaction, 1816, 1821. |
Estimate and Contract |
work by, 1583 et seq. |
Event |
fortuitous, definition, 1 § 18. |
see Fortuitous event. |
Exceptions pleadable |
joint and several debtors, 1043–1051 |
holder of property sued hypothecarily, 1950–1958. |
Exchange |
contract of, 1504–1507. |
property acquired during marriage, 1198. |
Exclusion |
of community. |
effect of, 1300, 1301. |
from tutorship, who are subject to, 242–245. |
Execution, 5 |
Executor |
acceptance, 846 |
action to test validity of will, 603 |
conservatory acts before probate, 851 |
does not transmit executorship to heirs, 856, 859 |
expenses of, 850 |
how replaced, 859–860. |
inventory, 855 |
is personal representative, 585 |
removal of, when, 853 |
renunciation, when, 847 |
responsibility of, cannot be limited, 852 |
several, how should act, 848, 849. |
who may be, 841–845. |
see Personal Representative. |
Expropriation, 1497, 1498, 1966 § 6 |
Extracts |
when authentic, 34, 1148. |
F |
Falsity |
of authentic acts, 1142. |
Family |
definition, 914. |
Family Papers |
for establishing filiation, 201 |
for establishing maternity, or paternity, 209 |
what they prove, 1152. |
Farm |
lease of, 1550 et seq. |
see Lease and Hire. |
Father |
authority of, 210 et seq. |
Liability for damages, 986. |
Fear |
cause of nullity in contracts, 925, 928 et seq. |
Fences |
between neighbours, see Servitudes. |
Filiation, 186 et seq. |
evidence, 196 et seq. |
of illegitimate children, 205 et seq. |
possession of status, 197 et seq. |
Final judgment (res judicata). |
is an absolute presumption, 1171 |
Fire |
when lessee responsible for loss by, 1535. |
Fishing, right of, 533. |
Flock or Herd, 428. |
Foot-road, 457. |
Force, “fortuitous event”, 1 § 18. |
Fortifications |
form part of Crown property, 357, 358. |
Fortuitous event |
definition, 1 § 18 |
does not give rise to damages, 1003, 1130 |
leases of farms, 1554, 1555 |
obligations, 1003, 1130–1132. |
reception of thing not due, 982. |
Fraud |
authentic acts may be attacked on ground of, 1142. |
cause of nullity in contracts, 925, 927, 966–972. |
never presumed, must be proved, 927, 2066 |
as regards third parties, see Third Parties. |
Fruits, 364–366, 399–402. |
Funeral expenses |
privilege, 1889, 1896, 1903 |
registration, 1988. |
Furniture, what is, 352. |
G |
Gaming contracts, 1822–824. |
Gazette, proves its contents, 1138. |
Gifts |
of house with contents, 353 |
onerous or gratuitous, 1 § 20 |
when void, 699 |
to be valid, must be inter vivos or by will, 695. |
inter vivos. |
acceptance, 728 et seq. |
between consorts, 1185 |
by contract of marriage, 698, 722, 757 et seq. |
capacity to give and to receive, 700, 702 et seq. |
conditional, 701, 720, 723, 724. |
definition, 696. |
effects, 736 et seq. |
rights of creditors, 741, 743, 744 |
form, notarial, 717 et seq. |
minors, 704, 733, 750. |
Registration, 745 et seq. |
revocation, 751 et seq. |
causa mortis. |
by contract of marriage, 698, 722, 757 et seq. |
how expressed, 769 |
testamentary nature, 540. |
Giving in Payment, 1500. |
Good Faith, 933, 1005, 1426, 1974, 2103, 2112, 2114 |
always presumed, 2066 |
expenditures and improvements, 367, 372. |
Grandchildren, 915. |
Guardian |
see Sequestrator, Tutor, Curator. |
H |
Habitation, right of, 339, 437 et seq. |
Harbours, 355. |
Harvest |
loss, 1554, 1555 |
privilege for advances, 1904. |
Hearths, 482, 1539. |
Heir |
definition, 540 |
rights and liabilities of, 13 |
seizin, 549, 550 |
contribution to payment of debts, 677–681. |
appointment of, by marriage contract, 769. |
ostensible, payment to, 806 |
only excluded by will, 835 |
of wife in community, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1279. |
see Partition, Prescription. |
Herd or Flock |
as regards usufruct, 428. |
see Lease of Cattle on shares |
Highways |
Crown domain, 355 |
things found on public, 536. |
Holder |
of real property may be sued hypothecarily, 1941, 1943, 1946 et seq. |
if not personally liable, may plead exceptions; |
Discussion, 1950–1952. |
Warranty, 1950, 1953, 1954. |
Subrogation, 1950, 1955, 1956 |
Resulting from improvements, 1950, 1957. |
Resulting from a prior claim, 1950, 1958. |
see Hypothec. |
Holograph (will), 1 § 22, 780, 788. |
Hotel Keepers, 1714, 1715, 2123. |
Hunting, 533. |
Husband and Wife |
marriage, 81 et seq. |
rights and duties, 135 et seq., 143 et seq. |
when may remarry, 84, 155A, 155B |
may oppose marriage of spouse, 113 |
capacity of wife, 146 et seq., 1300 |
separation from bed and board, 156 et seq. |
effects of, 180, 181 |
parental authority and custody of children, 182, 183, 210 |
tutorship to children, rights as to, 217 et seq., 242, 243. |
duty to retain curatorship of spouse, 304 |
succession to each other, 557, 567A |
action on death of spouse by delict, 983 |
evidence, 1162 |
marriage covenants, 1177 et seq. |
registration of, 1996, 1997 |
dower abolished, 1183 |
property of, |
community and separate, 1188 et seq. |
defined, 1192 |
administration of community, 1211 et seq. |
alienation, 1211, 1212 |
may contract with or for each other, 1220, 1304 |
judicial separation, effects of, 1230, 1235–1240. |
Effects of marriage in separation of property, 1300 et seq. |
non-responsibility for wife's contracts, delicts, etc., 1302 |
civil remedies for protection of wife's property, 1303 |
Judge's orders on marital questions, 1305. |
