Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section IV   The Account of Tutorship


    268.   Every tutor is accountable for his or her administration, when it has terminated.


    269.   Any tutor may be compelled, even during the tutorship, under the authorisation of the Court or Judge on the demand of any interested person, to produce from time to time, a summary account of his or her administration.


    (Amended by Act 34 of 1956)


    270.   The definitive account of a tutorship is rendered at the cost of the minor, when he or she has attained his or her majority. The tutor advances the costs of such account.


    He or she is allowed all the expenses which he or she can justify, and of which the object was useful.


    (Amended by Act 34 of 1956)


    271.   Every settlement between a minor become of age and his or her tutor, relating to the administration and account of the latter, is null, unless it is preceded by a detailed account, and the delivery of vouchers in support thereof.


    272.   If the account give rise to contestations, they are proceeded with and adjudicated upon in the manner provided in the Code of Civil Procedure.


    273.   Any balance due by the tutor bears interest without demand, from the closing of the account. Interest on any sum due by the minor to the tutor, only runs from the time of his or her being put in default by the tutor, after the closing of the account.