Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section V   Necessary deposit


    1713.   Necessary deposit is that which takes place under an unforeseen and pressing necessity arising from accident or fortuitous event, as in case of fire, shipwreck, pillage or other sudden calamity. It is subject to the same rules as voluntary deposit, with the exception of the mode of proof.


    1714.   Keepers of inns, of boarding-houses and of taverns, are responsible as depositaries for the things brought by travellers who lodge in their houses.


    The deposit of such things is considered a necessary deposit.


    1715.   The persons mentioned in the last preceding article are responsible if the things be stolen or damaged by their servants or agents, or by strangers coming and going in the house.


    But they are not responsible if the theft be committed by force of arms or the damage be caused by fortuitous event; nor are they responsible if it be proved that the loss or damage is caused by a stranger or has arisen from neglect or carelessness on the part of the person claiming it.


    1716.   The rules stated in article 1578 apply also to the liability of keepers of inns, boarding-houses and taverns.