minor or otherwise incapable, representation of, 1306 |
prescription of rights of, 2094–2096. |
see Marriage, Community of Property, Marriage Covenants, Separation, Registration. |
Hypothecs |
Liability in general, 594, 1875 |
expropriated property, 1498 |
legal cause of preference, 1877 |
definition, 1 § 23, 1908. |
Indivisibility and extent, 1909–1911. |
kinds of, 1912, 1913 |
upon undivided portion, 1914 |
in returns to successions, 673 |
property of insolvent, 1915 |
legal, 1913, 1916–1922. |
of minors and interdicted persons, 1920, 1921, 2001 |
of the Crown, 1922 |
judicial, 1923 |
Conventional, 1924 et seq. |
rank, 1932–1937. |
effect, 1938–1942. |
hypothecary action, 1941 et seq. |
definition, 1 § 24 |
Effect |
alienation of immovable void, 1959 |
Rules as to surrender, 1960–1965. |
see Prescription, time required for extinction, 1966. |
preservation of, see Registration. |
I |
Immovables, 1 § 46, 5, 333 et seq. |
Imperial Act proves its contents, 1138 |
Impossibility |
conditions in contracts, 701, 1011. |
performing obligations, 1130–1132B. |
Impotency (marriage), 83. |
Imprisonment |
in civil cases, 2133 et seq. |
not to exceed two years, 2140 |
Improbation |
of authentic acts, 1142. |
Improvements |
to property of others, 372 et seq. |
upon immovables, by purchaser evicted, 1957. |
by lessee, 1544. |
by usufructuary, 412. |
belonging to one consort, 1222, 1272. |
Imprudence, 985 |
Incapacity |
see Capacity. |
Incompetency |
Court, (prescription), 2086 |
witness, 1162. |
Incorporeal rights |
see Rights Incorporeal. |
Increase |
of animals (usufruct), 428. |
Indivisibility |
admissions, 1172. |
obligations, 1052–1061. |
Infant |
must be viable to inherit, 551. |
conceived, but not born, curator to, 298, 305. |
Inhabitants of Saint Lucia, 5, 21. |
Inheritance, 542. |
Inn-keepers. |
prescription, 2123. |
responsibility, 1714, 1715. |
Inquisition |
see Persons of unsound mind. |
Insane persons |
see Persons of unsound mind. |
Insolvency |
see Obligations, Hypothecs. |
Institute |
see Substitution. |
Institution |
how designated, 1 § 41. |
Intention |
effect of, as regards interpretation of deeds, 945. |
Interdiction |
see Persons of unsound mind. |
Interest |
arrears, 2006, 2026. |
civil fruits, 400. |
co-debtors, 1042. |
compound interest, 1009. |
consorts, 1282. |
due on debts, 996, 1008. |
pledge, 1870. |
legacies, 807. |
loans, 1685, 1686. |
prescription, 2111. |
price of sale, 1444. |
principal and agent, 1624. |
rate, 1685, 2020 (5). |
tender, none after, 1093. |
tutor's accounts, 273. |
Interposed |
Persons, in matters of gift, 715. |
Interpretation, 1. |
contracts, 945 et seq. |
laws, 10. |
wills, 808. |
Interrogatories, 286, 288, 1175. |
Intervention |
creditors in separation action, 1234. |
vendor to warrant buyer, 1947. |
Interversion of title. |
hypothec, 1933. |
prescription, 2069. |
Inventory |
in matters of succession, see Succession. |
in community, 1259 et seq. |
Island |
formed in rivers, 377, 378. |
J |
Joint Acquest |
of community, what property deemed to be, 1193. |
Joint and several |
interest among creditors, 1031–1033. |
interruption of prescription, 2091. |
liability, 1034 et seq. |
interruption of prescription, 2092. |
demand of interest from, 1042. |
what exceptions may be pleaded, 1043. |
confusion as to one debtor, 1044. |
Effect of dealing with one debtor, 1045–1048, 1114, 1115. |
as between debtors, 1048–1051. |
Journeymen |
privilege of, 1900. |
Judgment |
registration, 2002. |
res judicata, 1171. |
rescinding lease, 1531. |
carries hypothec, 1923, 2002. |
Judge, 1 § 25, 9, 1146. |
Judicial demand, |
interrupts prescription, 2085. |
Judicial sale, effect of, 1966 § 6. |
Jurisdiction. |
of courts, 5. |
want of, as regards prescription, 2086. |
Justice of the Peace, 98, 789, 1904. |
L |
Lease and Hire, 1508 et seq. |
to what it relates, 1508–1510. |
of things, 1512–1518. |
by sufferance, 1515. |
tacit renewal, 1516–1518. |
lessor, obligations of, 1519–1524, 1548. |
rights and privilege of, 1525 et seq. |
lessee, obligations and rights of, 1532 et seq. |
repairs, 1538–1540. |
sub-lease, 1542, 1543. |
houses, 1514, 1546–1549. |
furniture, 1547. |
farms and estates, 1514, 1550–1557. |
termination, 1546, 1558–1567. |
notice of, 1560. |
death does not terminate, 1564. |
work, 1568 et seq. |
personal service, 1569–1572. |
carriers, 1573–1582. |
estimate and contract, 1583–1597. |
cattle on shares, 1598–1600. |
prescription of rent, 2111. |
Legacies |
Vesting assent, 595 et seq. |
nature and kind of, 799. |
lapse, 801, 804, 836 et seq. |
acceptance and repudiation, 802, 803. |
right of accretion applicable to, when, 804. |
interpretation of, 808. |
of things not belonging to the testator, 817–819. |
when particular legacy liable for debt, 820. |
how paid, 595, 821. |
reduction of, 821–823. |
right of accession applicable to, 824. |
of a thing hypothecated, 825. |
of usufruct and servitudes, 825. |
in favour of a creditor or servant, 826. |
revocation, 828 et seq. |
universal, 809. |
by general title, 809. |
particular, 816. |
registration when necessary, 1930. |
give right to separation of property, 1885. |
Legatee |
definition, 1 § 28. |
who may be, 774, 776. |
may be trustee, 805. |
fruits and interest, 807. |
under suspensive condition, 838. |
discharges by, 806, 1076. |
liability for debts, 594, 677 et seq. 811–815, 820–825. |
