Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 2/2015)

Statutory Instrument 2/2015 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 12 January 2015


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Schedule 5
Schedule 6
Schedule 7
Schedule 8
Schedule 9


Commencement [12 January 2015]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource - Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule 4, Schedule 5, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, Schedule 8 and Schedule 9, being lands owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation are hereby vested in the Crown.

Schedule 1

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 570, 571, 572, 573, 574 and 575 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 250 and 637

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661 and by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

The whole comprising two thousand, one hundred and forty one point two square metres (2,141.2 sq.m.) or twenty three thousand and forty seven square feet (23,047 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 15A, 15B, 16A, 16B, 17 and 18 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2110R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 2nd March, 2012 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 22nd May, 2012 as Record Number SM161/2012.

Schedule 2

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 576, 577, 578, 579 and 580 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661 and by a proposed 1.83 metre footpath

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 573 and 575

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

The whole comprising one thousand, five hundred and sixty eight point three square metres (1,568.3 sq.m.) or sixteen thousand, eight hundred and eighty two square feet (16,882 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2104R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 2nd March, 2012 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 10th May, 2012 as Record Number SM162/2012.

Schedule 3

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 582, 583, 584, 585 and 586 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436 and by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 643

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 587 and 588

The whole comprising one thousand, three hundred and twenty five point seven square metres (1,325.7 sq.m.) or fourteen thousand, two hundred and seventy one square feet (14,271 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 29, 30A, 30B, 31A and 31B on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2114R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 7th May, 2012 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 15th June, 2012 as Record Number SM207/2012.

Schedule 4

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595 and 596 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number1020B 436

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 585 and 586 and by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     West     :     by an existing 8.23m dirt road

The whole comprising two thousand, two hundred and sixty five point nine square metres (2,265.9 sq.m.) or twenty four thousand, three hundred and ninety one square feet (24,391 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 33A, 33B, 34A, 34B, 35A, 35B, 36A, 36B, 37A and 37B on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2112R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 11th April, 2012 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 15th June, 2012 as Record Number SM205/ 2012.

Schedule 5

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 600, 601, 602 and 603 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 492, 605 and 661

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

     East     :     by an existing road

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 605 and 661

The whole comprising one thousand and eighty nine point one square metres (1.089.1 sq.m.) or eleven thousand, seven hundred and twenty three square feet (11,723 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 19 and 20 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1903T by Rufinus Baptiste, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 13th November, 2006 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Survey on 10th June, 2008 as Record Number SM631/2006.

Schedule 6

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 606, 608, 609, 610, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616 and 618 and Block and Parcel Number 1220B 100 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 617 and 661

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

The whole comprising five thousand, three hundred and twenty-five point five square metres (5,325.5 sq.m.) or fifty-seven thousand, three hundred and twenty-four square feet (57,324 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1904K by Rufinus Baptiste, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 10th September, 2004 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 11th June, 2008 as Record Number SM630/2006.

Schedule 7

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629 and 630 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 636 and 637

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 631, 633, 634 and 636 and by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

The whole comprising two thousand, four hundred and twenty eight point seven square metres (2,428.7 sq.m.) or twenty six thousand, one hundred and forty three square feet (26,143 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 2, 3A, 3B, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10A, 11 and 11A on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2113R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 11th April, 2012 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 15th June, 2012 as Record Number SM206/2012.

Schedule 8

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636 and 637 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 628, 630 and an existing dirt road

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 570, 623 and 629 and an existing road

The whole comprising one thousand, nine hundred and seventy seven point three square metres (1,977.3 sq.m.) or twenty one thousand, two hundred and eighty four square feet (21,284 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 5, 5A, 12, 12A, 12B, 13, and 14 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2115R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 11th April, 2012 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Survey on 4th July, 2012 as Record Number SM203/2012.

Schedule 9

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643 and 644 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 107 and 661

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436 and by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 661

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 107, 582, 661 and by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 436

The whole comprising three thousand, one hundred and thirty two point six square metres (3,132.6 sq.m.) or thirty three thousand, seven hundred and seventeen square feet (33,717 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 24, 25, 26, 27A, 27B, 28A and 28B on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2120R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 4th May, 2012 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 30th July, 2012 as Record Number SM204/2012.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource – Vieux-Fort) (No. 2) Vesting Order – Section 48(2)

(Statutory Instrument 118/2015)

Statutory Instrument 118/2015 (La Ressource – Vieux-Fort) (No. 2) .. in force 21 December 2015


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3


Commencement [21 December 2015]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource - Vieux Fort) (No. 2) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 3, being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is hereby vested in the Crown.

