Commencement [20 June 2005]
1. Citation
This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Cresslands, Soufriere) Vesting Order.
2. Vesting of land
The land described in the First Schedule and the Second Schedule, being land owned by the Government is hereby vested in the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation.
Schedule 1
All that piece or parcel of land being Parcel 290 of Block 0231B, situated at Cresslands in the Registration Quarter of Soufriere, together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof and being bounded as follows:
North : by Parcel 0231B 277
South : by the Soufriere/Fond St. Jacque main road
East : by Parcel 0231 B 505
West : by Parcel 0231B 521.
The whole containing 2.07 acres (0.84 hectares) as shown on Plan of Survey by Dunstan Joseph, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 22nd February 2000, and Lodged in the Survey Office on the 2nd March, 2000, as Plan Number S 946K, and recorded as Number 93/2000.
Schedule 2
All that piece or parcel of land being Parcel 505 of Block 0231B, situated at Cresslands in the Registration Quarter of Soufriere, together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof and being bounded as follows:
North : by Parcel 0231B 277
South : by the Soufriere/Fond St. Jacque main road
East : by Parcels 0231 B 343 and 517
West : by Parcel 0231B 290.
The whole containing 5.75 acres (2.33 hectares) as shown on Plan of Survey by Dunstan Joseph, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 22nd February 2000, and Lodged in the Survey Office on the 2nd March, 2000, as Plan Number S 946K, and recorded as Number 93/2.