Legitimation, 205–207. |
re-registration of births, 41A. |
Lender |
obligations of, 1673–1676, 1681. |
Lesion |
as regards partition of successions, see Partition. |
as regards sale, 1470. |
definition, 1 § 29. |
may cause nullity in contracts, 925, 934 et seq. |
Letters Patent |
need not be proved, 1138. |
Libel, 985, 989F et seq. |
prescription, 2123. |
Licence |
marriage, 95, 96, 104. |
Licitation |
definition, 1 § 31. |
effect of, on co-owner purchaser, 688. |
how effected, 651, 1473. |
when it takes place, 640, 653A et seq., 884, 1472. |
Lien |
right of, governed by law of Saint Lucia, 5. |
see Retention. |
Life-rents |
rules concerning, 1693, 1798 et seq. |
effect, 1803 et seq. |
for what term may be created, 347. |
when redeemable, 247, 348–350. |
are movable, 345. |
see Registration. |
Lights, servitude of view, 494. |
Loan, 1662 et seq. |
for use, 1663 et seq. |
obligations of the borrower, 1666–1672. |
obligations of the lender, 1673–1676. |
for consumption, 1677 et seq. |
obligations of the lender, 1681. |
obligations of the borrower, 1679, 1680, 1682–1684. |
upon interest, 1685, 1686. |
Loss |
when extinguishes an obligation, 1130–1132. |
of civil rights, 23. |
Lost things |
belong to the Crown, 356. |
M |
Magistrate |
definition, 1 § 32. |
Maintenance |
ascendants and descendants, 135–142. |
spouse, 143, 181. |
illegitimate children, 208, 709. |
gift to concubine, 709. |
donor, 753. |
Majority |
of persons may perform act, 1 § 40. |
at what age attained, 213, 284. |
Manure, 337, 1557. |
Marginal Notes, 31. |
Marriage |
civil, 24. |
effect of absence, 75–78. |
who can solemnize, 94. |
at what age may be contracted, 81. |
consent necessary, 82. |
impotency, 83. |
second, 84. |
of minors, 85, 89. |
judge may in certain cases give consent, 89. |
prohibited degrees. 90–93. |
with deceased wife's sister, 91A. |
dispensation from impediments, 94. |
by licence, 95, 96. |
after banns, 97–99. |
publication of notice, 100. |
publication of banns, see Banns. |
oppositions to, see Oppositions to Marriage, 113 et seq. |
when celebrated, 106. |
formalities of celebration, 107 et seq. |
validity of, celebrated out of Saint Lucia, 111. |
in extremis, 112. |
of British subjects (facilities) 112A. |
under Foreign Marriage Act, 112B. |
nullity of, 82, 83, 93, 123–126 |
possession of status, 130–132. |
civil effects, 129, 133, 134, 134A. |
only dissolved by death, 155. |
or presumption of death, 155A, 155B. |
obligations resulting from, 135–142. |
contract, 1177–1179. |
covenants, 1180 et. seq., 1300 et seq. |
Masculine gender |
includes feminine, 1 § 19. |
Mass of Succession &c., |
definition, 1 § 60. |
Materials |
belonging to another, 380 et seq. 371. |
Maternity |
proof of, 209. |
May (interpretation), 1 § 53. |
Merchant Shipping Acts, |
application of, 1477, 1901. |
Metayers |
sublease by, 1550. |
contracts and privilege, 1903, 1904. |
Military Places, 357, 358. |
Mills, 335. |
Mines (usufruct), 410. |
Minors. |
Actions belonging to, 264. |
agents, 1607. |
gifts to, 263. |
hypothecs, 1920, 1921, 2001, 2014. |
incapacity, 919–921, 934, 941. |
Interest on balance of tutor's account, 273. |
Married, capacity of, 279. |
registration, 2001, 2014. |
sale of property of, 257–260, 941. |
testamentary executors, 591, 843. |
traders, 283. |
when minority ceases, 213. |
Mortgages, see Hypothecs. |
Mother, 210 et seq. |
Mourning (widow's), 1284. |
Movable |
property, 341–345. |
what leases are, 346. |
furniture, 352. |
definition, 1 § 46. |
property, by what laws governed, 5. |
Municipalities |
see Corporations. |
Mutual donation |
between consorts, 705, 1185. |
N |
Naturalization, 18. |
Negligence, 985. |
contributory, 989D. |
Negotiorum gestio, 975–978. |
Neighbours |
right of way, 486–491. |
servitudes concerning, 451 et seq. |
Notarial instrument, loss of, 1149, 1150. |
Notaries |
authentic writings, 1139 et seq. |
copies, 1147 et seq. |
gifts, 717, 727 et seq. |
inventory, 1259. |
marriage covenants, 1184, 1186. |
obligation to register |
discharges, 2028. |
marriage covenants, 1996. |
tutorships, 2000. |
vesting assents, 597. |
partition, 640 et seq., 1271. |
prescription, 2121, 2129. |
rights and obligations, 1632 et seq. |
Novation |
effect, 1107–1110. |
when it takes place, 1 § 33, 1100–1105. |
Nullity of contracts, 925, 965 et seq. |
Number, 1 § 19, 31. |
Nurses (privilege), 1897. |
O |
Oath |
includes affirmation 1 § 34. |
of parties or witnesses, 1175, 1176. |
Objections |
to witness, see Incompetency. |
Obligations |
definition 1 § 35. |
English law applies to, 917A. |
essentials of, 918. |
what they arise from, 917, 990. |
Subject of, 991–994. |
effects, 995 et seq., 1875, 1876. |
preservation of thing due, 995. |
specific performance, 997. |
defaults, 999 et seq. |
damages for non-fulfilment, 996, 1001, et seq. |
conditional, 1010 et seq. |
illegal or immoral, 994, 1011. |
with a term, 1020 et seq. |
alternative, 1024 et seq. |
joint and several, 1031 et seq. |
See Joint and several liability. |
divisible and indivisible, 1052 et seq. |
with a penal clause, 1062–1068. |
extinction of, 1069. |
Occupancy, 534, 536, 537. |
Offences |
produce obligations, 985 et seq. |
prescription, 2122, 2123. |
Officers |
buying litigious rights, 1395. |
how designated, 1 § 41. |
of Civil Status, 1 § 55, 36, 37. |
of Justice, see Prescription. |