Schedule 1

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land being Block and Parcel Numbers 1019B, 768, 769 and 770, situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1019B 905, 907 and 915

     South     :     a 6m road reserve

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1019B 493

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1019B 651, 916 and 917

The whole comprising one thousand, two hundred and forty-five point seven square metres (1,245.7 sq.m.) or thirteen thousand four hundred and nine square feet (13,409 sq.ft.) shown as Lot Numbers 66, 67 and 70 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1344R by John C. Cenac, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 18th September, 1999 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 15th December, 1999 as Record Number 632/1999.

Schedule 2

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1019B 1388 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1019B 770

     South     :     by 6m road reserve

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1019B 770

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1019B 769

The whole comprising one hundred and sixty nine point nine square metres (169.9 sq.m.) or one thousand, eight hundred and twenty-eight square feet (1,828 sq.ft.) and shown on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2279 B by Stanislaus Auguste, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 22nd June, 2015 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 24th July, 2015 as Record Number SM278/2015

Schedule 3

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1019B 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392 and 1393 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 227

     South     :     by 6.1 access road

     East     :     by drain

     West     :     by access road and Block and Parcel Number 1020B 227

The whole comprising two thousand, eight hundred and eleven point eight square metres (2,811.8 sq.m.) or thirty thousand, two hundred and sixty-seven square feet (30,267 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1904K by Rufinus Baptiste, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 10th September 2004 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 11th June, 2008 as Record Number SM630/2006.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 38/2017)

Statutory Instrument 38/2017 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 2 May 2017


2.Vesting of land


Commencement [2 May 2017]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by Invest Saint Lucia is hereby vested in the Crown.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1219B 673 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by an existing road

     South     :     by 1219B 669, 671 and 672

     East     :     by 1219B 662

     West     :     by 1219B 669 and 670

The whole comprising two hundred and five point two square metres (205.2 sq.m.) or two thousand two hundred and nine square feet (2209 sq.ft.) on Survey Plan VF 2297R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 16th September, 2015 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 22nd October, 2015 as Record No. SM422 of 2015 and as shown on Map Sheet.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting (No. 2) Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 39/2017)

Statutory Instrument 39/2017 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 2) .. in force 2 May 2017


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Schedule 5
Schedule 6
Schedule 7
Schedule 8
Schedule 9


Commencement [2 May 2017]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource Vieux-Fort) Vesting (No. 2) Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule 4, Schedule 5, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, Schedule 8 and Schedule 9 being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is hereby vested in the Crown.

Schedule 1

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1019B and Parcel Number 575 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by an access road

     South     :     by an access road and by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 578

     East     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 576

     West     :     by an access road and by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 578

The whole comprising seven hundred and twenty-three point seven square meters (723.7 sq.m.) or seven thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine square feet (7789 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 19 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1130K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 27th June, 1995 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 29th day of November, 1995 as Record Number 637/95.

Schedule 2

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 122 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 123

     South     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 121

     East     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 449

     West     :     by an access road

The whole comprising six hundred and sixteen point seven square meters (616.7 sq.m.) or six thousand, six hundred and thirty-eight square feet (6638 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 41 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1041K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 30th November, 1993 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 9th day of March, 1994 as Record Number 110/94.

Schedule 3

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 125 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 126

     South     :     by a drain reserve

     East     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 449

     West     :     by an access road

The whole comprising four hundred and forty-eight point seven square meters (448.7 sq.m.) or four thousand, eight hundred and thirty square feet (4830 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 44 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1041K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 30th November, 1993 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 9th day of March, 1994 as Record Number 110/94.

Schedule 4

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 128 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 145

     South     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 131

     East     :     by an access road and drain

     West     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 442

The whole comprising six hundred and thirty-three point six square meters (633.6 sq.m.) or six thousand, eight hundred and twenty square feet (6820 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 59 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1049 K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 14th January 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 28th day of April, 1994 as Record Number 228/94.

Schedule 5

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 131 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 128

     South     :     by an access road and by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 132

     East     :     by an access road and drain

     West     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 442

The whole comprising five hundred and forty-one point four square meters (541.4 sq.m.) or five thousand, eight hundred and twenty-eight square feet (5828 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 62 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1049K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 14th January, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 28th day of April, 1994 as Record Number 228/94.

