Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section II   Legal Hypothec


    1916.   The only rights and claims which involve legal hypothec, under the restrictions hereinafter mentioned, are declared in paragraphs § 1 and § 2 of this section. (Amended by Act 34 of 1956)


    1917.   Legal hypothec affects generally the present and future immovables of the debtor.


    1918.   Such hypothec must be registered, as prescribed in the Book respecting Registration of Real Rights.


    1919.   (Repealed by Act 34 of 1956)

§ 1. Legal Hypothec of Minors and Interdicted Persons


    1920.   Minors of unsound mind and interdicted persons have a legal hypothec upon the immovables of their tutors or curators for the balance of the tutorship or curatorship account.


    But the amount of the hypothec may be limited by the Judge on the assumption of the tutorship or curatorship.


    1921.   This hypothec takes place irrespectively of the place where the tutor or curator has been appointed.

§ 2. Legal Hypothec of the Crown


    1922.   The Crown has a legal hypothec for monies due to it.