prescription, 2124. |
Official documents, 1138. |
Omissions |
in registers of civil status, 46. |
Oppositions to marriage, 105, 113 et seq. |
Order in Council (proof), 1138. |
Ordinances (proof), 1138. |
Oven, 482. |
Owner. |
term convertible with proprietor, 1 § 47. |
Ownership |
definition, 361. |
expropriation, 362. |
how acquired, 529. |
improvements by third parties, 372–374. |
rivers, 375 et seq. |
things found without an owner, 535–537. |
treasure found, 532. |
undivided, partition, 632. |
see Owner, Contracts and Agreements, Accession. |
P |
Papers |
family, what they prove, 1159. |
filiation, 201. |
paternity, maternity, 209. |
Parental authority, 210 et seq. |
Partition |
action of, definition, 1 § 36. |
effects of, 688. |
in representation, 566. |
of community, see Community. |
procedure, 632 et seq. |
rescission, 693, 694. |
rights of creditors, 673. |
title deeds to property, 653. |
warranty resulting from, 690–692. |
what acts are reputed to be, 689. |
Pasture, 494. |
Paternity |
see Filiation. |
Pawn |
see Pledge of movables. |
Payment |
application of, 1089–1092. |
at whose expense, 1084. |
definition, 1 § 37, 1070. |
indication of, 1105. |
of price, 1442 et seq. |
tender and deposit, 1093–1099. |
undue payment, 979, 1071. |
Validity of, 1072 et seq. |
where to be made, 1083. |
with subrogation, see Subrogation, 1085. |
Penal Clause, 1062 et seq. |
Penalties, 37, 127, 128, 2134 § 10. |
Peremption |
of suit, definition, 1 § 38. |
effect on prescription, 2087. |
Perishable things (usufruct), 415. |
Person, 1 § 39, 1 § 41, 5. |
Personal Representative |
action on delict for benefit of dependents, 988. |
administration action, 603. |
administration, grant of, 587 et seq. |
special, 589. |
with will annexed, 590, 591. |
causes of action of deceased survive, 609. |
Conveyances by, 595–601. |
defined, 585. |
judge's orders re succession, 604. |
may be a trustee, 805, 2141, see Trustees. |
property of succession vests in, 586, 605, 609. |
rights and powers of, 595 et seq., 2151 et seq. |
security for administration, 602. |
vesting of legacy or share, 595–597, 599. |
Persons of unsound mind |
capacity to contract, 920. |
as to gifts and wills, 700, 770, 773, 775. |
curatorship of, 291, 298, 301 et seq. |
examination of, 288. |
hypothec for balance of curator's account, 1920. |
registration of, 1998, 2001. |
inquisition as to, 285 et seq. |
jurisdiction of judge in lunacy, 310 et seq. |
prescription, 2093, 2131. |
receivers to property of, 309 et seq. |
Physician |
bequests, 777. |
gifts, 710. |
privilege, 1889, 1897, 1903. |
prescription, 2121. |
Pledge |
definition, 1862. |
of immovables, 1863. |
of movables, 1864. |
rights resulting from, 1865, 1866. |
how creditors may dispose of, 1867. |
debtor remains owner of, 1868. |
responsibility of creditor and debtor, 1869. |
Interest on debt given in pledge, 1870, 1871. |
indivisibility, 1872. |
rights of third parties, 1873. |
In commercial matters, 1874. |
Ploughing |
and tilling, privilege, 1903, 1904. |
Ports, 355. |
Possession |
disputed, 5. |
of status of marriage, 130–134, 197, 199. |
as regards accession, 366. |
as regards prescription, 2057 et seq., 2130. |
Possessory Action |
definition, 1 § 42. |
Power of Attorney |
see Agency. |
Preamble to ordinance, 10. |
Prescription |
as to servitudes, 508–512. |
definition, 2047. |
renunciation, 2048–2050. |
who may set up, 2051, 2052. |
conflict of laws, 2053–2055. |
possession for, 2056 et seq. |
causes which hinder, 2065 et seq. |
precarious possession, 2059, 2067 et seq. |
substitution, 2071. |
Against title, when permitted, 2072, 2073. |
positive and negative, effect of, 2047, 2074. |
Imprescriptible things. 2075 et seq. |
rights of Crown, 2076–2079. |
causes which interrupt, 2083 et seq. |
as to joint and several debtors, 2092. |
causes which suspend, 2093 et seq. |
rights of persons under disability, 2093, 2131. |
husband and wife, 2094–2096. |
time required to prescribe, 2103 et seq. |
30 years, 2103 et seq. |
10 years, 2112–2120. |
short prescriptions, 609, 988, 2111, 2121–2124, 2130. |
minors and others under disability, 2131. |
Preservation |
of things by debtor, 995. |
by vendor, 1408. |
by lessee, 1532–1537. |
by agent, 1610. |
by borrower, 1666. |
by depositary, 1702. |
by pledgee, 1869. |
privilege for expenses attending, 1891. |
Presumptions |
different kinds of, 1168. |
legal, their effect, 1169, 1170. |
resulting from final judgment (res judicata), 1171. |
of survivorship, 546–548. |
Pretakings |
by each spouse or his heirs, 1274. |
by heirs, 643, 644. |
Principal |
obligations towards agent, 1620–1626. |
towards third parties, 1627–1631. |
see Agency. |
Private signature, writings under, 1153 et seq. |
Privilege |
definition, 1 § 43, 1878. |
questions as to, 5. |
legal cause of preference, 1877. |
General provisions, 1878–1887. |
of the Crown, 1884, 1889. |
upon movable property, 1888–1902. |
order of, 1889. |
upon immovable property, 1903–1906. |
order of, 1903. |
preservation of, 1907, see Registration. |
effect of, 1938 et seq. |
extinction of, 1966. |
maritime, upon ships, etc., 1901. |
Privy (distance), 482. |
Probate of Wills, 794–798A. |
Proclamation, 1 § 44, 1138. |
Prohibition to alienate, 903 et seq. |
Promise of Marriage |
no ground of opposition to marriage, 105. |
Promise of Sale, 1386–1388. |
