Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section IV   Successions Devolving to Ascendants


    569.   If a person dying without a spouse capable of inheriting or issue surviving, leave his father and mother and also brothers or sisters, or nephews or nieces in the first degree, the succession is divided into two equal portions, one of which devolves to the father and mother, who share it equally, and the other to the brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces of the deceased, according to the rules laid down in the following section. (Substituted by Act 34 of 1956)


    570.   If in the case of the preceding article, the father or mother had previously died, the share he or she would have received accrues to the survivor of them.


    571.   If the deceased leave no spouse capable of inheriting or issue surviving, nor brothers nor sisters, nephews or nieces in the first degree, nor father nor mother, but only other ascendants, the latter succeed to him to the exclusion of all other collaterals. (Substituted by Act 34 of 1956)


    572.   In the case of the preceding article the succession is divided equally between the ascendants of the paternal line and those of the maternal line.


    The ascendant nearest in degree takes the half accruing to his or her line to the exclusion of all others.


    Ascendants in the same degree inherit by heads in their line.




      (1)     Ascendants inherit, to the exclusion of all others, property given by them to their children or other descendants who die without leaving a spouse capable of inheriting or issue surviving, where the objects given are still in kind in the succession; and if they have been alienated, the price, if still due, accrues to such ascendants.


      (2)     They also inherit the right which the done may have had of resuming the property thus given. (Substituted by Act 34 of 1956)