Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section III   Prescription by Subsequent Purchasers


    2112.   He or she who acquires a corporeal immovable in good faith under a written title, prescribes the ownership thereof and liberates himself or herself from the servitudes, charges, and hypothecs upon it by an effective possession in virtue of such title during 10 years.


    2113.   A purchaser of dues or rents, with title and in good faith, prescribes the capital thereof by means of an enjoyment that is not defective and extends over 10 years, against the creditor who has during that time entirely failed to enjoy and neglected to act, although the vendor should subsequently prove to have had no right to sell.


    2114.   It is sufficient that the good faith of subsequent purchasers existed at the time of the purchase, even when their effective possession only commenced later.


    The same rule is observed with regard to every preceding purchaser whose possession is added to theirs for this prescription.


    2115.   A title which is null by reason of informality cannot serve as a ground for prescription by 10 years.


    2116.   After prescription by 10 years has been renounced or interrupted, prescription by 30 years alone can be commenced.


    2117.   Prescription by 10 years and other prescriptions requiring shorter periods, may be set up separately against the same demand together with that by 30 years, and any one kind of prescription may be set up with any other.


    2118.   In cases where prescription by 10 years can run, each new holder of an immovable burthened with a servitude, charge, or hypothec, may be compelled to furnish a renewal title at his or her own cost.