Promissory Notes |
Prescription of, 2121. |
Proof |
General provisions, 1133 et seq. |
authentic writings, 1138 et seq. |
copies of, 1147–1151. |
Lost 1149, 1150. |
writings executed out of Saint Lucia, 1152–1152B. |
Private writings, 1153–1160. |
oral testimony, 1161 et seq. |
of foreign law, 1146. |
presumptions, 1168–1171. |
Admissions |
extra judicial, 1173. |
judicial, 1174. |
Property |
nature of, how determined, 5. |
immovable, 334–340. |
see Immovables. |
movable, 341–346. |
vacant, 356, 530. |
common, 531. |
Proprietor |
see Owner. |
Protests |
by one notary, 1140. |
Publication |
of banns of marriage, 97 et seq. |
Public Policy, 5. |
Purchasers |
right of, to expel lessee, 1566, 1567. |
preference among several, 1970–1975. |
under forced sale for public purposes, 1498. |
at judicial sale, recourse of, 1494, 1495. |
certain persons cannot be, 1392–1395. |
subsequent, see Subsequent purchasers. |
see Buyer, Sale, Agent. |
Q |
Quarries, 410. |
Quasi-contracts. |
a cause of obligations, 917. |
definition, 1 § 7. |
obligations from, how formed, 973–974A. |
see Negotiorum gestio, Undue payment. |
Quasi-delicts |
a cause of obligations, 917. |
definition, 1 § 15. |
obligations from, how formed, 985 et seq. |
Queen's Chain |
part of Crown domain, 355. |
not prescriptible, 2077. |
R |
Rain, 485. |
Ratification |
of title, see Confirmation. |
Recaption, definition, 1 § 48. |
Recognition, acts of, 1144, 1145. |
Reconciliation |
of consorts, effect of, 164, 185. |
Records |
copies of official, 1138. |
of births, 38–41. |
prove filiation, 196. |
of burial, 44. |
of civil status, 24 et seq. |
definition, 1 § 49. |
how inscribed, 31. |
how proved when registers lost, 35. |
must be read to parties, 30. |
parties to attorneys for, 29. |
rectification of, 45–47. |
of marriage, 42, 43. |
Redemption, right of |
in sale, 1455 et seq., 1490–1492. |
prescription, 2109. |
in successions, 652. |
Redhibitory action |
definition, 1 § 50. |
Registers |
authentic, prove their contents, 1138. |
family, how they make proof, 35, 1159. |
lost, 35. |
of civil status, by whom and how kept, 25 et seq. |
duplicate, 27, 32. |
duties of depositary, 30, 33, 34, 36. |
extracts from are authentic, 34. |
of real rights, see Registration, Registry offices. |
renewal of worn out, 47A et seq. |
Registrar |
definition, 1 § 51. |
appointment and duties of, 2039. |
district, 25. |
Registration of Real Rights |
against whom, want of may be invoked, 1971. |
at length, how effected, 2013–2016. |
by memorial, 2017–2027. |
by whom may be demanded, 1972. |
cancelling of, 2028 et seq. |
sheriff's deeds, effect of, 2035–2037. |
does not interrupt prescription, 1978. |
gives effect to them, 1967. |
mode of, and renewal of, 2012. |
of privileged claims, 1977. |
other provisions concerning, 1979. |
priority of, 1968, 1973. |
property of insolvent traders, 1974. |
property seized in execution, 1975. |
ranking of registered rights, 2011. |
rights exempt from, 1969. |
rules particular to different titles, 1980 et seq. |
want of, not cured by notice, 1970. |
what parties it avails, 1976. |
Registry offices and Registers, 2038–2046B. |
Relationship. |
proximity of, how established, 558–561. |
Release, 1112–1116 |
Renewal |
deed, in rents and emphyteusis, 1946, 2110. |
as regards hypothecs, etc., 1942, 2118. |
of lease, see Tacit renewal, Lease. |
of registration, 2012. |
of worn out registers, 47A. |
Rents |
civil fruits, 400. |
movable, 345. |
redeemable, 347, 348, 351. |
term, 347. |
paid in anticipation, 2010. |
prescription, 2111. |
alienation for rent, 1501 et seq. |
constituted, 1687–1693. |
Repairs |
for preservation by usufructuary, 418. |
by lessor, 1520, 1538. |
by lessee, 1536, 1537, 1539. |
by borrower, 1666, 1675. |
Greater and lesser, 419. |
of roads or other public works, 457. |
Replacement |
of private property of consorts, 1223, 1224. |
Representation (in successions), 562–567. |
Reprises |
of the wife, 1274–1277. |
Rescission |
contracts in fraud of creditors, 965–972. |
contract to build, 1591. |
gifts, 751–756. |
sale for latent defects, 1435–1441. |
lease, 1530, 1545, 1563. |
Res judicata, 1171. |
Responsibility (delictual), 985 et seq. |
Retention, right of |
in returns of property to succession, 674. |
in matters of substitution, 901. |
of possessor who has made improvements, 374. |
see Pledge. |
Return |
to the community. |
when due, 1272, 1273. |
in successions, 654 et seq. |
right of retention, 674. |
Revendication |
by unpaid vendor, 1892–1894. |
Revocation |
of gifts |
at the suit of creditors, 744. |
by donor, 751. |
by subsequent birth of children, 752. |
of wills. 828–834. |
of agency, 1655, 1656. |
Risk |
of thing sold, see Sale. |
of property leased, 1535. |
of borrower, 1664, 1667–1669. |
of things due, upon whom it falls, 957, 995. |
Rivers |
alluvion caused by, 375. |
islands and islets forming in, 377. |
former bed, 379. |
things found in, 536. |
Roads |
maintained by the State, 355. |
things found on, 536. |
construction or repair of, 457. |
S |
Sale, 1382 et seq. |
definition, 1382. |
promise of sale, 1386–1388. |
title deed, expense of, 1389. |
registration, 1390, 1980 et seq. |
intoxicating liquors, 1391. |
capacity to buy or sell, 1392 et seq. |
what may be object of sale, 1396. |
thing not belonging to seller, 1397 et seq. |
stolen goods, 1399, 1400. |
