Commencement [6 June 2011]
1. Citation
This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Monchy) (No. 2) Vesting Order.
2. Vesting of land
The land described in the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule 4 and Schedule 5 being land owned by the Crown is vested in the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation.
3. Revocation
The Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Monchy) Vesting Order No. 13 of 2011 is revoked.
Schedule 1
(Section 2)
All that pieces or parcels of land being Block and Parcels 1453B 1015–1018 situated at Monchy in the Registration Quarter of Gros Islet, and being bounded as follows:
North : by Block 1453B Parcel 953
South : by Block 1453B Parcels 959 and 958
East : by Block 1453B Parcel 107
West : by a 8.23 proposed road
The whole containing 0.41 hectares or 43,000 sq.ft. shown as Lot Nos. 29, 30, 34 and 35 on Plan of Survey by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 18th September, 2008 and lodged in the Survey Office on 23rd September, 2009 as Plan Number GI 5722R and Record Number SM394/2009.
Schedule 2
(Section 2)
All that pieces or parcels of land being Block and Parcels 1453B 1037–1042 situated at Monchy in the Registration Quarter of Gros Islet, and being bounded as follows:
North : by a 9.14 proposed road
South : by a ravine reserve and beyond by the Esperance River
East : by the remainder of Block 1453B Parcel 1074
West : by a 9.14m proposed road
The whole containing 0.35 hectares as shown as Lot Nos. 44–49 on Plan of Survey by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 23rd September, 2009 and lodged in the Survey Office on 27th January, 2010 as Plan Number GI5776R and Record Number SM480/2009.
Schedule 3
(Section 2)
All that piece or parcel of land being Block and Parcel Numbers 1453B 1044–1048 and Block and Parcel Numbers 1454B 1196 and 1197 situated at Monchy in the quarter of Gros Islet and bounded as follows:
North : by Block and Parcel Number 1454B 1279
South : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block 1453B Parcels 886–892
East : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block 1454B Parcels 1116–1121
West : by a 1m pipeline reserve and Block and Parcel Number 1453B 208
The whole containing 0.68 hectares and shown as Lot Numbers 109–115 on Plan of Survey by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 27th November, 2009 and lodged in the Survey Office on 9th April, 2010 as Drawing Number GI5806R and Record Number SM35/2010.
(Substituted by S.I 13/2012)
Schedule 4
(Section 2)
All that pieces or parcels of land being Block and Parcels 1453B 1049–1052 situated at Monchy in the Registration Quarter of Gros Islet, and being bounded as follows:
North : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block 1453B Parcel 892
South : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block 1453B Parcel 1019
East : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block 1453B Parcel 915 and 916
West : by a 1m pipeline reserve and Block 1453B Parcel 208
The whole containing 0.35 hectares shown as Lot Nos. 117–120 on Plan of Survey by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 20th November, 2009 and lodged in the Survey Office on 9th March, 2010 as Plan Number GI5796R and Record Number SM36/2010.
Schedule 5
(Section 2)
All that piece or parcel of land being Block and Parcel Numbers 1453B 1057–1073 situated at Monchy in the quarter of Gros Islet and bounded as follows:
North : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block 1453B Parcels 1051 and 1052
South : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block and Parcel Number 1453B 1074
East : by a 8.23m proposed road and Block 1453B Parcels 862, 863, 865–869, 917–919
West : by a 1m pipeline reserve, an existing drain, a ravine and Block 1453B Parcels 208 and 789
The whole containing 0.74 hectares and shown as Lot Nos. H29–H32, H34, H36–H39, H42, H45, 121–124, 156 and 158 on Plan of Survey by Ronald M. Polius, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 1st February, 2010 and lodged in the Survey Office on 21st May, 2010 as Drawing Number GI5833K and Record Number SM200/2010.
(Substituted by S.I. 13/2012)