Schedule 6

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 143 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows-

     North     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 142

     South     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 144

     East     :     by an access road

     West     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 442

The whole comprising five hundred and fifty point two square meters (550.2 sq.m.) or five thousand, nine hundred and twenty-two square feet (5922 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 56 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1064K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 18th July, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 15th day of August, 1994 as Record Number 488/94.

Schedule 7

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 144 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows-

     North     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 143

     South     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 145

     East     :     by an access road

     West     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 442

The whole comprising six hundred and six point two square meters (606.2 sq.m.) or six thousand, five hundred and twenty-five square feet (6525 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 57 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1064K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 18th July, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 15th day of August, 1994 as Record Number 488/94.

Schedule 8

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 146 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by an access road

     South     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Numbers 147 and 148

     East     :     by an access road

     West     :     by an access road

The whole comprising one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen point five square meters (1914.5 sq.m.) or twenty thousand, six hundred and eight square feet (20608 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 78 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF1064K by T.M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 18th July, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 15th day of August, 1994 as Record Number 488/94.

Schedule 9

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B and Parcel Number 448 situated at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by an access road

     South     :     by an access road and by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 141

     East     :     by an access road

     West     :     by Block 1020B and Parcel Number 442

The whole comprising zero point zero five hectares as shown on Map Sheet 1020B.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Doe Carmel, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 102/2017)

Statutory Instrument 102/2017 (Doe Carmel, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 30 October 2017


2.Vesting of land


Commencement [30 October 2017]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Doe Carmel, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is hereby vested in the Crown.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706 and 707 situate at Doe Carmel in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by an access road

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 708 and 709

     East     :     by an access road

     West     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 708

The whole containing ten thousand, three hundred and eighty-seven point two square metres (10,387.2 sq.m.) or one hundred and eleven thousand, eight hundred and eight square feet (111,808 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Numbers 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 and E1, E2, E3, E4 on Plan of Survey by Paul Boland, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 4th March, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 16th June, 2016 as Drawing Number VF2325K and recorded as Number SM64/2016.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Doe Carmel, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 81/2018)

Statutory Instrument 81/2018 (Doe Carmel, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 8 October 2018


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4


Commencement [8 October 2018]

1.   Citation

    This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Doe Carmel, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

    The lands described in Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and Schedule 4 being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation are hereby vested in the Crown.

Schedule 1

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising and registered as Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 196, 197 and 198 situate at Doe Carmel in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by a road reserve

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 195

     East     :     by a road reserve

     West     :     by a drain reserve.


    The whole comprising thirteen thousand one hundred and twelve square feet (13,112 sq.ft.) or one thousand two hundred and eighteen point one square metres (1218.1 sq.m.) and shown as Lot Numbers 53, 54 and 55 on Survey Plan Number VF1082K by T. M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 26th May, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 24th January, 1995 as Record Number 20/95.

Schedule 2

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising and registered as Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 199, 200, 201 and 202 situate at Doe Carmel in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by a road reserve

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 47

     East     :     by a drain reserve

     West     :     by a road reserve.


    The whole comprising seventeen thousand four hundred and ninety-six square feet (17,496 sq.ft.) or one thousand six hundred and twenty-five point three square metres (1,625.3 sq.m.) and shown as Lot Numbers 56, 57, 58 and 59 on Survey Plan Number VF1082K by T. M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 26th May, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 24th January, 1995 as Record Number 20/95.

Schedule 3

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising and registered as Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 203 and 205 situate at Doe Carmel in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by a drain reserve

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 49 and 50

     East     :     by a road reserve

     West     :     by a road reserve.


    The whole comprising eight thousand six hundred and ninety-three square feet (8,693 sq.ft.) or eight hundred and seven point six square metres (807.6 sq.m.) and shown as Lot Numbers 63 and 65 on Survey Plan Number VF1082K by T. M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 26th May, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 24th January, 1995 as Record Number 20/95.

Schedule 4

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1219B Parcel Number 207 situate at Doe Carmel in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by a road reserve

     South     :     by Block 1218B Parcel Number 53

     East     :     by a road reserve

     West     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 36.


    The whole comprising four thousand three hundred and twenty-eight square feet (4,328 sq.ft.) or four hundred and two point one square metres (402.1 sq.m.) and shown as Lot Number 70 on Survey Plan Number VF1082K by T. M. Koylass, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 26th May, 1994 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 24th January, 1995 as Record Number 20/95.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 82/2018)

Statutory Instrument 82/2018 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 8 October 2018


2.Vesting of land


Commencement [8 October 2018]

1.   Citation

    This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

    The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is vested in the Crown.