See Commerical Code. |
obligations of seller. |
delivery, 1402 et seq. |
deficiency or excess, 1410–1415. |
warranty against eviction, 1416 et seq. |
against latent defects, 1432 et seq. |
none in judicial sales, 1441. |
obligations of buyer, 1442 et seq. |
payment, 1442. |
time and place of payment, 1443. |
interest, 1444. |
buyer disturbed in possession, 1445. |
avoidance for non-payment, 1446–1454. |
avoidance for other causes, 1455 et seq. |
right of redemption, 1456 et seq. |
lesion, 1470. |
by licitation, 1472. |
by auction, 1474. |
of debts and rights of action, 1478–1486. |
of successions, 1487–1489. |
of litigious rights, 1490–1492. |
forced sales, 1493 et seq. |
giving in payment, 1500. |
alienation for rent, 1501–1503. |
Salvage, 535. |
School-masters |
responsibility for scholars, 986. |
prescription, 2122. |
Sea |
things taken from the, 534, 535. |
Seals |
“The Great Seal”, definition, 1 § 44. |
Seamen, (wills), 787. |
Seashore |
part of Crown domain, 355. |
Seduction (prescription), 2122. |
Seizin |
of heirs, 549, 550, 588. |
of donees, 736. |
of personal representative, 592, 593. |
Seizure |
immovables under, cannot be hypothecated, 1924. |
before judgment, see Attachment. |
Seller |
his obligations, 1401–1441. |
his privilege upon movables, 1892–1894. |
immovables, 1903, 1906. |
registration of, 1981, 1983. |
Separate Property |
what is, 1192. |
Separation of Property |
in successions, 685–687, 1885, 1987. |
in gifts, 743, 1885, 1987. |
in legacies, 815, 1885, 1987. |
in substitutions, 901, 1885, 1987. |
between consorts. |
judicial, dissolves community, 1228. |
how effected, 1229–1233. |
rights of creditors, 1234. |
effect of, 1235–1240. |
by contract of marriage, effects of, 1300, 1301. |
Separation from bed and board |
grounds of, 157–160A. |
cannot be based on consent, 156. |
when Court must, and when may, dismiss action, 160B. |
review of order, 160C. |
formalities of action, 160–167. |
provisional measures, 168 et seq. |
children, 168. |
rights of wife, 169–172. |
husband's contracts, when void, 173. |
effects of, 174 et seq. |
as between spouses, 175–181. |
as to children, 182–184. |
reconciliation, effects of, 164 et seq., 185. |
Sequestration |
is either conventional or judicial, 1717. |
conventional, 1718–1721. |
judicial, 1723–1729. |
Servants |
their domicile, 51. |
rights and obligations of, see Lease and Hire of work, Privileges, Prescription. |
of notaries, cannot be witnesses to a will, 782, see Witnesses |
common employment not a defence to action in delict, 989B. |
Service |
personal, hire of, is subject to tacit renewal, 1569. |
how contract for, terminates, 1570. |
rights and obligations resulting from contract for, 1571, 1572. |
of judicial demand, interrupts prescription, 2085. |
Servitudes |
definition, 1 § 52, 449. |
divisions of, 450. |
legacy of, chargeable to particular legatee, 825. |
Arising from the situation of property. |
flow of water, 451. |
springs, 452. |
running water, 453. |
boundaries between neighbours, 454. |
fences, &c., 455. |
Servitudes |
legal, 456 et seq. |
construction or repair of roads, &c., 457. |
certain obligations to which law subjects proprietors, 458, 459. |
division walls, 460–472. |
ditches, presumption of ownership of, 473–475. |
common, kept at common expense, 476. |
hedges, trees,, 477–480. |
clearance, 481 |
certain structures, 482. |
view upon adjoining property, 483, 484, see Neighbours. |
roofs, 485. |
right of way, when may be demanded, 486. |
when and how given, 487, 488. |
who bound to give it in certain cases, 489. |
when it ceases, 490. |
acquired by 30 years prescription, 491. |
private, how established, 492, 496, 497. |
classes of, 493–495. |
comprise all necessary for exercise, 498. |
rights and obligations |
right of the creditor to make all necessary work, 499. |
at whose expense, 500. |
debtor charged with making works, may free himself by giving up the land, 501. |
continue notwithstanding the division of the servient land, 502. |
obligations of the proprietor of the servient land, 503. |
how creditor must use them, 504. |
termination of |
by impossibility of using them, 505. |
but may revive if impossibility ceases, 506. |
by non-user during 30 years, 508–512. |
by confusion, 507. |
as regards usufruct, see Usufruct, Emphyteusis. |
Set Off, 1117–1127A. |
Shall |
how construed, 1 § 53. |
Shares |
in the partition of successions, 641, 644–648. |
see Partition. |
in financial companies, &c., are movable, 344. |
Sheriff |
Who is the, 1 § 54. |
cannot buy certain litigious rights, 1395. |
when liable to imprisonment, 2134. |
Ship |
British, sale of, governed by English law, 1477. |
Signature |
how may be denied, 1155, 1156. |
Slander |
broadcasting or publication, 989F. |
when special damage not required, 989G, 989H. |
See Defamation, Prescription. |
Slander of Title |
when special damage not required, 989 (1). |
Society |
how designated, 1 § 41. |
Soldiers' wills, 787. |
Spiritual Adviser |
of donor, may receive by gift from him, 710. |
Spring, 452. |
Stable (distance), 482. |
Stairs |
repairs and rebuilding, 471. |
Status |
right of child to establish, 203. |
See Records of Civil Status. |
officer, definition, 1 § 55. |
Stores |
for salt or corrosive substances, 482. |
Stray Property, 530–537. |
Streams, 453. |
Sub-Lease, 1542, 1543, 1550. |
Subrogation |
