Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section III   Carriers


    1573.   Carriers by land or by water are subject, with respect to the safe keeping of things entrusted to them, to the obligations and duties to which innkeepers are subject, as specified in the Book respecting Deposit.


    1574.   They are obliged to receive and convey, at the times fixed by public notice, all persons applying for passage, if the conveyance of passengers be a part of their accustomed business, and all goods offered for transportation; unless, in either case, there is a reasonable and sufficient cause of refusal.


    1575.   They are liable, not only for what has been received in the vehicle or vessel, but also for what has been delivered to them for carriage at the port or place of deposit.


    1576.   They are liable for the loss or damage of anything entrusted to them, unless they can prove that such loss or damage was caused by a fortuitous event, or has arisen from a defect in the thing itself.


    1577.   Notice by carriers, of special conditions limiting their liability, affects only persons to whom it is made known; and notwithstanding such notice and the knowledge of it, carriers are liable whenever it is proved that the damage is caused by their fault or the fault of those for whom they are responsible.


    1578.   They are not liable for sums of money for bills or other securities, or for gold, or silver, or precious stones, or other articles of an extraordinary value, contained in any package received for transportation, unless it is declared that the package contains such money or other articles.


    The foregoing rule nevertheless does not apply to the personal baggage of travellers when the money or the value of the articles lost is only of moderate amount and suitable to the circumstances of the traveller.


    1579.   If by reason of a fortuitous event, the transportation and delivery of the property carried be not made within the stipulated term, the carrier is not liable in damages for the delay.


    1580.   The carrier has a right to retain the property carried until he is paid for the carriage or freight.


    1581.   The reception of property carried and payment of the carriage or freight, without protest, extinguish all right of action against the carrier; unless the loss or damage is such that it could not then be known, in which case the claim must be made without delay after the loss or damage becomes known to the claimant.


    1582.   (Repealed by Act 34 of 1956)