(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1020B 447 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 442

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 448

     East     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 448

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1020B 442.


    The whole comprising less than zero point zero two hectares as shown on Map Sheet 1020B.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 2) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 85/2018)

Statutory Instrument 85/2018 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 2) .. in force 22 October 2018


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2


Commencement [22 October 2018]

1.   Citation

    This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 2) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

    The land described in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is vested in the Crown.

Schedule 1

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 716 and 717 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 1219B 721 and an existing road

     South     :     by an existing concrete drain

     East     :     by a proposed drain

     West     :     by an existing road.


    The whole comprising one thousand, one hundred and fifteen point six square metres (1115.6 sq.m.) or twelve thousand and eight square feet (12008 sq.ft.) as shown on Map Sheet 1219B and Survey Plan Number VF2308R by T. Gajadhar, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 10th December, 2015 as Lot Numbers 16 and 17 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 30th December, 2015 as Record Number SM546/2015.

Schedule 2

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 718, 719 and 720 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Numbers 1219B 186, 338 and 339

     South     :     by a road reserve and an existing 5.50m concrete road

     East     :     by a road reserve and an existing 4.0m tarmac road

     West     :     by an existing drain and a proposed drain.


    The whole comprising five thousand, two hundred and seventy-five point nine square metres (5,275.9 sq.m.) or fifty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety square feet (56,790 sq.ft.) as shown on Map Sheet 1219B and Survey Plan Number VF2335R by T. Gajadhar, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 29th March, 2016 as Lot Numbers A, B and C and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 9th September, 2016 as Record Number SM236/2016.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Derriere Morne, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 89/2018)

Statutory Instrument 89/2018 (Derriere Morne, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 29 October 2018


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4


Commencement [29 October 2018]

1.   Citation

    This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Derriere Morne, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

    The lands described in Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and Schedule 4 being lands owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation are hereby vested in the Crown.

Schedule 1

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising and registered as Block 1218B Parcel Numbers 263, 264 and 265 situate at Derriere Morne in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block 1218B Parcel Numbers 276, 277 and Block 1219B Parcel Number 674 and Block 1020B Parcel Number 449

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674

     East     :     by Block 1020B Parcel Number 449

     West     :     by an existing concrete road and by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674.


    The whole comprising zero point two six hectares (0.26 ha.) shown as Lot Numbers 15, 16 and 17 on Survey Plan Number VF 2352K by Peter Felix, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 30th August, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 16th January, 2017 as Record Number SM 26/2016.

Schedule 2

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising and registered as Block 1218B Parcel Numbers 266, 267, 268, 269 and 270 situate at Derriere Morne in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by an existing concrete road

     South     :     by Block 1218B Parcel 9 and Block 1219B Parcel Number 674

     East     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674

     West     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674 and a concrete drain.


    The whole comprising zero point two nine hectares (0.29 ha.) and shown as Lot Numbers 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 on Survey Plan Number VF 2352K by Peter Felix, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 30th August, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 16th January, 2017 as Record Number SM 26/2016.

Schedule 3

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising and registered as Block 1218B Parcel Numbers 271, 272 and 273 situate at Derriere Morne in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674

     East     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674 and a concrete drain

     West     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674.


    The whole comprising zero point two four hectares (0.24 ha.) and shown as Lot Numbers 43, 44 and 45 on Survey Plan Number VF 2352K by Peter Felix, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 30th August, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 16th January, 2017 as Record Number SM 26/2016.

Schedule 4

(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcels of land comprising and registered as Block 1218B Parcel Numbers 274 and 275 situate at Derriere Morne in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Block 1218B Parcel Number 237

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 674

     East     :     by an existing concrete road

     West     :     by Block 1218B Parcel Numbers 11 and 56.


    The whole comprising zero point zero eight hectares (0.08 ha.) and shown as Lot Numbers 46 and 47 on Survey Plan Number VF 2352K by Peter Felix, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 30th August, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 16th January, 2017 as Record Number SM 26/2016.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Forrestiere, Castries) Vesting Order – Section 48(2)

(Statutory Instrument 33/2019)

Statutory Instrument 33/2019 (Forrestiere, Castries) .. in force 8 April 2019


2.Vesting of land


Commencement [8 April 2019]

1.   Citation

    This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Forrestiere, Castries) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

    The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Crown is vested in the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation.


