451. Lands on a lower level are subject towards those on a higher level to receive such waters as flow from the latter naturally and without the agency of man.
The proprietor of the lower land cannot raise any dam to prevent this flow. The proprietor of the higher land can do nothing to aggravate the servitude of the lower land.
452. He or she who has a spring on his or her land may use it and dispose of it as he pleases unless there be a special servitude with respect to it.
453. He or she whose land borders on a stream, may use it for his or her own purposes, but in such a manner as not to prevent the exercise of the same right by those to whom it belongs.
He or she whose land is crossed by such stream may use it within the whole space of its course through the property, but subject to the obligation of allowing it to take its usual course when it leaves his or her land.
454. Every proprietor may oblige his or her neighbour to settle the boundaries between their contiguous lands.
The costs of so doing are common; those of the suit, in case of contestation, are in the discretion of the court.
455. Every proprietor may oblige his or her neighbour to make in equal portions or at common expense, between their respective lands, a fence, or other sufficient kind of separation according to the custom, the regulations, and the situation of the locality.