1655. Agency terminates
1. By revocation;
2. By the renunciation of the agent;
3. By the death of the principal or agent;
4. By interdiction, bankruptcy, or other change in the condition of either party by which his or her civil capacity is affected;
5. By the cessation of authority in the principal;
6. By the accomplishment of the business or the expiration of the time for which the agency is given;
7. By other causes of extinction common to other obligations.
1656. The principal may at any time revoke the agency, and oblige the agent to return to him or her the power of attorney if it be an original instrument.
1657. The appointment of a new agent for the same business has the effect of a revocation of the first appointment from the day on which the former agent has been notified of the new appointment.
1658. If notice of the revocation be given to the agent alone, it does not affect third persons who in ignorance of it have contracted with the agent, but the principal has recourse against the agent.
1659. The agent may renounce the agency after acceptance, on giving due notice to the principal. But if such renunciation be injurious to the latter, the agent is answerable in damages, unless there is a reasonable cause for the renunciation. If the agent be acting for a valuable consideration he or she is liable according to the general rules relating to the non-fulfilment of obligations.
1660. Acts of the agent, done in ignorance of the death of the principal or other cause whereby the agency is extinguished, are valid.
1661. The legal representatives of the agent, having a knowledge of the agency and not being incapacitated by minority or otherwise, are bound to give notice of his death to the principal and to do, in business already begun, whatever is immediately necessary to protect the latter from loss.
1662. Loans are of 2 kinds:
1. The loan of things which may be used without being destroyed, called loan for use;
2. The loan of things which are consumed by the use made of them, called loan for consumption.