Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section I   General provisions


    1512.   All corporeal things may be leased or hired, except such as are excluded by the special object of their existence, and those which are necessarily consumed by the use made of them.


    1513.   Incorporeal things may also be leased or hired, except such as are inseparably attached to the person. If attached to a corporeal thing, as a right of servitude, they can only be leased with such thing.


    1514.   The lease or hire of houses and the lease or hire of farms and rural estates are subject to the rules common to contracts of lease or hire, and also to particular rules applicable only to the one or the other.


    1515.   Persons holding real property by sufferance of the owner, without lease, are held to be lessees, and bound to pay the annual value of the property.


    Such holding is regarded as an annual lease or hire terminating on the first day of May of each year.


    It is subject to tacit renewal and to all the rules of law applicable to leases.


    Persons so holding are liable to ejectment for non-payment of rent for a period exceeding 3 months, and for any other causes for which a lease may be rescinded.


    (Amended by Act 34 of 1956)


    1516.   If the lessee remain in possession more than 8 days after the expiration of the lease, without any opposition or notice on the part of the lessor, a tacit renewal of the lease takes place for another year, or the term for which such lease was made, if less than a year, and the lessee cannot thereafter leave the premises, or be ejected from them, unless due notice has been given as required by law.


    1517.   When notice has been given the lessee cannot claim the tacit renewal, although he or she has continued in possession.


    1518.   The surety given for the lease does not extend to the obligations arising from the prolongation of it by tacit renewal.