Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

2169.   Exoneration of trustees in respect of certain powers of attorney

A trustee acting or paying money in good faith under or in pursuance of any power of attorney shall not be liable for any such act or payment by reason of the fact that at the time of the act or payment the person who gave the power of attorney was subject to any disability, or bankrupt, or dead, or had done or suffered some act or thing to avoid the power, if this fact was not known to the trustee at the time of his or her so acting or paying:

Provided that—


    (a)     nothing in this article shall affect the right of any person entitled to the money against the person to whom the payment is made;


    (b)     the person so entitled shall have the same remedy against the person to whom the payment is made as he or she would have had against the trustee.