242. The following persons cannot be tutors:
1. Minors, except the father who is bound to accept the office, and the mother, who although a minor, has a right to the tutorship of her children, but is not bound to accept it.
2. Interdicted persons.
3. All those who themselves or whose father or mother have against the minor a suit at law involving his or her status, his or her fortune, or an important portion of it.
(Amended by Acts 34 of 1956, 13 of 1989 and 12 of 1991)
243. A wife who has been appointed to a tutorship shall continue to perform the duties appertaining thereto, even if she marries or re-marries. However, she may be appointed jointly with her husband. (Substituted by Act 13 of 1989)
244. Condemnation to a degrading punishment carries with it by law exclusion from tutorship; and also involves removal from a tutorship previously conferred.
245. The following persons are also excluded from tutorship, and even may be deprived of it when they have entered upon its duties:
1. Persons whose misconduct is notorious;
2. Those whose administration exhibits their incapacity or dishonesty.
246. The Court, on being satisfied that it is for the welfare of the minor, may remove any tutor and may also, if it deems it to be for the welfare of the minor, appoint another tutor in his or her place. (Substituted by Act 34 of 1956)
247. (Repealed by Act 34 of 1956)
248. The order for removal must contain the grounds on which it is founded and orders the tutor to render an account. (Substituted by Act 34 of 1956)
249. During the litigation or pending the hearing of the application for his removal, the tutor sued retains the management and administration of the person and of the property of the minor, unless the Court or Judge orders otherwise. (Amended by Act 34 of 1956)