(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Numbers 1245B 222 situate at Forrestiere in the Quarter of Castries in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block and Parcel Number 223

     South     :     by Block and Parcel Number 267

     East     :     by a public road

     West     :     by Block and Parcel Number 223.


    The whole comprising two point nine one acres (2.91 acs.) or one point one eight hectares (1.18 ha.) as shown on Map Sheet 1245B and Survey Plan Number C12593R by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 8th February, 2017 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 6th March, 2017 as Record Number SM47/2017.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (The Union Industrial Estate at Postlewaithe, Gros Islet) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 137/2019)

Statutory Instrument 137/2019 (The Union Industrial Estate at Postlewaithe, Gros Islet) .. in force 14 October 2019


2.Vesting of land


Commencement [14 October 2019]

1.   Citation

    This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (The Union Industrial Estate at Postlewaithe, Gros Islet) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

    The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is hereby vested in Invest Saint Lucia.


(Section 2)


    All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1250B Parcel Number 631 situate at the Union Industrial Estate at Postlewaithe in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows —

North     :     by Block 1250B Parcel Number 807

South     :     by Block 1250B Parcel Number 701

East     :     by Block 1250B Parcel Numbers 231 and 807

West     :     by Block 1250B Parcel Number 632.


    The whole comprising zero point four eight hectares (0.48 h.a.) shown as an Open Space on Land Register, Instrument Number 2565/2010 as rectified by Instrument number 5097/2011 and on Map Sheet 1250B.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Bois d'Orange Development Project) Vesting Order – Section 48(2)

(Statutory Instrument 69/2020)

Statutory Instrument 69/2020 (Bois d'Orange Development Project) .. in force 8 May 2020


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Schedule 5
Schedule 6
Schedule 7
Schedule 8
Schedule 9
Schedule 10
Schedule 11
Schedule 12
Schedule 13
Schedule 14
Schedule 15
Schedule 16
Schedule 17
Schedule 18
Schedule 19
Schedule 20
Schedule 21
Schedule 22
Schedule 23
Schedule 24
Schedule 25
Schedule 26
Schedule 27
Schedule 28
Schedule 29
Schedule 30
Schedule 31
Schedule 32
Schedule 33
Schedule 34
Schedule 35


Commencement [8 May 2020]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Bois d'Orange Development Project) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule 4, Schedule 5, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, Schedule 8, Schedule 9, Schedule 10, Schedule 11, Schedule 12, Schedule 13, Schedule 14, Schedule 15, Schedule 16, Schedule 17, Schedule 18, Schedule 19, Schedule 20, Schedule 21, Schedule 22, Schedule 23, Schedule 24, Schedule 25, Schedule 26, Schedule 27, Schedule 28, Schedule 29, Schedule 30, Schedule 31, Schedule 32, Schedule 33, Schedule 34 and Schedule 35 being land owned by the Crown is vested in the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation.

Schedule 1

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 885 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 888 or Lot 45

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising two hundred and seventy-nine point seven square metres (279.7 sq.m.) or three thousand and ten square feet (3010 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 46 on Survey Plan Number GI6429B by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 15th January, 2015 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM22/2015.

Schedule 2

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 887 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 884 or Lot 36 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 888 Lot 45.

The whole comprising three hundred and nineteen point one square metres (319.1 sq.m.) or three thousand four hundred and thirty-five square feet (3435 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 44 on Survey Plan Number GI6395R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 6th February, 2014 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM341/2014.

Schedule 3

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 888 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 887 or Lot 44

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 885 or Lot 46.

The whole comprising two hundred and seventy-nine point seven square metres (279.7 sq.m.) or three thousand and eleven square feet (3011 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 45 on Survey Plan Number GI6395R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 6th February, 2014 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM341/2014.

Schedule 4

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 889 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising four hundred and twelve point two square metres (412.2 sq.m.) or four thousand four hundred and thirty-seven square feet (4437 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 49 on Survey Plan Number GI6395R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 6th February, 2014 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM341/2014.

Schedule 5

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 890 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising two hundred and seventy-seven point three square metres (277.3 sq.m.) or two thousand nine hundred and eighty-five square feet (2985 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 53 on Survey Plan Number GI6395R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 6th February, 2014 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM341/2014.

