(1) The Chief Fire Officer may issue standing orders not inconsistent with this Act or regulations made thereunder for any of the following purposes—
(a) the description and issue of accoutrements, uniform and necessaries to be supplied to the Fire Service;
(b) for regulating the duties to be performed by members of the Fire Service;
(c) the management and good government of all buildings accommodation, equipment, stores, and furniture;
(d) the posting of members and the duties to be performed by them;
(e) the management of canteens and recreation rooms;
(f) for the welfare of members of the Fire Service;
(g) such other matters as may be necessary for preventing abuse of neglect of duty, rendering the Fire Service more effective in the discharge of its duties and for carrying out the objects of this Act.
(2) Every such standing order shall be approved by the Minister and shall be brought to the notice of every member of the Service.