Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section II   The distance and the intermediate works required for certain structures


    482.   The following provisions are established for towns and villages:


      1.     He or she who wishes to have a well near the common wall or that belonging to his neighbour, must make a counter-wall of masonry one foot thick.


      2.     He or she who wishes to have a chimney, or a hearth, or a stable, or a store for salt or other corrosive substances, near a common wall or wall belonging to his or her neighbour, or to raise the ground or heap earth against it, is obliged to make a counter-wall or other work, the sufficiency of which is determined by usage, and, in default of any such, by the courts.


      3.     He or she who wishes to have an oven, forge or furnace, must leave a vacant space of 6 inches between his or her own wall and the common wall or that of his or her neighbour.


      4.     No one is permitted to make or retain a privy to the injury of a neighbouring well.