Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

2173.   Power to appoint trustees of property belonging to persons out of Saint Lucia


    (1)   Where a person out of Saint Lucia is absolutely entitled under the will or on the intestacy of a person dying before or after the commencement of this Part (in this paragraph called “the deceased”) to a legacy, or to the residue of the succession of the deceased, or any share therein, and such legacy, residue or share is not under the will, if any, of the deceased, bequeathed to trustees for the person out of Saint Lucia, the personal representatives of the deceased may by writing appoint the Administrator General, a trust corporation or 2 or more persons not exceeding 4 (whether or not including the personal representatives or one or more of the personal representatives), to be the trustee or trustees of such legacy, residue or share for the person out of Saint Lucia, and may execute or do any assurance or thing requisite for vesting such legacy, residue or share in the trustee or trustees so appointed.

On such appointment the personal representatives, as such, shall be discharged from all further liability in respect of such legacy, residue or share, and the same may be retained in its existing condition or state of investment, or may be converted into money, and such money may be invested in any investment authorised by this Part.


    (2)   Where a personal representative has before the commencement of this Part retained or sold any such legacy, residue or share, and invested the same or the proceeds thereof in any investments in which he or she was authorised to invest money subject to the trust, then, subject to any order of the Court made before such commencement, he or she shall not be deemed to have incurred any liability on that account, or by reason of not having paid or transferred the money or property into Court.