definition, 1 § 56. |
legal or conventional, 1085–1087. |
takes effect against sureties, 1088. |
Does not prejudice part paid creditor, 1081, 1088. |
of heir who pays more than his share, 682. |
of particular legatee, 683. |
in favour of surety, 1846, 1847. |
order of collocation, 1881–1883. |
Subsequent Purchasers |
prescription by, 2112–2118. |
Substitute |
definition, 861. |
Substitution |
children, 866, 871, 872, 874, 902 |
coming into operation of, 896 et seq. |
creation of, 865 et seq. |
institutes, who may be, 870 |
rights and duties, 880 et seq. |
nature of, 861–864. |
prohibition to alienate, may be, 903 |
registration, 874 et seq. |
revocation, 866 |
substitute, rights, etc., of, 891 et seq. |
seizin of, 897. |
Successions |
definition of term “succession”, 1 § 57, 539 |
“intestate” and “testamentary” defined, 1 § 58, 1 § 59, 540, 800 |
Intestate are either legitimate or irregular, 541 |
devolution of, 557, 586. |
to surviving spouse and descendants, 567A–568 |
to ascendants, 569–572 |
to collaterals, 574–577 |
place and time of, 543, 544 |
by what law governed, 545 |
presumption of survivorship, 546–548 |
seizin of heirs, 549, 550 |
qualities requisite to inherit, 551–556 |
degrees of relationship, 558–561 |
representation in, 562–567 |
relations beyond 12th degree do not inherit, 578 |
Irregular |
illegitimate children, 579 |
to the Crown, 579 (3), 582, 583 |
administration of, 584 et seq. |
See Personal Representative |
without a representative |
vests in Administrator General, 608 |
partition of, see Partition |
licitation and sale, of property of, 636–652 |
titles, to whom delivered after partition, 653 |
Returns in, 654 et seq. |
debts of |
how and by whom are paid, 592–594, 677–681 |
recourse of heirs and legatees against each other, 682–684 |
separation of property of, 685–688, 815, 816, 822, 823. |
Sufferance |
acts of, cannot found prescription, 2060 |
lessee by, 1515, 1530. |
Superstructures |
upon common wall, 465. |
Surety |
discharged by release, 1116 |
confusion, 1129 |
see Suretyship. |
Suretyship |
its nature, 1825 |
kinds of, 1826 |
can only be based upon a valid obligation, 1828 |
effects and extent, 1827–1832 |
obligations of, extend to heirs of surety, 1833 |
requisites of sureties, 1834 |
how solvency is estimated, 1835 |
when fresh surety required, 1836 |
effect of, between creditor and surety, 1837 et seq., 1854, 1857 |
benefit of discussion, 1837–1840 |
responsibility of co-sureties, 1841 |
benefit of division, 1842, 1843 |
recourse of surety, against principal debtor, 1844 et seq. |
against co-surety, 1851 |
subrogation of sureties, 1846 |
how extinguished, 1852 et seq. |
Legal and judicial, 1858–1861. |
Survivorship |
rights of, claim during husband's lifetime, 176 |
presumption of, 546–548. |
T |
Tacit Renewal (of lease), 1515 et seq. |
None in emphyteusis, 525. |
Taxes |
borne by usufructuary, 421. |
Teachers |
answerable for their pupils, 986 |
see Prescription. |
Tender, 1093–1098 |
Term |
in obligation, its effect, 1020–1023. |
Testamentary Executors |
see Executor; Personal Representatives. |
Testimony Oral |
of one witness sufficient, 1161 |
when may require corroboration, 1162 |
who are competent to give, 1162 |
when admissible, 1163–1167 |
see Acts authentic. |
Thief |
cannot acquire prescription, 2062, 2130. |
Things |
how designated, 1 § 41 |
found, 529–537 |
not claimed, 536 |
distinction of, see Movables, Immovables, Property. |
Third Parties |
effect of contracts with regard to, 961, 962, 964 |
acts in fraud of, 965–971 |
set-off, 1126, 1127 |
see Return in successions, Partitions. |
Tilling |
expenses of, privileged, 1904. |
Time |
computation of for prescription, 2101. |
Title |
definition, 1 § 61 |
to whom delivered in partitions of successions, 653 |
renewal, see Renewal deed |
primordial, see Primordial title. |
Transaction, 1813 et seq. |
minor, 267. |
Treasure |
definition, 532 |
found, to whom it belongs, 411, 532. |
Trees |
on neighbouring properties, 478–481 |
right of usufructuary to, 406, 407. |
Trust |
how created, 916A, 805 |
see Trustees. |
Trustees, 2141 et seq. |
agents, power to employ, 2163 |
appointment and discharge, 2171 et seq. |
limitation on number of, 2171 |
new or additional, 2172, 2178 |
powers of, 2172 |
Trustees of property of persons out of Saint Lucia, 2173 |
breach of trust |
liability of beneficiary to indemnify for, 2198 |
loans and investments not chargeable as, 2147 |
relief of trustee, 2197 |
cannot purchase trust property, 1394 |
definitions, 2141 |
general powers |
concur with others, 2164 |
compound liabilities, 2154 |
delegate trusts during absence abroad, 2165 |
deposit of documents for safe custody, 2160 |
devolution of, 2157 |
employ agents, 2163 |
insurance, 2158, 2159 |
postpone sale, 2162 |
protection of persons dealing with, 2156 |
raise money, 2155, 2156 |
receipts, 2153 |
reversionary interests, valuations and audit 2161 |
sale, 2151, 2152 |
increase in number of, 2174 |
Indemnities |
acts done under order of court, 2200 |
by beneficiary on order of court, 2198 |
implied, 2170 |
in respect of powers of attorney, 2169 |
liability only for own acts, 2170 |
protection by means of advertisement, 2167 |
protection in regard to notice, 2168 |
rents and covenants in leases after conveyance or distribution, 2166 |
investments by, 2143 et seq. |
authorised, 2143. |
