Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section I   General Provisions


    513.   Emphyteusis or emphyteutic lease is a contract by which the proprietor of an immovable conveys it for a time to another, the lessee subjecting himself or herself to make improvements, to pay the lessor an annual rent, and to such other charges as may be agreed upon.


    514.   The duration of emphyteusis cannot exceed 99 years and must be for more than 9 years.


    515.   Emphyteusis carries with it alienation; so long as it lasts, the lessee enjoys all the rights attached to the quality of a proprietor. He or she alone can constitute it who has the free disposal of his or her property.


    516.   The lessee who is in the exercise of his or her rights, may alienate, transfer and hypothecate the immovable so leased, without prejudice to the rights of the lessor. But if he or she is not in the exercise of his or her rights, he or she can only do so with judicial authorisation and formalities.


    517.   Immovables held under emphyteusis may be seized as real property, under execution against the lessee by his or her creditors.


    518.   The lessee is entitled to bring a possessory action against all those who disturb him or her in his or her enjoyment and even against the lessor.