Commencement [11 July 2014]
1. Citation
This Order may be cited as the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation (Monchy) Vesting Order.
2. Vesting of land
The land described in the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule 4 and Schedule 5 being land owned by the Crown is vested in the Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation.
Schedule 1
(Section 2)
All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1453B 993 situated at Monchy in the Quarter of Gros-Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:
North : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 994
South : by a proposed 8.23m road
East : by a proposed 8.23m road
West : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 997
The whole comprising four thousand, four hundred and four square feet (4404sq.ft.) or four hundred and nine point two square meters (409.2sq.m.) and shown as Lot Number 140 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number GI5295R by Vincent Jn. Baptiste, Deputy Chief Surveyor, dated 18th September, 2006 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 19th October, 2006 as Record Number SM504/2006.
Schedule 2
(Section 2)
All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1453B 994 situated at Monchy in the Quarter of Gros-Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:
North : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 995
South : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 993
East : by a proposed 8.23m road
West : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 996
The whole comprising four thousand six hundred and eighty-eight square feet (4688sq.ft.) or four hundred and thirty-five point six square meters (435.6sq.m.) and shown as Lot Number 141 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number GI5295R by Vincent Jn. Baptiste, Deputy Chief Surveyor, dated 18th September, 2006 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 19th October, 2006 as Record Number SM504/2006.
Schedule 3
(Section 2)
All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1453B 995 situated at Monchy in the Quarter of Gros-Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:
North : by a proposed 8.23m road
South : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 994
East : by a proposed 8.23m road
West : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 790
The whole comprising five thousand, three hundred and sixty-five square feet (5365sq.ft.) or four hundred and ninety-eight point four square meters (498.4sq.m.) and shown as Lot Number 142 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number GI5295R by Vincent Jn. Baptiste, Deputy Chief Surveyor, dated 18th September, 2006 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 19th October, 2006 as Record Number SM504/2006.
Schedule 4
(Section 2)
All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1453B 996 situated at Monchy in the Quarter of Gros-Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:
North : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 790
South : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 997
East : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 994
West : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 790
The whole comprising six thousand, three hundred and ninety-one square feet (6391sq.ft.) or five hundred and ninety-three point eight square meters (593.8sq.m.) and shown as Lot Number 143 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number GI5295R by Vincent Jn. Baptiste, Deputy Chief Surveyor, dated 18th September, 2006 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 19th October, 2006 as Record Number SM504/2006.
Schedule 5
(Section 2)
All that piece or parcel of land comprising Block and Parcel Number 1453B 997 situated at Monchy in the Quarter of Gros-Islet in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:
North : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 996
South : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 790
East : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 993 and a proposed 8.23m road
West : by Block and Parcel Number 1453B 790 and a River Reserve
The whole comprising six thousand, one hundred and seventy-five square feet (6175sq.ft.) or five hundred and seventy-three point six square meters (573.6sq.m.) and shown as Lot Number 144 on Plan of Survey, Drawing Number GI5295R by Vincent Jn. Baptiste, Deputy Chief Surveyor, dated 18th September, 2006 and lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor on 19th October, 2006 as Record Number SM504/2006.