Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section III   The Termination Of Emphyteusis


    525.   Emphyteusis is not subject to tacit renewal. It ends:


      1.     By the expiration of the time for which it was contracted, or after 99 years, in case a longer term has been stipulated;


      2.     By forfeiture judicially pronounced for the causes set forth in articles 520 and 524, or for other legal causes;


      3.     By the total loss of the estate leased;


      4.     By abandonment.


    526.   The lessee is only allowed to abandon if he or she has satisfied for the past all the obligations which result from the lease, and particularly if he or she has paid or tendered all arrears of the dues, and made the improvements agreed upon.


    527.   At the end of the lease, in whatever way it happens, the lessee must give up, in good condition, the property received from the lessor, as well as the buildings he or she bounds himself or herself to construct, but he or she is not bound to repair those which he or she has erected without being obliged to do so.


    528.   As to improvements which the lessee has made voluntarily, without being bound to do so, the lessor has the option of either keeping them, upon paying what they cost or their actual value, or permitting the lessee, if the latter can do so with advantage to himself or herself and without deteriorating the land, to remove them at his or her own expense; otherwise, in each case, they belong, without indemnification, to the lessor, who may, nevertheless, compel the lessee to remove them, in conformity with the provisions of article 372.