49. Regulations
The Corporation may, with the approval of the Minister, make regulations generally for carrying out the provisions of this Act and with respect to—
(a) determining the number of persons who may occupy a dwelling house let by the Corporation;
(b) the use of buildings let by the Corporation with a view to—
(i) the prevention of fire, nuisance and sanitary defects, and to ensuring the provision of adequate ventilation therein, and
(ii) promoting and enforcing cleanliness of such premises;
(c) the taking of precautions in any such dwelling houses in case of any infectious disease;
(d) ensuring the occupation of a dwelling house in a tenantable manner and the prevention of damage to, or destruction of, any part thereof by a tenant or other person;
(e) the inspection of buildings and land vested in the Corporation;
(f) the books and accounts to be kept by the Corporation and the manner in which they are to be kept;
(g) the custody of the funds and other property of the Corporation, the making of payments by the Corporation and the signing of cheques;
(h) the execution of documents by or on behalf of the Corporation;
(i) the terms and conditions on which buildings may be let or leased by the Corporation;
(j) the terms and conditions in respect of which loans, advances or guarantees can be made or entered into by the Corporation;
(k) the forms of mortgages, charges, leases, letting, agreements and other instruments.