Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section I   Devolution of Successions


    543.   The place where a succession devolves is determined by the domicile.


    544.   Successions devolve by death from the moment at which it occurs.


    545.   Succession in the case of movable property is governed by the law of the domicile; in the case of immovable property by the law of Saint Lucia.


    546.   Where several persons, who are entitled to succeed one to the other, or others perish by one and the same accident, so that it is impossible to ascertain which of them died first, the presumption of survivorship is determined by circumstances, and, in their absence, by the considerations of age and sex, conformably to the rules contained in the following articles.


    547.   Where those who perished together were under 15 years of age, the eldest is presumed to have survived.


    If they were all above the age of sixty, the youngest is presumed to have survived;


    If some were under the age of 15 and others over that of sixty, the former are presumed to have survived;


    If some were under 15 or over 60 years of age, and the others in the intermediate age, the presumption of survivorship is in favour of the latter.


    548.   If those who perished together were all between the full ages of 15 and 60, and of the same sex, the order of nature is followed, according to which the youngest is presumed to survive;


    But if they were of different sexes, the male is always presumed to have survived.