519. The lessor is obliged to guarantee the lessee, and to secure him or her in the enjoyment of the immovable leased, during the whole time legally agreed upon.
He or she is also obliged to resume such immovable and to discharge the lessee from the rent or dues stipulated, in the case of the latter wishing to leave it, unless there is an agreement to the contrary.
520. The lessee is bound to pay annually the emphyteutic rent; if he or she allow 3 years to pass without doing so, he or she may be judicially declared to have forfeited the immovable, although there be no stipulation on that subject.
521. The rent is payable in the whole, without the lessee having a right to claim its remission or diminution, either on account of sterility or of unavoidable accidents which may have destroyed the harvest or hindered the enjoyment, or even for the loss of a part of the land.
522. The lessee is held for all the real rights and land charges to which the property is subjected.
523. He or she is bound to make the improvements which he or she has undertaken, as well as all greater or lesser repairs.
He or she may be forced to make them even before the expiration of the lease, if he or she neglects to do so, and the land suffer thereby any considerable deterioration.
524. The lessee has not the right to deteriorate the immovable leased; if he or she commit any waste which greatly diminishes its value, the lessor may have him or her expelled and condemned to restore the things to their former condition.