Schedule 6

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 897 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 898 or Lot 2 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising five hundred point five square metres (500.5 sq.m.) or five thousand three hundred and eighty-seven square feet (5387 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 1 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 7

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 898 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 899 or Lot 3

     South     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 898 or Lot 2 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising seven hundred and eight point seven square metres (708.7 sq.m..) or seven thousand six hundred and twenty-eight square feet (7628 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 2 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 8

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 899 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 900 or Lot 4

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 898 or Lot 2

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising eight hundred and eighty-two point seven square metres (882.7 sq.m.) or nine thousand five hundred and one square feet (9501 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 3 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 9

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 900 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 901 or Lot 5

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 899 or Lot 3

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 318

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising one thousand one hundred and three point six square metres (1103.6 sq.m.) or eleven thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine square feet (11879 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 4 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 10

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 901 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 902 or Lot 6

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 901 or Lot 5

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising one thousand two hundred and sixty-eight square metres (1268 sq.m.) or thirteen thousand six hundred and fifty-six square feet (13,656 sq.ft.) and as Lot 5 shown on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 11

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 902 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 903 or Lot 7

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 901 or Lot 5

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising one thousand two hundred and forty-one point six square metres (1241.6 sq.m.) or thirteen thousand three hundred and sixty-four square feet (13364 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 6 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 12

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 903 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 902

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising eight hundred and thirty-two point five square metres (832.5 sq.m.) or eight thousand nine hundred and sixty-one square feet (8961 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 7 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 13

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 904 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 922

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 905 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 906.

The whole comprising nine hundred and twenty-five point one square metres (925.1 sq.m.) or nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight square feet (9958 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 11 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 14

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 905 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 906 or Lot 13

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 904 or Lot 11

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising five hundred and thirty-one point zero square metres (531.0 sq.m.) or five thousand seven hundred and sixteen square feet (5716 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 12 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 15

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 906 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 923 or Lot 14 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 922 or Lot 10

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 905 or Lot 12

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 904 or Lot 11

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising four hundred and eighty-four point eight square metres (484.8 sq.m.) or five thousand two hundred and nineteen square feet (5219 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 13 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 16

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 907 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 908

     East     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 899 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 900

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising five hundred and seventy-six point seven square metres (576.7 sq.m.) or six thousand two hundred and eight square feet (6208 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 20 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 17

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 908 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 907

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 909

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 899

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising five hundred and ninety-seven point one square metres (597.1 sq.m.) or six thousand four hundred and twenty-eight square feet (6428 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 21 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 18

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 909 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 908 Lot 21

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 910 Lot 23

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 898 Lot 2

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising six hundred and ninety-three point eight square metres (693.8 sq.m.) or seven thousand four hundred and sixty-eight square feet (7468 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 22 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 19

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 910 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 909 Lot 22

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 911 Lot 24

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising five hundred and sixty-two point two square metres (562.2 sq.m.) or six thousand and fifty-one square feet (6051 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 23 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 20

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 911 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 910 or Lot 23

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising five hundred and forty-one point six square metres (541.6 sq.m.) or five thousand eight hundred and thirty square feet (5830 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 24 on Survey Plan Number GI6525K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 5th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM09/2016.

Schedule 21

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 912 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 52

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 913 or Lot 29.

The whole comprising six hundred and eighty-seven point five square metres (687.5 sq.m.) or seven thousand four hundred and one square feet (7401 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 28 on Survey Plan Number GI6533R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 8th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM17/2016.

Schedule 22

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 913 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 413 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 876

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 912 Lot 28

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 914 Lot 30.

The whole comprising seven hundred and fifty-seven point seven square metres (757.7 sq.m.) or eight thousand one hundred and fifty-five square feet (8155 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 29 on Survey Plan Number GI6533R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 8th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM17/2016.

Schedule 23

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 914 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 876

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 913 or Lot 29

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 915 or Lot 31.

The whole comprising eight hundred and thirty-nine point four square metres (839.4 sq.m.) or nine thousand and thirty-four square feet (9034 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 30 on Survey Plan Number GI6533R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 8th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM17/2016.

Schedule 24

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 915 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 53

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 914 or Lot 30

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 916 or Lot 32.

The whole comprising one thousand four hundred and seventy-one point two square metres (1471.2 sq.m.) or fifteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-six square feet (15836 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 31 on Survey Plan Number GI6533R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 8th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM17/2016.

Schedule 25

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 916 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053 Parcel Number 53

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 915 or Lot 31

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 899 or Lot 3 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 900 or Lot 4.

