Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) Vesting Order – Section 48(3)

(Statutory Instrument 50/2002)

Statutory Instrument 50/2002 (La Ressource, Vieux-Fort) .. in force 15 June 2002


2.Vesting of land
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Schedule 5
Schedule 6
Schedule 7
Schedule 8
Schedule 9
Schedule 10
Schedule 11
Schedule 12
Schedule 13
Schedule 14
Schedule 15
Schedule 16


Commencement [15 June 2002]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (La Ressource, Vieux Fort) Vesting Order.

2.   Vesting of land

The lands described in the Schedules, being and owned by the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation is hereby vested in the Crown.

Schedule 1

All the parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 47, 48, 49, 50–52 ,53–56 of Block 1218B and Parcel Nos. 196–202, 203–205, 206 and 207 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 58–59, 60, 61, 62, 63–65, 66–68, 69 and 71–74 on Plan of Survey by T.M. Koylass, Staff Surveyor dated 26th May, 1994 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 10th January, 1995, as Plan Number VF 1082K and Record Number 20/1995.

Schedule 2

All the parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 527, 534 and 536 of Block together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 114 on Plan of Survey by T.M. Koylass, UDC Staff Surveyor dated 8th January, 1992 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 21st April, 1992, as Plan Number VF947T and Record Number 175/1992.

Schedule 3

All the parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 104, 110, 112, 117, 120 of Block and Parcel Nos. 546 and 547 of Block 1019B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 21, 27, 29, 34, 35, 36, and 39 on Plan of Survey by T.M. Koylass, UDC Staff Surveyor dated 30th November, 1993 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 9th March, 1994 as Plan Number VF 1041K and Record Number 110/1994.

Schedule 4

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 654, 655, 657, and 658 of Block 1019B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 73, 74, 76 and 77 on Plan of Survey by Dunstan Joseph, Licensed Surveyor dated 23rd August, 1999 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 3rd November, 1999 as Plan Number VF 1329B and Record Number 514/1999.

Schedule 5

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 159, 160, 161, and 162 of Block 1020B and Parcel Nos. 576 and 577 of Block 1019B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 20, 71, 72, 73,74 and 75 on Plan of Survey by T.M. Koylass, UDC Staff Surveyor dated 27th June, 1995 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 29th November, 1995 as Plan Number VF 1130K and Record Number 637/1995.

Schedule 6

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 130, 132, and 134 of Block 1020B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 61, 63, and 65on Plan of Survey by T.M. Koylass, UDC Staff Surveyor dated 14th January, 1994 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 28th April 1994 as Plan Number VF 1049K and Record Number 228/1994.

Schedule 7

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos 19, 30, 31, 36, 39, 42, 44 and 47 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 1, 4, 7, 9, 12, 17, 18 and 28 on Plan of Survey by Peter Felix, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 13th September, 2001 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 4th January, 2002 as Plan Number VF 1537Kand Record Number 7/2002.

Schedule 8

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 90, 92, 93 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 203, 204, 205, 207 and 209 on Plan of Survey by Peter Felix, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 11th September, 2001 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 4th January, 2002 as Plan Number VF 1538K and Record Number 7/2002.

Schedule 9

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 102–105 and 107–109 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 213–216, and 218–220 on Plan of Survey by A.J. Hippolyte, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 22nd June, 1992 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 18th February, 1993 as Plan Number VF 984K and Record Number 92/1993.

Schedule 10

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 115–117, 122–125, 127, 128–134, 136–138 and 143–145 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 38–40, 45–48, 50, 74–80, 85–87 and 100–102 on Plan of Survey by T.M. Koylass, UDC Staff Surveyor dated 23rd February, 1994 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 6th May, 1993 as Plan Number VF I052T and Record Number 225/1994.

Schedule 11

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 188, 189 and 191 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 136, 137 and 139 on Plan of Survey by T.M. Koylass, UDC Staff Surveyor dated 4th June, 1996 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 10th June, 1997 as Plan Number VF 1164B and Record Number 310/1996.

Schedule 12

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 148–150, 151, 153–168,172–175 and 177–182 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 1–3, 8, 10–25, 29–32 and 34–39 on Plan of Survey by T.M Koylass, UDC Staff Surveyor dated 30th May, 1995 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 27th June, 1995 as Plan Number VF 1103T and Record 300/1995.

Schedule 13

All that piece or parcel of land being Block 1219B Parcel 186 together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and being bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Parcel 1219B 185

     South     :     by Parcel 1219B l85

     East     :     by an existing access

     West     :     by Parcel 1219B 185

The whole containing 9922 square feet (921.8 square metres) on Plan of Survey by John Cenac, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 17th January, 1996 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 10th June, 1996 as Plan Number VF 1160B and Record Number 273/1996.

Schedule 14

All that piece or parcel of land being Block 1219B Parcel 237 together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and being bounded as follows —

     North     :     by Parcel 1219B 224

     South     :     by Parcel 1219B 224

     East     :     by an 8.23 metre wide access road

     West     :     by Parcel 1219B 224

The whole containing 4184 square feet (388.7 square metres) on Plan of Survey by John Cenac, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 7th January, 2000 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 24th February, 2000 as Plan Number VF 1355B and Record Number 87/2000.

Schedule 15

All that piece or parcel of land being Block 1219B Parcel 243 together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and being bounded as follow —

     North     :     by Parcel 1219B 241

     South     :     by Parcel 1219B 241

     East     :     by a 20 feet wide access road

     West     :     by Parcel 1219B 241

The whole containing 7902 square feet (734.1 square metres) on Plan of Survey by John Cenac, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 27th June, 2000 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 20th July, 2000 as Plan Number VF 1355B and Record Number 375/2000.

Schedule 16

All that parcels of land known as Parcel Nos. 56, 65–68, 70, 71 and 80 of Block 1219B together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof situate at La Ressource in the Registration Quarter of Vieux Fort and as shown as Lot Nos. 22, 31–34, 36, 37 and 46 on Plan of Survey by Bede Fevrier, Staff Surveyor dated 19th September 1972 and lodged in the Survey Office on the 16th October, 1972 as Plan Number VF 385Q and Record Number 273/1972.