Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)


39.   Canteens


    (1)   There may be established for the Fire Service such number of canteens apart from canteens already established under the Police Act as may be approved by the Chief Fire Officer at which the keepers thereof may sell intoxicating liquors by retail to the members of the Fire Service.


    (2)   If it appears to the Chief Fire Officer that any existing police canteen is so situated that it is readily accessible to any fire station unit and that members of that station or unit may use the same without any detriment to the efficiency of the Station or unit the Chief Fire Officer may make arrangements with the Commissioner of Police for the use of that canteen by members of the Fire Service stationed at that unit.


    (3)   The Chief Fire Officer may make rules in the manner provided by this Act with regard to the hours during which the canteens as established under section (1) shall be kept open on each day and for the proper management and control of them and the Chief Fire Officer may with regard to those canteens which after the commencement of this Act may be so used by members of the Fire Service subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Police to make rules as to their use by members of the Fire Service.


    (4)   Despite the provisions of the Liquor Licence Act the keepers of such canteens are exempted from the payment of licence for the sale of intoxicating liquor and tobacco.