The whole comprising one thousand four hundred and thirteen point four square metres (1413.4 sq.m.) or fifteen thousand two hundred and fourteen square feet (15214 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 32 on Survey Plan Number GI6533R by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 8th January, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM17/2016.

Schedule 26

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 920 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 921 or Lot 9

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 927 or Lot 18 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 928 or Lot 19.

The whole comprising five hundred and ninety point two square metres (590.2 sq.m.) or six thousand three hundred and fifty-two square feet (6352 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 8 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 27

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 921 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 920 or Lot 8

     South     :     by Block 1053 Parcel Number 922 or Lot 10

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 924 or Lot 15, partly by Block 1053 Parcel Number 925 or Lot 16 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 926 or Lot 17.947

The whole comprising five hundred and ninety-five point zero square metres (595.0 sq.m.) or six thousand four hundred and four square feet (6404 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 9 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 28

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 922 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 921 or Lot 9

     South     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 904 or Lot 11 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 906 or Lot 13

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 923 or Lot 14 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 924 or Lot 15.

The whole comprising seven hundred and sixty-seven point seven square metres (767.7 sq.m.) or eight thousand two hundred and sixty-four square feet (8264 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 10 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 29

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 923 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 924 or Lot 9

     South     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 904 or Lot 11 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 906 or Lot 13

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 922

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.948

The whole comprising seven hundred and sixty-seven point seven square metres (767.7 sq.m.) or eight thousand two hundred and sixty-four square feet (8264 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 10 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 30

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 924 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 925 Lot 16

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 924 Lot 15

     East     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 921 or Lot 9 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 922 or Lot 10

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 605 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929.

The whole comprising three hundred and ninety-five point seven square metres (395.7 sq.m.) or four thousand two hundred and sixty square feet (4260 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 15 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 31

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 925 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 926 or Lot 17

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 924 or Lot 15

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 921 or Lot 9

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 605.

The whole comprising three hundred and thirty-eight point seven square metres (338.7 sq.m.) or three thousand six hundred and forty-six square feet (3646 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 16 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 32

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 926 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 927 or Lot 18

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 926 or Lot 17

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 921 or Lot 9

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 375 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 605.

The whole comprising two hundred and ten point zero square metres (210.0 sq.m.) or two thousand two hundred and sixty square feet (2260 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 17 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 33

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 927 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 928 or Lot 19

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 926 or Lot 17

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 920 or Lot 8

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 375 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 593.

The whole comprising four hundred and fifty-one point six square metres (451.6 sq.m.) or four thousand eight hundred and sixty-one square feet (4861 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 18 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 34

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 928 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 929

     South     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 927 or Lot 18

     East     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 920 or Lot 8

     West     :     by Block 1053B Parcel Number 593.

The whole comprising three hundred and sixty-eight point six square metres (368.6 sq.m.) or three thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight square feet (3968 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot 19 on Survey Plan Number GI6622K by John G. Cenac Licensed Land Surveyor dated 9th September, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM415/2016.

Schedule 35

(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1053B Parcel Number 929 situate at Bois d'Orange in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Numbers 29,30, 501, 503,504, 589, 588, 604, 605 and 748

     South     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Numbers 44, 51, 762, 912, 914, 915 and 916

     East     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 318 and partly by Block 1053B Parcel Number 748

     West     :     partly by Block 1053B Parcel Numbers 9, 593 and 809.

The whole comprising one point seven five hectares (1.75 ha.) and shown on Land Register and Map Sheet 1053B.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 192/2020)

Statutory Instrument 192/2020 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 30 November 2020


2.Vesting of land


Commencement [30 November 2020]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is vested in the Crown.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1219B Parcel Number 737 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 743 or Lot 11A

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 738 and 739 or Lot 14

     East     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 547 or Lot 10

     West     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 733 and 736 or Lot 12.

The whole comprising less than zero point zero two hectares (0.02 ha.) as shown on Land Register and Map Sheet 1219B and shown as part of Lot 13 on Survey Plan Number VF2308R by Tennyson Gajadhar, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 10th December, 2015 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 31st December, 2015 as Record Number SM546/2015.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 1) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 104/2022)

Statutory Instrument 104/2022 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 1) .. in force 8 August 2022


2.Vesting of land

Commencement [8 August 2022]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 1) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation are hereby vested in the Crown.


All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B Parcel Number 196 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux-Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1020B Parcel Number 445

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 756

     East     :      by Block 1020B Parcel Number 449

     West     :      by Block 1219B Parcel Number 756.

