Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section III   The Interpretation of Contracts


    945.   When the meaning of any part of a contract is doubtful, its interpretation is to be sought rather through the common intent of the parties than from a literal construction of the words.


    946.   When a clause is susceptible of two meanings, it must be interpreted as of that which would have effect, and not as of that which would have none.


    947.   Expressions susceptible of 2 meanings must be taken in the sense which agrees best with the context.


    948.   Whatever is doubtful must be determined according to the usage of the country where the contract is made.


    949.   The customary clauses must be supplied in contracts, although they be not expressed.


    950.   The clauses of a contract are interpreted each with the meaning derived from the whole.


    951.   In cases of doubt, the contract is interpreted against him or her who has stipulated, and in favour of him or her who has contracted the obligation.


    952.   General terms are held to refer only to things within the intent of the contract.


    953.   When special provision is made for a particular case in order to ensure its inclusion within the scope of a contract, the general terms of the contract are not on this account restricted to the single case specified.