Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Section V   The effect of contracts with regard to third persons


    961.   A person cannot, by a contract in his or her own name, bind any one but himself or herself and his or her heirs and legal representatives; but he or she may contract in his or her own name that another shall perform an obligation, and in this case he or she is liable in damages if such obligation be not performed by the person indicated.


    962.   A party in like manner may stipulate for the benefit of a third person, when such benefit is the condition of a contract which he makes for himself or herself, or of a gift which he or she makes to another; and he or she who makes the stipulation cannot revoke it, if the third person have signified assent.


    963.   A person is deemed to have contracted for himself or himself, his or her heirs, and legal representatives, unless the contrary is expressed, or result from the nature of the contract.


    964.   Creditors may exercise any rights which are not exclusively attached to the person of the debtor when they are prejudiced by his or her neglect or refusal to exercise them.