1615. The agent acting in the name of the principal and within the bounds of the agency is not personally liable to third persons with whom he or she contracts. (Amended by Act 34 of 1956)
1616. An agent who acts in his or her own name is liable to the third party with whom he or she contracts, without prejudice to the rights of the latter against the principal also.
1617. He or she is liable in like manner when he exceeds his or her powers under the agency, unless he has given the party with whom he contracts sufficient communication of such powers.
1618. He or she is not held to have exceeded his or her powers when he or she executes the agency in a manner more advantageous to the principal than that specified.
1619. He or she is held to have exceeded his or her powers, when he or she does alone anything which, by the agency, he or she is charged with doing conjointly with another.