Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section III   The Termination of Usufruct


    429.   Usufruct ends, if it be for life, by the death of the usufructuary;


    By the expiration of the time for which it was granted;


    By the confusion or reunion in one person of the two qualities of usufructuary and of proprietor;


    By non-user of the right during 30 years, and prescription thence acquired by third persons;


    By the total loss of the thing on which the usufruct is established.


    430.   Usufruct may also cease by reason of the abuse the usufructuary makes of his or her enjoyment, either by committing waste on the property or by allowing it to depreciate for want of care.


    The creditors of the usufructuary may intervene in contestations, for the preservation of their rights; they may offer to repair the injury done and give security for the future.


    The courts may, according to the gravity of the circumstances, either pronounce the absolute extinction of the usufruct, or only permit the entry of the proprietor into possession of the object charged with it, subject to the obligation of annually paying to the usufructuary or to his or her representatives a fixed sum, until the time when the usufruct shall cease.


    431.   A usufruct which is granted without term to a corporation only lasts 30 years.


    432.   A usufruct granted until the date when a third party reaches a certain fixed age, continues until such date, although the third person should die previously.


    433.   The sale of a thing subject to usufruct does not in any respect change the right of the usufructuary who continues to enjoy his or her usufruct, unless he or she has formally renounced it.


    434.   The creditors of the usufructuary may have his or her renunciation annulled, if it be made to their prejudice.


    435.   If only a part of the thing subject to the usufruct perish, the usufruct continues to exist in respect of the remainder.


    436.   If the usufruct be established upon a building only, and such building be destroyed by fire or other accident, or fall from age, the usufructuary has no right to enjoy either the ground or the materials.


    If the usufruct be established in respect of a property of which the building destroyed formed part, the usufructuary enjoys the ground and the materials.