Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

5.   Making of declaration where parent does not attend


    (1)   A parent who is in Saint Lucia may, with the consent of the Registrar of Civil Status, verify the particulars required to be registered on the re-registration of the birth of a legitimated person by making and signing before the registrar of Civil Status, a declaration of the particulars, on the form provided for the purpose by the Registrar of Civil Status; and any such declaration shall be attested by the Registrar of Civil Status and sent by him or her to the registrar for the district in which is situated the place where the birth occurred.


    (2)   A parent who is not in Saint Lucia may, with the consent of the Registrar of Civil Status, verify the particulars required to be registered as aforesaid by making and signing before one of the authorities specified in paragraph (3), (4) or (5) of this regulation, as the case may be, and sending to the Registrar of Civil Status a declaration of the particulars on the form provided for the purpose by the Registrar of Civil Status.


    (3)   In the case of a parent who is in any territory of the West Indies, or in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or any other country of the British Commonwealth of Nations, or in the Irish Republic, the authorities before whom a declaration may be made are a notary public or some other person lawfully authorised to administer oaths in that territory, country or place.


    (4)   In the case of a parent who is not in any place mentioned in paragraph (3) of this regulation, the authorities before whom a declaration may be made are one of Her Majesty's consular officers, a notary public or some other person lawfully authorised to administer oaths in the country or place:

Provided that a declaration made before an authority other than one of Her Majesty's consular officers shall be of no effect for the purposes of this regulation if it is not authenticated by one of the said officers.


    (5)   In the case of a parent who is a member of one of Her Majesty's Forces and who is not in Saint Lucia, the authorities before whom a declaration may be made shall include any officer of Her Majesty's Naval, Military, or Air Forces who holds a rank not below that of Lieutenant-Commander, Major, or Squadron-Leader.