975. He or she who voluntarily undertakes to manage any affairs of another person with or without his or her knowledge, incurs an obligation to conduct them until they are concluded, or until such other is in a condition to relieve him or her. He or she is responsible for the attendant expenses, and is subject to all the obligations resulting from an express mandate.
976. He or she is obliged to continue his or her management although the person for whom he or she acts die before the conduct of the affairs is terminated, until such time as the heir or other legal representative is in a condition to relieve him or her.
977. He or she is bound to exercise all the care of a prudent administrator.
Nevertheless the Court may moderate the damages arising from his or her negligence or fault, according to the circumstances under which the conduct of the affairs has been assumed.
978. He or she whose affairs have been well managed is bound to fulfil the obligations his or her agent has contracted in his or her name, to indemnify him or her for all the personal liabilities which he or she has assumed, and to reimburse him or her all necessary or useful expenses.