(1) Within 3 months after the Corporation produces a plan under sections 20 and 21, or within such extended period as the Minister may allow, the Corporation shall prepare and submit to the Minister a plan of any scheme intended to be undertaken, accompanied by a statement containing appropriate particulars of the scheme indicating—
(a) the manner in which it is intended that the defined area shall be laid out and the land to be used, and in particular the land intended to be used for the provision of roads, open spaces, community facilities and recreational grounds;
(b) the approximate area of the land to be acquired;
(c) the approximate number and the nature of the houses to be provided by the Corporation;
(d) the average number of houses to be constructed per acre;
(e) if the demolition of existing houses and the erection of new houses are proposed, the nature of the proposed new houses;
(f) if the total demolition of existing houses is not proposed, the nature of repairs, improvements and reconstruction intended to be made;
(g) the time within which the scheme or any part of the scheme is to be carried into effect;
(h) the estimated cost of the scheme and the proposed method for distribution of the houses provided under the scheme;
(i) such incidental, consequential and supplementary provisions (including provisions as to the subsequent variation of the scheme) as may appear necessary or proper for the purposes of the scheme;
(j) objections made by persons affected by the scheme where such objections have not been withdrawn or met.
(2) The Corporation shall before submitting such scheme to the Minister—
(a) publish in at least 2 local newspapers a notice stating that the scheme is about to be submitted to the Minister for approval, naming a place where the plan and particulars of the scheme may be inspected and specifying the time within which and the manner in which objections may be made;
(b) serve a notice to like effect on every owner and on every person who to the knowledge of the Corporation has an interest in land in the defined area, except persons holding a monthly tenancy or any tenancy for a lesser period.