Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

5.   Public Health Board


    (1)   The Minister shall establish a Board to be called the “Public Health Board” and hereinafter referred to as “the Board” comprising persons who are in the opinion of the Minister representative of some aspect of public health and without limiting the foregoing such persons may include representatives of commerce, labour, agriculture, social and cultural organisations the medical profession and local authorities and the provisions of the Schedule shall have effect in relation to the constitution of the Board and otherwise in relation thereto.


    (2)   The Minister may delegate to the Board such of his or her functions under section 4(1) as he or she thinks fit and give directions to the Board as to the discharge of such functions delegated to it.


    (3)   The Board shall—


      (a)     advise the Minister on such matters relating to his or her functions under section 4(1) as he or she may refer to it for advice;


      (b)     discharge such functions of the Minister as may be delegated to it under subsection (2) and in the discharge of such functions comply with such directions given by the Minister as to the discharge of those functions delegated to it.


    (4)   The members of the Board must be paid remuneration, fees or allowances as Cabinet determines. (Inserted by Act 19 of 2019)


    (5)   The Minister shall cause to be published in the Gazette the names of members appointed to the Board and every change in the membership of the Board and the termination of an appointment. (Inserted by Act 19 of 2019)