Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section I   The obligations of the principal toward the agent


    1620.   The principal is bound to indemnify the agent for all obligations contracted by him or her toward third persons, within the limit of his or her powers; and for acts exceeding such powers, whenever they have been expressly or tacitly ratified.


    1621.   The principal or his or her legal representative is bound to indemnify the agent for all acts done by him or her within the limit of his or her powers, after the extinction of the agency by death or other cause, while the principal has been ignorant of such extinction.


    1622.   The principal is bound to reimburse the expenses and charges which the agent has incurred in the execution of the agency, and to pay him or her the salary or other compensation to which he or she may be entitled.


    When there is no fault imputable to the agent, the principal is not released from such reimbursement and payment, although the business has not been successfully accomplished; nor can he or she reduce the amount of the reimbursement upon the ground that the expenses and charges might have been made less by himself or herself.


    1623.   The agent has a lien for the payment of the expenses and charges mentioned in the last preceding article, upon the property placed in his or her charge and upon the proceeds of its sale or disposal.


    1624.   The principal is bound to pay interest upon money advanced by the agent in the execution of the agency. The interest is computed from the day on which the money is advanced.


    1625.   The principal is bound to indemnify the agent who is not in fault, for losses caused to him or her by the execution of the agency.


    1626.   If an agency be given by several persons, their obligations towards the agent are joint and several.