Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

11.   Discharge of subordinate Officer or member of service

A subordinate officer or fire fighter may be discharged by the Chief Officer —


    (a)     if the Chief Officer considers that he or she is likely to become or has ceased to be an efficient officer;


    (b)     if he or she is certified by a Medical Board to be incapacitated by reason of some infirmity of mind or body for further service in the Fire Service and that such infirmity is likely to be permanent; or


    (c)     in reduction of the establishment of the Fire Service.

However, a subordinate officer or fire fighter discharged under paragraphs (a) and (c) is entitled to 3 months notice.

In addition where a subordinate officer or fire fighter discharged under any of the provisions of this section was, at the time of the discharge, eligible for a pension, gratuity or other allowances under the provisions of any enactment making provision for the granting of pensions, gratuities or other allowances for service in the Fire Service, or in a Fire Brigade, it is lawful for the Cabinet to grant to such officer such pension, gratuity or other allowance.