(1) The enlistment of any subordinate officer and fire fighter shall be for a period of 2 years and at the expiration of such period the member has the option of re-enlistment for a further period of 2 years.
However, the member shall not be re-enlisted for such further period unless he or she—
(a) has passed a medical examination as to his or her bodily fitness by a duly qualified medical practitioner appointed by the Cabinet for that purpose;
(b) has passed such proficiency test as may be prescribed.
(2) During the first period of 2 years any subordinate officer and fire fighter is on probation, and if during such period he or she is found wanting in any such qualifications as are likely to render him or her a useful member of the Fire Service, his or her services may be terminated by the Chief Fire Officer; if at the end of the period aforesaid his or her services have not been terminated his or her enlistment shall be deemed to have been duly confirmed.