Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section V   Rules particular to the Lease and Hire of Farms and Estates


    1550.   He or she who cultivates land on condition of sharing the produce with the lessor can neither sublet nor assign his or her lease, unless the right to do so has been expressly stipulated.


    If he or she sublet or assign, without such stipulation, the lessor may eject him or her, and recover damages resulting from the violation of the lease.


    1551.   The lessee of a plantation or farm is bound to furnish it with sufficient stock and the implements necessary for its cultivation, and to cultivate it with reasonable care and skill.


    1552.   If the plantation or farm be found to contain a greater or less quantity of land than that specified in the lease, the rights of the parties to an increase or diminution of rent are governed by the rules on that subject contained in the Book respecting Sale.


    1553.   The lessee of a farm or rural estate is bound to give notice to the lessor, with reasonable diligence, of any encroachment made upon it; and in default of so doing he or she is liable for all damages and expense.


    1554.   If the lease be for one year only, and, during the year, the crop be wholly or in great part lost by a fortuitous event, the lessee is discharged from his obligation for the rent in proportion to such loss. But if the lease be for a term of 2 or more years, the lessee is not entitled to claim any reduction.


    1555.   When the loss happens after the crop is separated from the land, the lessee is not entitled to any reduction of the rent payable in money. If the rent consist of a share in the harvest, the lessor must bear his or her proportion of the loss, unless the loss is caused by the fault of the lessee, or his or her rent be in arrears.


    1556.   The lease of a plantation or farm, when no term is specified, is presumed to be an annual lease, terminating on the first day of May each year, subject to notice as hereinafter provided. (Amended by Act 34 of 1956)


    1557.   The lessee of a plantation or farm must leave, at the termination of his lease, the manure, and the straw and other substances intended for manure, if he or she has received them on taking possession; if he or she has not so received them, the owner may nevertheless retain them on paying their value.