2056. Possession is the detention or enjoyment of a thing or of a right, which a person holds or exercises himself, or which is held or exercised in his or her name by another.
2057. For the purposes of prescription, the possession of a person must be continuous and uninterrupted, peaceable, public, unequivocal, and as proprietor.
2058. A person is always presumed to possess for himself or herself and as proprietor, in the absence of proof that his or her possession was begun for another.
2059. When possession is begun for another, it is always presumed to continue so, if there be no proof to the contrary.
2060. Acts which are merely facultative or of sufferance cannot be the foundation either of possession or of prescription.
2061. Nor can acts of violence be the foundation of such a possession as avails for prescription.
2062. In cases of violence or wrongful concealment, the possession which avails for prescription begins when the defect has ceased.
Nevertheless a thief, his or her heirs and successors by universal title, cannot by any length of time prescribe the thing stolen.
Successors by particular title do not suffer from these defects in the possession of previous holders, when their own possession has been peaceful and public.
2063. An actual possessor who proves that he or she was in possession at a former period is, in the absence of proof to the contrary, presumed to have possessed during the intermediate time.
2064. A successor by particular title may join to his or her possession that of him or her from whom his or her title was derived, in order to complete prescription.
Heirs and other successors by universal title continue the possession of him or her of whom they are the heirs or successors, except in the case of interversion of title.