bank deposits and calls, 2150 |
bearer securities, 2146 |
discretion as to, 2144 |
improper, liability for loss, 2148 |
not chargeable as breaches of trust, 2147 |
power to retain, 2145 |
supplementary powers, 2149 |
personal representatives may be, 805, 2141, 2142 |
powers of Court |
appointment of new trustees, 2178–2180. |
authorise dealings with property, 2193. |
charge costs on trust property, 2196. |
judgment in absence of trustee, 2195. |
order beneficiary to indemnify for breach of trust, 2198. |
payment into Court, 2199. |
relieve trustee from personal liability, 2197. |
rules of Court, 2201. |
vesting orders |
are conclusive of certain allegations, 2190. |
as to stock and things in action, 2187. |
contingent rights of unborn persons, 2182. |
effect of, 2185. |
land, 2181. |
of charity property, 2188. |
of minor's beneficial property, 2189. |
on judgment for specific performance, 2184. |
on sale or mortgage of land, 2183. |
power to appoint person to convey, 2186. |
registration of, 2191, 2192. |
who may apply for orders, 2194. |
retirement of, without new appointment, 2176. |
separate, for part of trust property, 2174. |
sole trustee, 2174. |
vacancy in trust, evidence of, 2175. |
Vesting of trust property in new or continuing, 2177. |
Tutorship, 216 et seq. |
account of tutor, 268 et seq., 604, 1009. |
Actions of minor, 264. |
appeals, 266. |
administration of tutors, 250 et seq. |
appointment of tutors |
by Court, 217. |
by father or mother, 219. |
when it takes effect, 226. |
does not pass to personal representatives, 227. |
effect of marriage of tutrix, 243. |
exclusion from, 244, 245. |
gifts to minors, how accepted, 263. |
how many tutors may be appointed, 225. |
immovables, alienation and hypothecation of, 257, 258. |
incapacity for, 242. |
inventory, 252. |
investment of money, 254–256. |
joint tutors, differences between, |
power of Court to make orders, 220–222. |
kinds of, 217. |
law of England applies, 216. |
no one bound to accept, 223. |
oath of tutor, 251. |
partition, 265, 653A, 653J. |
prescription of action for account, 2119. |
responsibility for delicts of minor, 986. |
surviving father or mother, tutorship of, 218. |
tutor ad hoc, 224. |
removal from, 244, 246–249. |
U |
Undivided ownership, 632, 1914. |
Undue influence. |
in gifts to advisers, 710. |
payment entitles to restitution, 979–984. |
United Kingdom. |
meaning of term, 1§27. |
Unworthiness |
in matters of succession, 553, 555. |
in matters of gifts, 751, 753. |
in matters of wills, 829. |
Usage, 948, 949. |
Use and Habitation, 437 et seq. |
Usufruct |
nature of, 394. |
how established, 395 et seq. |
termination of, 429 et seq. |
sale of property, effect on, 433, 434. |
destruction of property, 435, 436. |
rights of usufructuary, 398 et seq. |
obligations of usufructuary, 413 et seq. |
of legacy, 825. |
V |
Vacant Estates |
Escheat to the Crown, 356, 579. |
Viable infants, 1§62, 551. |
View, 483, 484 |
Violence. |
cause of nullity in contracts, 928–933. |
see Fear, Prescription. |
Vis Major |
causes fortuitous event, 1 § 18. |
W |
Wager. |
when binding, 1822–1824. |
Wages |
their privilege, 1889, 1900, 1903. |
of seamen, 1572. |
of minors, action for, 264. |
Waifs |
to whom they belong, 530–537. |
Walls |
see Common property, Servitudes. |
Warranty |
in gifts, 737. |
between coheirs, 690–692, 1054. |
in sales, 1416 et seq., 1484 et seq. |
in leases, 1521 et seq. |
in hypothecary actions, 1953, 1954. |
Waste |
see Deterioration. |
Water, 451 et seq. |
Way, right of, 486 et seq. |
Wells, 482 |
Widow |
community, 1256 et seq. |
mourning, 1284. |
tutorship, 218, 242, 243. |
Wife |
residence and domicile of, 50, 162, 163, 169. 175. |
duty to husband, 144, 145. |
testamentary executorship, 842. |
may make a will, 154. |
registration of rights, of, 1971, 1972, 1994–1997. |
see Husband and Wife, Community, Separation. |
Wills |
by two or more persons jointly, 779. |
capacity to give and receive by, 700, 770 et seq. |
married women, 154, 771. |
minors, 772, 773, 775. |
interdicted persons, 773, 775. |
corporations, 774. |
time relatively to which it is considered, 776. |
religious and other advisers, 777. |
definition, 1 § 63, 697. |
effect of impossible or immoral conditions in, 701. |
Executors |
who may be, 841–845. |
see Testamentary executors, Personal Representatives. |
forms of, 780, et seq. |
notarial, 781, et seq. |
deaf mutes cannot make, 786. |
soldiers or sailors, 787. |
holograph, formalities of, 788, 792, 793. |
English, formalities of, 789, 792, 793. |
how deaf mutes may make, 790. |
effect of legacies in favour of witnesses, 791. |
interpretation of, 808. |
invalidity of, 793. |
Probate of, 794–798A. |
lost will, 797, 798. |
registration of, 1980, 1991–1993. |
revocation of 828 et seq. |
witnesses to, 781 et seq., 788, 789, 791. |
Witnesses |
to notarial wills, 781–784. |
to wills in English form, 789, 791. |
to notarial instruments generally, 1139. |
to give testimony, 1162. |
called by Court, 1176. |
Work and Workmen, 1583 et seq. |
Writings |
what, are authentic, 1138. |
executed out of Saint Lucia, when not to be proved, 1152. |
when necessary for proof, 1163–1167. |
private, 1553 et seq. |
how denied, 1155, 1156. |
how proved, 1156. |
what date they have against third parties, 1157, 1158. |
on the back or other part of document, 1160. |