The whole comprising thirteen thousand and nine square feet (13009 sq. ft.) or one thousand two hundred and eight point six square meters (1208.6 sq.m.) as shown as Lot Number 49 on Survey Plan Number VF1304R by Dunstan Joseph, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 8th March 1999 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 16th June, 1999 as Record Number SM273/1999.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 2) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 105/2022)

Statutory Instrument 105/2022 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 2) .. in force 8 August 2022


2.Vesting of land

Commencement [8 August 2022]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 2) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is vested in the Crown.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1020B Parcel Number 114 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1020B Parcel Number 112 or Lot 29 and Block 1020B Parcel Number 113 or Lot 30

     South     :     by Block 1020B Parcel Number 106 or Lot 23 and Block 1020B Parcel Number 115 or Lot 32

     East     :     by a road

     West     :     by Block 1020B parcel Number 106 or Lot 23 and Block 1020B Parcel Number 107 or Lot 24.

The whole comprising five hundred and sixty point six square metres (560.6 sq.m.) or six thousand and thirty-four square feet (6,034 sq.ft.) and shown as Lot Number 31 on Survey Plan Number VF1041K by T. M. Koylass, Staff Surveyor, dated 30th November, 1993 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 9th March, 1994 as Record Number 110/94.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Micoud) Vesting Order – Section 48(2)

(Statutory Instrument 125/2022)

Statutory Instrument 125/2022 (Micloud) .. in force 12 September 2022


2.Vesting of land

Commencement [12 September 2022]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Micoud) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Crown is hereby vested in the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1625B Parcel Number 128 situated in the Quarter of Micoud in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1625B Parcel Numbers 12, 70, 117, 129, 130 and 132

     South     :     by Ravine Bethel

     East     :     by Block 1624B Parcel Numbers 4, 206 and 209 and Block 1625B Parcel Numbers 144, 177, 179 and 180

     West     :     by Block 1625B Parcel Number 52.

The whole comprising thirty-six point one nine acres (36.19 acs.) or fourteen point six five hectares (14.65 ha.) as shown on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number M1820K by Stanisclaus Auguste, Staff Surveyor, dated 12th October, 2010 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor as Record Number SM515/2010.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 3) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 140/2022)

Statutory Instrument 140/2022 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 3) .. in force 17 October 2022


2.Vesting of land

Commencement [17 October 2022]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 3) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is vested in the Crown.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block 1219B Parcel Number 755 forming part of a subdivision of lands situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by a concrete road, Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 738 and 739 or Lot 14 and Block 1219B Parcel Number 740

     South     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Number 716 or Lot 16

     East     :     by a drain

     West     :     by a public road.

The whole comprising zero point zero eight hectares (0.08 ha.) and shown on the Land Register, Map Sheet 1219B and as part of Lot Number 15 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number VF2308R by T. Gajadhar, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 10th December, 2015 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 31st December, 2015 as Record Number SM546/2015.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 4) Vesting Order – Section 48(2)

(Statutory Instrument 203/2022)

Statutory Instrument 203/2022 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 4) .. in force 5 December 2022


2.Vesting of land

Commencement [5 December 2022]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 4) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Crown is hereby vested in the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1218B Parcel Number 269 situated in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by a public road

     South     :     by Block 1218B Parcel Number 268

     East     :     by a public road

     West     :     by Block 1218B Parcel Number 270.

The whole comprising six thousand two hundred fifty-nine square feet (6,259 sq.ft.) or five hundred eithty-one point five square meters (581.5 sq.m.) and shown as Lot Number 22 on Survey Plan Number VF2352K by Peter Felix, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated the 30th day of August, 2016 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on the 16th day of January, 2017 as Record Number SM26/2016.

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 5) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 204/2022)

Statutory Instrument 204/2022 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) (No. 5) .. in force 5 December 2022


2.Vesting of land

Commencement [5 December 2022]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) (No. 5) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The land described in the Schedule being land owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is hereby vested in the Crown.


(Section 2)

All that piece or parcel of land comprising and registered as Block 1219B Parcel Number 236 situate at La Ressource in the Quarter of Vieux Fort in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:

     North     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 230 and 231

     South     :     by a road

     East     :     by Block 1219B Parcel Numbers 232 and 233

     West     :     by a road and Block 1219B Parcel Number 234.

The whole comprising zero point nine three hectares (0.93 ha.) and shown as Parcel 236 on Map Sheet 1219B.